What you need to know about scabies


  • Not only fitting room
  • In warm bed
  • Where it is fine
  • Scabies?

    Scabies are known since ancient times. An Aristotle also assumed that it was caused by the smallest living organisms. But the first reliable description of the causative agents of the scabies was made only after the microscope was created.

    Not only fitting room

    Can be infected with scabies any person, of any age and social origin. Chesoccal tick parasitis in human skin (in the figure - on the right above). The activity of the tick causes an allergic reaction with itching and skin rashes.

    The disease is transmitted to contact path. From the patient to healthy ticks, if people enjoy a shared bed, linen, clothes. I shook the patient - picked up infesses. Caphed into bed, on which he slept with a sick scabies - get ready for a visit to the doctor. Sources of the disease become mattresses and pillows in trains and hotels, private removable apartments. Infection can occur if you, having bought a new thing, did not post her, and before that it has been trying to sick scabies.

    Install the exact source of infection is difficult. The incubation period lasts from 2 to 6 weeks with primary infection, and when repeated - from one day. Do not think that scabies can be picked up only in Russia. The disease is international, and state boundaries are not an obstacle.

    What you need to know about scabiesIn warm bed

    The main signs of the disease are skin itching, amplifying in the evening and at night (this is due not only to the warm bed, but also the fact that the ticks lead a night lifestyle). Small pink nodules with a bubble and a blood circuit appear on the top (see. drawing). In addition, various shapes of the strip and abrasions from breaks can appear on the skin, it is often joined by carpentry skin diseases. This greatly makes it difficult to recognize the disease and can lead to complications. Strong itch leads to insomnia, bad well-being.

    The female of the tick penetrates the horny layer of the skin and paves there with scabies, where shelves up to 50 eggs, of which the larvae is formed after 3-7 days. Transformation of larvae in mature ticks lasts up to several weeks.

    Where it is fine

    Chesoccal ticks are usually penetrating into thinner skin, so the rashes are located in the interdigable folds of the brushes, on the bending surfaces of the hands and legs, in the area of ​​the belt, abdomen, buttocks, the mammary glands in women, genital organs. On the face, the hairpiece of the head of adult people, rashes usually do not happen. But kids have science manifestations can be on the skin of the scalp, face, palms, soles. Tick ​​bites, as a rule, pair, between them under the skin are visible.

    With suspicion of scabies, as with any other skin problems, you should immediately contact a dermatologist. It should not be engaged in self-diagnosis, since a non-specialist may not distinguish the manifestations of scabies from other skin diseases. Self-treatment is all the more dangerous, in this case, the chances of full cure are significantly reduced and erased the forms of the disease appear (for example, with preliminary treatment with hormonal ointments). Patients involved in self-medication are dangerous to others, as they are the source of an infectious disease.


    The sick should strictly perform the directions of the doctor. The things of the patient are desirable to be processed in a special chamber, and if such a disinsection is impossible - to try to stroke a hot iron, to air in the air for 5 days, when frost is one day. Bed and floor under her, rugs to disinhibit.

    If there are animals in the house with scabies, you should consult with a veterinary doctor. Maybe they are a source of infection if they had contacts with stray animals.

    By the way, the reason for the disease of people can be the scabies who suffer animals (sarcoptosis), it is caused by another type of ticks, which are not embedded in the skin, they do not multiply on it, they are not transferred to person, but they bite so that skin itching occurs (pseudosarkoptosis).

    It is necessary to take into account that after the destruction of the ticks can persist skin itching - as an allergic reaction. The incidence of scabies also depends on the overall state of human immunity. The disease is easier to prevent than to treat, but if it came, early diagnosis and treatment are needed.

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