Planned pregnancy after 35 years

More and more women give birth far in thirty and even after forty years. This is quite understandable. In thirty-five, a woman knows exactly why she gives birth to a child, what funds will raise him, and how she will educate their child. Yes, and emotional readiness for this important step is an order of magnitude higher than in twenty years.

More and more women give birth far in thirty and even after forty years. This is quite understandable. In thirty-five, a woman knows exactly why she gives birth to a child, what funds will raise him, and how she will educate their child. Yes, and emotional readiness for this important step is an order of magnitude higher than in twenty years.

So, the decision is made that?


Pregnant woman with a doctor
Further, a woman needs to make one non-original and obvious step - to visit the gynecologist, tell him about his plans and go through all the appointed surveys and tests. Especially carefully needed to analyze its health of those women who have chronic diseases (hypertension, diabetes, asthma, etc.) that after thirty-five forty years is not uncommon. To do this, it is best to sign up for narrow specialists or, first, to the therapist. But, most likely, therapist will still recommend visiting a cardiologist, an endocrinologist, an oculist, make an ultrasound of internal organs and pass tests.

No one disputes the fact that in twenty years the woman's body is stronger and fresh than thirty five. That children whose mothers in thirty increases the risk of various innate diseases such as heart disease. It should be noted that this risk is always. Just genetic changes in the body with age are more pronounced due to the fact that various toxic substances, various drugs and infections and infections affected the chromosome. If short, then life, as it turns out, is very harmful to the body.

Pregnancy and childbirth have never been 100% free of risk, and after thirty-five risks only increase. More often problems arise during the tooling of the fetus, difficulties may arise and during childbirth. But all this can be reduced to an acceptable minimum, if you prepare for pregnancy in advance, keep track of meals, play sports. Yes, and the diagnosis of congenital deviations for something exists, and it is not worth neglected.


Couple and pregnancy test
Even if you do not even take into account such a factor as the late occurrence of menopause, then there are reliable documentary data that after thirty-five childbearing function begins to fade. Therefore, difficulties may occur with conception. This means that for conception may require not four months, as twenty years, and from six months to a year. Age has its impact on the viability of the egg and the probability of conception is inexorab decreased. At the age of more than forty, almost half of the conceptions are interrupted by superradiating miscarriage, and the woman sometimes does not suspect.

Fully depends on your partner. For this period, he should refrain from hot baths, saunas, molding. That is, try to avoid situations when the hypoclaning or overheating of the genital region occurs. It is worth abandoning from wearing tight and cramped linen.

It should be noted that in most cases the pregnancy after a long abstinence comes unexpectedly. Therefore, I do not recommend readers our site to drive yourself into a hard schedule and leave for physical intimacy only the periods most favorable for conception.

If still conception in the traditional way for a long time (12-18 months) does not occur, that is, it makes sense to think about the reasons for this and try to resort to extracorporeal (artificial) fertilization. Naturally, the possibility or impossibility of such an alternative will determine the doctor according to the results of the preliminary examination of both partners.

It should be borne in mind that pregnancy after an extracorporeal fertilization (ECO) is significantly different from the usual and occurs heavier. The probability of successful fetal movement is only 25-30%, and the main percentage of miscarriage occurs immediately after the approach of the embryo in the uterine cavity, and the rest - in the first 3 months.

The course of pregnancy

Pregnant fence
Apparently, you have already prepared for the fact that the pregnancy after thirty-five will be not so smooth and just like in twenty five. In middle-aged women, according to statistics, the probability of placenta detachment increases (6% against 1.5% at twenty years), miscarriages and difficult protracted labor.

Special attention should be paid to the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. It is at this time that the bodies of the fetus are formed, and the future child is most vulnerable. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for pregnancy in advance - to eat right, normalize weight, exercise, refuse alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes. At the occurrence of pregnancy, it is too late.

In the arsenal of modern science there are many diagnostic methods to check whether everything is fine with the baby and mom. Hanging ultrasound procedure At the 12th week of pregnancy, you can see the development of the handles and legs of the child, as well as to determine the abnormalities of the development of the brain, the presence or absence of some chromosomal diseases. Chorion's biopsy will give an exact conclusion about the genetic diseases of the kid. The corresponding chain of surveys and preventive measures is developed for the entire period of pregnancy, which makes it possible to know in advance about the healthy or not healthy child will be born.

In fact, during pregnancy, after thirty-five, it is not necessary to do anything special, which is very different from the usual nipping of the fetus. The main thing is to carefully follow the state of your health, avoid stress, eat right and fulfill all prescriptions of doctors. And age and acquired life experience - your first assistants in a difficult task to endure and give birth to a child.


Considering that the risk of complications in childbirth with age is only increasing, no new-fashioned experiments in terms of childbirth can not be. It is necessary to give birth only under the supervision of doctors and only in the hospital. Weakness of generic activities, premature or transferred fetus, eclampsia, premature influence of the octoperwater waters - all this is not uncommon during childbirth after thirty-five.

A healthy woman at this age has every chance to give birth to a child naturally. But it should be taken into account that, for example, the hypoxia of the fetus in age-related fencers is 7 times more often, and in most cases it requires cesarean section. In general, a woman who gives birth after thirty-five should be prepared for the fact that the number of indications providing surgical interference in the natural process of childbirth is very significant. And this is due to the fact that in this age of tissue, muscles and ligaments become less mobile and elastic, which significantly increases the risk of asphyxia at the final stage of labor.

Currently, as one of the methods of anesthesia during childbirth, it is widely used Epidural anesthesia. Our site should be remembered that this medical intervention in the organism of the female in labor, therefore, has indications, and contraindications, and unpleasant complications. The main difficulty lies in the need for careful dosage: you need to remove pain and do not slow down the childbirth. Therefore, before applying such anesthesia and the doctor, and the woman in labor should thoroughly weigh all «per» and «against», and only after that take a reasonable decision.

In conclusion, we can say that pregnancy and childbirth after thirty five are becoming more and more frequent phenomenon. And along with significant difficulties have a large number of positive moments of psychological and physiological nature. In any case, the decision to take you, but it should be a well-thought-out and no less well-prepared solution.

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