Briefly about fibrosing alveolitis


  • Causes and mechanism for the occurrence of fibrosising alveolitis
  • Manifestations of fibrosing alveolitis
  • Diagnostics and treatment of fibrosising alveolitis
  • Prevention of alveolitis

  • Causes and mechanism for the occurrence of fibrosising alveolitis

    Why and from what a fibrusing alveolol arises, still unknown. Just what it is and what usually ends. Inflammation in the field of alveoli (the last respiratory tract, where gas exchange) leads to the fact that the walls of the gentle body become thick and low-permeable. The man inhales the air, and oxygen from it enters the blood all with great difficulty and everything in smaller doses. If the disease is developing gradually and manifests itself only by increasing shortness of breath, rarely anyone guess to consult a doctor. Self-being explained by who can (quit playing sports, tired at work, spread), but not a disease. And when breathing becomes completely difficult, the disease is already difficult to turn back: changes occurring in Alveoloh, irreversible.

    Manifestations of fibrosing alveolitis

    Acute form of fibrosising alveolitis «Good» With his suddenness and rich set of symptoms, to which it is difficult to smell your hand, is the temperature, cough, shortness of breath. Have to go to the doctor and understand what's the matter. True, the true diagnosis often requires weeks of surveys and fruitless treatment from other diseases. The problems are two: the perfect equipment of Russian hospitals in modern equipment and the similarity of Alveolitis with a huge number of other diseases.

    Diagnostics and treatment of fibrosising alveolitis

    Briefly about fibrosing alveolitisBased on the poll, inspection, listening to the patient is completely impossible to diagnose «Alveolit». Only when all surveys were conducted and other diseases were excluded, this disease can be assumed.

    Alveolitis is treated for about 9 months large doses of glucocorticosteroid hormones, consciously agreeing on possible side effects of drugs. All this time, the doctor's control and strict adherence to the gentle regime are needed, because high doses of hormones reduce immunity and patient becomes defenseless before infections. This does not mean that you have to sit at home locked up, but from long-distance travel, flights, visits to crowds is better to refuse. If the treatment has given the result and slight fibrous changes remained, the best does not have to dream about.

    If after 3 months of treatment with glucocorticosteroids of improvements imperceptibly, resort to cytostatic drugs (stopping the growth of cells) and evaluate the effect of treatment after 30 days. Without side effects in this case, too, do not do, but let them better be better than the complete insensitivity of the Alveolitis and to this method of treatment. After all, if neither glucocorticosteroids, nor cytostatics, it remains only to relieve symptoms, and this is to breathe air with an increased oxygen air to breathe. Abroad such patients transplanted lungs. In Russia, the main complexity of transplantation, as usual, in money, or rather, in their absence.

    Prevention of alveolitis

    It is known that the Alveolitis is mostly ill and middle-aged people, women suffer more. Elderly, this diagnosis is practically not put.

    The most favorable forecast form of the disease is allergic - appears to inhalation of some allergen. Eliminate this allergen - cope with the alveolitis. The pulmonary fabric damage is not eliminated, so it all depends on how much time was for destructive activities. Lives a parrot in the family, the husband is healthy, and the wife does not suspect that her shortness of breath is connected with allergies to the excrement of this parrot. If she appeals to the doctor at once, and not writing off the increasing shortness of fatigue, it can be cured. Otherwise, for a half dozen years, which a woman will live in the same apartment with a bird, it initially seems to be a favorable disease with a unreared allergen will lead to serious problems with the lungs. The only thing that can be protected from the prenegenial consequences of Alveolitis is to listen to your own self-consistency and, discovering «Note», Contact a doctor.

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