Life with endometriosis


  • Question number 1 What is endometriosis?
  • Question # 2 Why is it still going?
  • Question number 3 Is it possible to predict the appearance of endometriosis?
  • Question number 4 Can a woman help himself?
  • Question number 5 What way of life should such a woman?
  • Question number 6 What diet should stick?
  • Question number 7 What to do if the pain still does not pass?
  • Question number 8 What medicines can help in such a situation?
  • Question number 9 What other recommendations exist for women?
  • Question number 10 What an impact on the course of illness is pregnant?
  • Question number 11 What new methods of treating endometriosis exist?
  • Question number 12 How long do you need to be treated?

  • How to live with endometriosis? What can I do and need, and what is categorically prohibited? The famous American professor Tina Weentki, doctor obstetrician-gynecologist, leading specialist of the reproduction center Clark Memorial Hospital, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, is responsible for these issues.

    Question # 1. What is endometriosis?

    Life with endometriosis - The reason for the appearance and development of this disease is that the endometrical tissue, or the inner membrane of the uterus, which is normal in the norm during menstruation, for one reason or another goes beyond its limits and appears in those organs where it should not be. So occurs endometriosis of ovaries, pipes, intestines and other organs.

    In this abnormal endometrial, the same cyclic changes occur as in the uterus, he swells and bleeds. But since it cannot leave this liquid, it begins to squeeze the nervous endings, causing pain and adhesions. In addition, in the uterus wall contains substances of prostaglandins. Producing in too large quantities, they also enhance pain.

    Question # 2. Why is it still going?

    - There are so many different theories of endometriosis. It is believed that viruses play a certain role. There are adherents of genetic theory. In any case, there is always a hormonal imbalance. It is manifested by an increase in the level of female sex hormones of estrogen.

    Question number 3. Is it possible to predict the appearance of endometriosis? Are there any criteria?

    - Surely to say, a woman is sick or not, it is impossible. There are doctors who adhere to the opinions that every woman has endometriosis, but not everyone has it manifest. We can determine whether the patient relates to the so-called risk group or not. These are women who have suffered abortions, heavy childbirth, frequent inflammation of appendages. In an older age, aggravating factors are obesity, diabetes, hypertensive disease.

    Question number 4. Can a woman help himself?

    - Undoubtedly. And often it is very effective. Patient herself can improve the quality of his life. Endometriosis is a serious problem, but you can cope with it.

    Question number 5. What way of life should such a woman?

    - Active lifestyle can largely facilitate the state. Avoid stress, come in the fresh air. Healthy and long sleep is very important. On average, the body for full recovery is required 8-9 hours. Exercise reduce estrogen levels and can slow down the development of endometriosis.

    Start better with simple exercises, since excessive load will only increase pain. Do not neglect the usual morning gymnastics. It improves blood circulation, breathing and leads the body to wakefulness. You can add static and dynamic exercises to it. Here is an exemplary complex:

    • 1st exercise - walking on site calm down for 1-2 minutes.
    • 2nd Exercise - Walking Cross Step and Walking Semi-Exchange.
    • 3rd exercise - from the knee-elbow position as raising the pelvis up, getting up on the socks and straightening the legs in the knees, at the same time resting on the elbows. Exercise is carried out 8-10 times.
    • 4th exercise - in position sitting several times in twice and spread the legs.
    • 5th exercise - from the position standing, at the same time pulling hands ahead. Breathing should be uniform.

    In conclusion, one of the most accessible types of aerobics is recommended as a general affixer - running on the spot. Control over the degree of load is carried out on a pulse. During running it should be equal to 180 minus your age in years. After 5 minutes, the pulse should not exceed 120 beats per minute, and after 10 minutes there are no more than 100 shots. Run duration - 7-10 minutes.

    From static exercises will fit «Inverted» Pose. For example, throwing the legs for the head lying on the floor. It increases blood flow to the brain and improves the nutrition of its departments responsible for hormonal regulation. Such training together with positive attitution help to defeat the disease.

    Question number 6. What diet should stick? Are there any restrictions?

    - No special restrictions. The main thing is that the food is healthy and full of all components.

    Add fish to your diet. Fish is a natural antiprostaglandin and can reduce painful sensations. Fresh vegetables and fruits are also very welcome. The daily diet of women should be 50% of them.

    Also unfair cereals, nuts, seeds. But the consumption of caffeine is better limited. Caffeine contained in coffee, tea and carbonated drinks, some women enhances pain. For coffee makers a good alternative can be coffee without caffeine.

    Question number 7. What to do if the pain still does not pass?

    - Many women suffering from endometriosis, in such a situation brings relief wet warmth or boards and warm drink. It will help to relax muscles at the bottom of the abdomen. If the heat does not help, you can try to put on the bottom of the belly package with ice. It is important to remember that the fabric layer must be between your body and ice, and the ice is applied for 10 minutes with 15-minute breaks.

    Question number 8. Life with endometriosisWhat medicines can help in such a situation?

    - Simple aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs will be helped of drugs. Aspirin destroys excess prostaglandins and reduces muscle spasm. But the best painful to antiprostaglandins are. They do not just reduce pain, but also prevent her appearance. The most effective of them are Medipren and NUPRIN. These drugs allow you to deal with the cause of the disease.

    Question number 9. What other recommendations exist for women?

    - I advise you not to use tampons or reduce their application to a minimum. Tampons can aggravate menstrual pain, preventing natural blood outflow. Thus, an artificial barrier is created, and as a result, blood casting back in the pipes and the abdominal cavity occurs. The risk of distribution of endometriosis in such a situation is very large.

    Question number 10. What an impact on the course of illness is pregnant?

    - During pregnancy normalizes hormonal background, and the level «harmful» Estrogen decreases. However, after childbirth, endometriosis can again remind himself, so it's not worth letting a disease on a child after birth.

    Question number 11. What new methods of treating endometriosis exist?

    - Laparoscopy remains relevant. But there are certain testimony and not all women are needed. Hormone therapy helps well. Among the drugs, Gestrinon has proven itself. It prevents the development of estrogen and reduces the foci of endometriosis. He has few side effects, unlike the famous Danazole.

    Even less side effects at Bususelin. This is also a hormonal drug, it is produced in the form of a spray in the nose. For patients with nasophary diseases, Zoladex is more suitable.

    Question number 12. How long do you need to be treated?

    - The duration of treatment is very individual. It is estimated at the cessation of pain and on the disappearance of endometrioid growths. On average, this happens for 3-6 months of treatment.

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