How not to become a harmful old woman? Climax therapy


  • Hearing the fight of the chimes, continue to live!
  • UGT when climax — What do not be afraid?
  • When start?
  • UGT when climax — gold standard, if not she, then?

  • Hormone replacement hormonerapyThat all the differences between the male and female organism are due to the action of sex hormones, you probably know, as well as the fact that the main female germ producing these hormones are ovaries.

    Without a doubt, you know what happened in ovary cyclic changes underlie menstrual function. But that's what The effect of these glands is not limited to the sexual system, You may not hear.

    Receptors that perceive sex hormones are in the urethra, urinary bubble, pelvic bottom muscles, brain cells, heart, arteries, bone fabric walls, and even in conjunctiva. Sex hormones participate in the work of all organism systems, affecting the activity of vital processes in cells, on the speed of their aging and death. It is not surprising that hormonal failures are instantly reflected in the state and well-being of a woman.

    Hearing the fight of the chimes, continue to live!

    Each woman aged 45-55 years faces symptoms of hormonal failure, associated with age-related changes in the body. This period is usually denoted as climax, and its manifestations are called «Climacteric syndrome». Gradual ovarian extrusion and decrease in estrogen levels and progesterone lead to the termination of the menstrual function, rapid aging of all organs and systems. In parallel with the disappearance of menstruation, the skin loses its former elasticity and smoothness, appear «riding», bouts of dizziness and headaches, fatigue, irritability, depression and still a whole bouquet of unpleasant sensations. After a couple of years, the dryness of the vagina is worried, the sexual attraction is reduced and how from the horns of abundance begin to raise health problems. Menopause is accompanied by the development of obesity, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension, which lead to severe bone fractures, strokes, myocardial infarction and other grave consequences, for example, Alzheimer's disease. How to prevent these devastating processes? Is there a means to extend the youth and conservation of health?

    Treatment of menopausal syndrome and the consequences of menopause for a long time was not given due value, at least in our country. Millions of our compatriots were forced to endure painful symptoms, while in the USA and European countries, hormones have already been appointed in Clemakse. Today the situation has changed somewhat and Each of us in the absence of contraindications received a chance to extend the youth with the help of substitution hormone therapy (UGT).

    UGT when climax — What do not be afraid?

    Many women and even doctors negatively relate to hormone therapy. It so happened that hormones, like hazardous drugs, left an indelible mark in the minds of people, and it is not by chance. The first hormonal funds received in the 30s of the last century were indeed far from excellence. Primitive and heavy, like the first computers, they are a lot «No clever», they acted rudely, unceremoniously invading the work of the body, correcting one and kalece another. But all these years, science did not stand in place, as the result of perennial works of scientists appeared Modern hormonal drugs. These are elegant, to the smallests calculated chemical compositions, «Jewelry» masterpieces that can decorate our life, fill it with joy and glitter.

    When start?

    How will the UGT help when climax?First of all, it is worth noting that the attitude to substantive hormone therapy has undergone significant changes in recent years. If earlier it was used solely in severe cases of menopausal syndrome, then Now we are increasingly prescribed to women who wish to extend the youth and improve the quality of life, eliminating unpleasant symptoms of hormonal exhaustion. And this is right, because in the state of menopause, a woman has to live a third of life, why should she be doomed to suffering?

    It is believed that the UGT may be assigned at the first signs of the extinction of the menstrual function, without waiting for the consequences of the deficit of estrogen and progesterone. Treatment should be just appointed by a doctor, that is, just buy a drug in a pharmacy and independently starting his reception not allowed, no matter how it was — Hormones serious thing.

    The fact that it is time to start the UGT say the following symptoms of hormonal failure:

    • elongation of the menstrual cycle, delays, irregular menstruation;
    • reduction of the amount of discharge and duration of menstruation;
    • The emergence of abundant menstruation, especially after a long delay;
    • Total night sweating, «riding» heat and octvinations, sleep disorder;
    • attacks of heartbeat and dizziness, blood pressure oscillation;
    • The feeling of crawling goosebumps by body, numbness of limbs, lubrication and joint pain;
    • Irritability, hot tempering, weakness, imperitiousness, anxiety, reduction of mood and undumunned weakness.

    Absolute contraindication Mixed hormone therapy are all cancer diseases, cardiovascular pathology with high risk of thrombosis, uterine bleeding of unclear genesis, hepatic and renal failure, severe flow of diabetes.

    UGT when climax — gold standard, if not she, then?

    In addition to absolute prohibitions for appropriate hormone therapy, there are also relative contraindications, for example, diseases of female genital organs, thyroid gland. Do not resort to hormones, if you can not attend a doctor with a frequency once every 6 months. Although the risk of breast cancer and endometrial cancer in hormonal therapy is minimal, it still exists, so health care is obligatory.

    If for some reason does not like the UGT, if you are afraid to take hormones or have a negative experience of their application, the output is. Although the UGT is the only true one from a pathogenetic point of view by the method of treating hormonal failure, in what — The extent to get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of Klimaks will help phytoestrogenic and homeopathic preparations. Mandatory diet, physical education and positive emotions — Positive attitude in the case of menopausal syndrome solves half of the problems. Do not want old? Output one — live a full-fledged life and not neglect the latest achievements of medicine.

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