Why a girl hurts during sex

This delicate girl and ladies are not often daring to raise with their cavaliers. Usually, they go to girlfriends for the answer, on the Internet, much less often - to the doctor. Although most often the speedy solution depends on both partners immediately. Today we will talk about what could be the cause of pain during sexual intercourse and that should be taken as a woman and a man.

Causes of discomfort

Most often, several factors can serve as the causes:

  • sexual disorder;
  • gynecological disease;
  • Small sexual experience of both or one of the partners;
  • Natural body body.

You can independently try to understand the source of pain, but the best way out of the position will still visit a specialist. It would be nice to do it immediately along with a partner, because sometimes a man is in bewilderment due to the state of his halves: it seems to him that he is offended by something that she is against sexual act. This problem is best to deal with.

Sexual disorders

Pain at the bottom of the abdomen, pain during sex, vaginitis, excite a girl, gynecology, female organism, sex

There are a huge variety of different sexual disorders, their reasons can serve as the fear of the first intercourse, violence in the past, and various kinds of rape, rough attitude, domestic violence, as well as stress and fright. Cure sexual disorder on its own almost impossible, it is best to contact the specialists, first to a gynecologist, and then - to a sexologist.

The percentage of sexual disorders is quite small, vaginism is considered one of the most commonly found. It meets approximately 3-4% of women who are addressed with complaints of pain during sex. Accompanied by vaginism to a convulsive cuts of the muscles of the vagina and the crotch while trying to introduce a penis. Cuts completely uncontrollable and sometimes a woman just does not understand what happens to her. They are also observed in a gynecological examination, sometimes the inspection is simply impossible, since the doctor cannot enter medical instruments, and quite rarely - with one thought about sex.

Treatment of vaginism is a pretty simple process if you contact a specialist. It usually requires no more than 10 sessions, sometimes sexologists treat one woman, sometimes both partners take part in treatment. The most important thing is not to be afraid to consult a doctor, as well as open before the partner.

Gynecological diseases

Pain at the bottom of the abdomen, pain during sex, vaginitis, excite a girl, gynecology, female organism, sex

It is very important not to mention the problem and do not postpone in a long box, but to determine exactly what the cause of discomfort. Sometimes a woman is pain due to gynecological diseases. You can get rid of unpleasant sensations only by passing a course of treatment with a doctor. Diseases, of course, can be different, but there are most common. Basically, all of them are united by one common feature: pain began suddenly, nothing like the woman did not experience.

  1. If a woman experiences pain and itching during sex, and after - a strong burning, then, most likely, a fungal infection is present. It is necessary to treat it both by local drugs, it is important to take a general fascinating drugs for the appointment of a doctor. To avoid resumption of the disease, you need to examine and treat partners.
  2. A very disturbing symptom may be a feeling «something outsiders» in the vagina during sex, as if on it «Purses» Fallos Partner. To this sensation can be added to the novel pain in the lower back after sexual intercourse, as well as the failure of the menstrual cycle and soreness during menstruation. With such symptoms, it may be about a benign tumor - Fibrom. Categorically impossible to postpone visit the doctor.
  3. Endometriosis is a fairly common disease that requires urgent intervention of a specialist. It is most often observed in women of reproductive age, and complaints of patients are associated with strong pains during menstruation, sexual intercourse and defecation.

The listed diseases are far from the only possible, so it is important to listen carefully to your body and consult a doctor to identify the cause of discomfort, this is not worth it or fear. Sometimes going to the doctor - the only way to find the cause, and sometimes keep health.

Small sexual experience of one or both partners

Pain at the bottom of the abdomen, pain during sex, vaginitis, excite a girl, gynecology, female organism, sex

Experts note that the girls are most often complaining about pain during sex, recently lost virginity. Usually, this is due to the narrowness of the vagina, or rather with the muscles inevitable, the inability to switch and suffer enough.

The situation is much easier if the girl experienced and attentive partner. He will help the lady relax and do not think about any pain, no discomfort. Much more seriously, it may be much more serious if the partner is not experienced.

In this case, it is important to be the most frank with your partner, talk and ask to be more attentive and gentle. Try to extend the preliminary caresses as much as possible, they will be able to lead to the maximum degree of excitement.

Visit the sex shop with a partner, purchase oil for erotic massage, buy lubrication. Consider K «Toys», which are sold there, perhaps something like you both will help to relax and exacerbate sensations.

An important factor is to use a condom. Friction about gentle female skin, also with a lack of lubricant, can create a strongest discomfort for a young woman. One output can be the use of additional lubricant, it is only very important to use a special, for condoms so as not to provoke its sudden damage. However, if it does not help, you need to reconsider the contraceptive method.

Natural body body

Often the cause of painful sensations during sex can be too close to the pelvis by the location of the genitals. An unpleasant feeling can accompany the girl, as during the first sexual experience, and later. Most often, these pains last long enough, after a few weeks of regular sex life they retreat. But at the same time they can resume after some interruption in sexual life.

Some women associate such pains with lust and pleasure during sex, because they are not afraid of this discomfort. Some women are scared like pain, the partner's attention is very important here, he must reduce the pace and cool his «dust», Let a woman relax. You also need to know that with the close location of the organs, can help change poses.

Sometimes pain during intercourse can be associated with the structure of the vagina - it can be too narrow. In this case, they can accompany sex as at the very beginning of sex life, and after a small break even a very experienced woman. Long prelude, maximum relaxation of a woman, attention partner will help to cope with this problem.

High degree of excitement is very important. Sometimes a woman is not at all inclined to have sex, but, afraid to offend the partner, still agrees, which brings more pain, and a partner is much less fun. Of course, the case is in the lack of natural discharges, which are produced in strong excitation. But sometimes still a woman is to relax and try to surrender to the partner, even when she does not have strong desire.

By the way, sometimes a banal lack of lubrication can lead a woman to the strongest depression. So, after 30 years, a woman can feel «Old» Due to the fact that it does not feel due. Do not everyone know that after 30 years the body produces less lubrication even with strong excitement and best use lubricants.

MirSees recommends a very closely watching his condition and be able to separate a momentous feeling of discomfort from threatening health. Also more pay attention to the pleasant sensations during sex, it will help to relax and enjoy the magic minutes.

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