Increased body temperature in a child - the natural reaction of the body into the disease, the external manifestation of the body's struggle with infection. So whether it is necessary to shoot down the temperature to the child, how to do it right, and what a dangerous temperature for a child?

disease. Rising the temperature, he is trying to create conditions unsuitable
causative agent infection. So before you decide how to remove the child's temperature, it is worth thinking, and
Is it so terrible and harmful, you need
whether in general to shoot down the child's temperature if she does not give him
Normal temperature in a child
Children are born with an imperfect thermoregulation system,
Therefore, finding small
Temperature from a two-month-old child, do not beat in all bells. Normal temperature in thoracic
child — up to 37.50With, elevated is considered — Over 37.8 0WITH.
In addition, the hypertermia in the infants may be caused not only by the fact that he fell ill, the child can
overheat and temperature
can increase if it is hot and he is too warm. By the way, one
Of the reasons why the child
The temperature is rising in a dream, is this factor.
raising the temperature of the child older most often
infectious diseases. But at the same time, it is worth considering that the temperature of the child after the year
may be a consequence of its increased activity or the result of hot
Food. Therefore, before taking medications, it is worth remembering that the temperature in children need to be measured after 30 minutes
stay in calm condition and 30 minutes after meals. Normal temperature for a child
Older year — Up to 36.990WITH, «Fire» It is considered to be the temperature above
What temperature you need to shoot down to the child?
Unified recommendation does not exist, but most doctors
converge in the opinion that to shoot down the temperature if it did not reach 38.50WITH,
it does not follow.
In what cases are not
It is worth waiting for the number «38.5»
Baby temperature up to 2 months. - Against the background of the high temperature, the child was previously convulsions.
The temperature of the child, cold limbs, leather with marble
Pyatnost pale shiny. - Availability of child diseases.
Violation of consciousness, the child does not wake up,
loosely crying, breathing badly, can not bend the neck and tilt the head ahead,
Child has a high temperature,
diarrhea and vomit. In these cases, it should not only give the antipyretic
means but and immediately call a doctor.
How best to shoot down the child's temperature?
- If a child has a high temperature,
Do not hunt it, it's easy to drink, do not cover the blanket if it is not shy. Body
must breathe, it contributes to a decrease in temperature in a child by 1-1.5 degrees. Air baths
may normalize the body temperature in the child of the breast. - Very high temperature in a child,
Cold limbs, pale-blue skin, chills — indicator that
Surface leather vessels are spasked. Kid need to be lost dry soft
towel, hide, apply the heating pads and feet, give warm drink. TO
cooling procedures can be started when the child will warm. - Expand
Surface blood vessels, improve sweating and reduce high temperature
Child will help tea with chamomile, honey, raspberry, lime color. During
Diseases showing abundant drinking: teas, acidic fruits, wild rose,
still mineral water. Remember, grazing rags for children before the year can not be given, they
Showing only outdoor
Folk remedies for temperature in children. - Effective
Washes a child for
Temperature with a weak solution of vinegar or cool water. General wiping
Starts with stop and palm, then limbs, back and tummy. It is important that
The child felt comfortable, chills — Indication to terminate the procedure.
For wiping it is not recommended to use alcohol or diluted vodka. Kids shown only wiping the handles and
legs, cool compresses to the populated area and wrists. - Wrapping wet sheets and cool shower
Help reduce high
Temperature in an older child. Warmly rods are suitable for women
(below 380C) baths (15-20 minutes) with wiping body with a wet sponge.
It is clear, any medicines are not very useful for health, but
Hoping that it will be possible to reduce
the temperature of the child among the people's alone, do not have to.
If a child «burning», feels bad, and attempts to bring down the temperature
The methods described were not crowned with success, more efficient should be applied
Funds from temperature
Do not forget, a sharp increase in body temperature in a child — Certificate of failure B
organism. But temperature — just a symptom of the disease, which means all the forces
need to direct not to see the coinage 36, 9, and on
The fight against the illness itself and without medical care can not do. Remember, very high temperature in a child
— reason for emergency call doctor.