Vaginism, causes and treatment


  • What is vaginism
  • Causes of vaginism
  • Treatment of vaginism

  • What is vaginism

    How well, when what you sincerely want, you are able to fulfill. And how terrible the inverse situation. Especially when it is connected with the most intimate desires. With the desires of sexual proximity. And imagine the confusion of a young woman when her own organism brings it into the most responsible moment - in the arms of his beloved man. When the attempt of sex intimacy wraps pain. Scary. All-consuming.

    This pain is caused by a convulsive reduction in the muscles of the pelvic bottom and the vagina: His dedication and lower third and preventing administration to the vagina of the penis. In principle, such a reduction has the character of protective reflex from various traumatic agents, but as a phenomenon that prevents sexual proximity is a disease. Such a disease received its name from the Latin word denoting the female genitals - vaginism.

    Vaginism, causes and treatment
    Vaginism phenomenon is not so rare. Approximately 2-5% of women face him during sexual debut. Vaginism usually arises with the beginning of sex life. Fear of pain in the defloration is preceded by a convulsive reduction of muscles, but in some cases it arises suddenly, unexpectedly for the girl at the moment of painful defloration. In some cases, vaginism arises as a result of violence, gross behavior of a partner when trying to deflition. And on the contrary - the man is not energetic enough and persistent, and then the woman subconsciously considers the partner is not sufficiently courageous, and, also subconsciously, detensive defloration. In addition, most women have different fears from children's age (fear of pain, darkness, water, height, and t. NS.). Fear of pain often becomes obsessive, and combines with emotional tensions.

    Vaginism is possible in women of any age and is expressed in very different degrees. At extremely form, entering the vagina is compressed so much that it is impossible to enter not only the penis, but even a finger. With a softer form of vaginism, any attempt to sexual intercourse, whatever it is tactful, calm and gentle, causes pain in the pelvis area. In the easiest cases, a woman is capable of copulating, but at the cost of unpleasant sensations. And in any case, sex seems to be a woman something like frightening, punishment or not quite a normal thing, which is straightened from scenes of love romance. Then, already safe, the girl begins to reflect, does not find real reasons for his behavior, but the next attempt is already more wary. Therefore, fear and panic arise even earlier, manifests even stronger. Further everything develops on the helix.

    Causes of vaginism

    As you already understood, the main cause of true vaginism lies in the head. And the doctors have long noticed that vaginism is more common in city girls from educated families. This is truly: from many knowledge - many sadness! However, vaginism should be distinguished from pseudovoginism when pain when trying to intraction, convulsive spasm and a defensive reaction of a woman are secondary, due to development defects, colpites (inflammations of the external genital organs of the woman and the mucous membrane of the vagina), adhesive process and other gynecological diseases that make sexual acts sharply painful. In addition, vaginism needs to be distinguished from kootophobia - fear of pain during sexual intercourse, which prevents its implementation and not accompanied by a convulsive reduction in the muscles of the vagina. But true vaginism - manifestation of psychological problems of a woman.

    Vaginism and marriage are quite compatible things, although usually the lack of defloration is seriously experienced by both spouses. So the marriage stretches: the wife is no longer glad that 3 years ago allowed himself to show some kind of fear, and the husband continues to keep her virginity, fearing to cause pain. But this situation is no longer vaginism in its pure form, but is called virgogamine - a virgin marriage. In some cases, the partner of a woman suffering from vaginism is completely confused, not understanding what the cause of difficulties. Often he does not have the concept of involuntary muscle spasms and begins to think that either he is offended by his partner or that she «strains» intentionally to avoid copulation. If he believes it hurts her, it can make it more and more passive sex. He has disorders of the erection, especially if he blames himself in the situation. If he considers his partner guilty, then after some time he can lose patience, start annoying and look for other partners. Especially deep chagrin vaginism causes married couples who want to have children, and often it makes them consult a doctor.

    Treatment of vaginism

    Unfortunately, the percentage of conversation to the specialists of women suffering from sexual diseases is small. This is due to the lack of sexual literacy among our population, and with the fact that experts in this area are not enough, and with false ideas that years will be required for cure years or surgical operation. Fortunately, the position can be fixed literally in a matter of weeks. Doctors in no way conduct painful manipulations. Only in some cases, the surgical defloration can be shown at a thick virgin picking.

    It is best to contact a specialist at the first signs of vaginism. Vaginism can be suspected if the woman faces difficulties when using tampons or the diaphragm introduction, but to make a diagnosis of this violation, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination. Unfortunately, not all doctors are quite qualified to identify sexual problems, and sometimes a woman say «everything is fine», when it undoubtedly suffers from vaginism. But a good specialist will immediately determine the problem and prescribe treatment, which is to solve psychological problems, psychoanalysis, assistance in choosing a posture when interpreted, a gradual decrease in increased pain sensitivity and psychological readiness. And when the disease is eliminated, both neurosis and a complex of a defective woman passes with it. And this leads simply to radical changes in life!

    The forecast is usually favorable, besides, most women at the same time the disorder has sexually easily easily or just easily. Moisturizing the vagina occurs normally, preliminary affairs can be pleasant and satisfying, the ability to orgasm is usually preserved.

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