Children's gynecology from birth to maturity


  • Female infant problems
  • In kindergarten and school go healthy
  • Time for menstruation
  • Help your daughters
  • Hurt belly - run to the doctor
  • Fasting - enemy for women's health
  • Adult problem

  • Female infant problems

    Many mothers believe that the daughter has a need for «Female Doctor» it appears no earlier than the girl will become a woman. And the dads generally prefer this issue not to concern, leaving everything on the spill of the family of female. However, the child is already on the light appears by a girl or a boy and requires a relationship appropriate to himself, otherwise it is not to see us the younger generation healthy.

    The girl appears on the light, receiving a solid portion of female sex hormones from Mom. Therefore, the newborn crumbs are allocated from the vagina, up to the bloody, milk glasses swell. Nothing dangerous or wrong with that. Gradually, the level of other hormones in the child's blood decreases, and all the symptoms disappear by themselves. Sometimes during an ultrasound examination of a pregnant mother Mom, the doctor sees her future daughter a ovarian cyst. This cyst most often disappears over time and does not require operation.

    True, there are (fortunately, very rarely) and more sad cases when the girl at the age of the year and a half there are malignant neoplasms of the female genital sphere.

    In kindergarten and school go healthy

    Children's gynecology from birth to maturityPreschool and Early School Age - During this period, the girls most often suffer from vulvit - inflammation of external genital organs. Worried irritation, burning, itching, painful and rapid urination. The causes of vulvit set. The fact is that girls, unlike adult women, there are no lactic acid bacteria - natural protector of the vagina from infection. And with the slightest decrease in immunity, for example, after ordinary ARS or flu, all living in the crotch microbes «Pick up» on a weakened organism. Often similar irritation cause worms or sharp.

    Parents need to know that vulvit is sometimes the only manifestation of allergies. Alarming symptom: ate orange, chocolate - and immediately began to hide and complain.

    It's surprisingly, but even a very small child can get used by sexually transmissible infection - trichomonas, chlamydia, gonorrhea - by the household. Because babes can easily enter foreign objects not only in the eye or in the nose, but also in the vagina, where inflammation will immediately cause. Mama and dads should be remembered about such an opportunity!

    Time for menstruation

    The most popular question of moms, whose daughters grow: «When the girl should begin monthly?» What «early» And what is «late»? Much depends on heredity and climate. In the hot countries, girls of southern peoples ripen earlier. In the north - somewhat later. Usually in 11 years plus-minus two years old girl grows «as on yeast», Having overtooking all the boys in the classroom, her chest begins to increase, there is an exhaustion under mouses and on the pubic on the female type. On average, monthly comes at 12 years old, if more precisely - in 8-13 years.

    If there are no menstruation in 15 years, parents must consult a doctor. Similarly, you should do if the baby begins to grow rapidly earlier than 8 years. For example, the cause of premature ripening, sometimes - in 3-4 years, there are tumors of adrenal glands and brain.

    Help your daughters

    The first menstruation - test for the strength of the relationship between mom and daughter. In a good family, a girl, matured, feels proud and pleased. Where there is no proximity to mom - frightened, confused and guilty. Agree, it is difficult to call a prosperous family, if the girl lasts a bleeding, bringing it as a result to complete exhaustion, and her mother repeats it: «I spoke with neighbors, and all argued that at the first monthly, this is a common phenomenon, gave the daughter of vitamins and nettle tea».

    Remember, moms: the longer the bleeding lasts, the harder the normal menstrual cycle is restored. And vitamins, and therapeutic tea - things are good, but in this situation absolutely useless. Treatment must prescribe an exclusively gynecologist, not a neighbor!

    Mom also need to know when each menstruation begins at her daughter, how many days it lasts, is not accompanied by pain. It is necessary to contact the doctor with an irregular cycle or long, over seven days, abundant discharge. Only a gynecologist has the right to say that all within the normal range, or if necessary, to prescribe treatment.

    Hurt belly - run to the doctor

    Adults sometimes believe that a girl who does not live sex life can not be inflammation of appendages. This is wrong. Inflammation can be sick, weakening after severe viral infection. Microbes from the intestine are able to leak into the abdominal cavity and hit ovaries and uterine pipes. Even abundant menstruation with a decrease in immunity sometimes cause inflammatory processes, if the free outflow of blood from the uterus is disturbed due to the features of its development.

    In girls, inflammation manifests itself pretty sluggish: just with times the belly sobs, for that neither she nor her mother pays attention - think, maybe on physical education «Muscle pulled» Or a chair for a long time was not. After 10 years, the venue of the final finale comes: an adult woman is treated from persistent infertility, and a doctor during laparoscopy (optical examination of the abdominal cavity) sees tightly closed with spikes.

    Therefore, with any pain in the belly, the girl must first show the gynecologist, and then all the rest of the specialists.

    Fasting - enemy for women's health

    Another one is very relevant for teenage girls Problem - an obsessive desire to lose weight at any cost. Now in fashion «Degreased diets», which mean the restriction of the fat used to 60-70 g, and in the period of the diet - up to 20-30 g. But no one from nutritionists come to mind the idea to completely exclude fat feed from the diet - the product is absolutely necessary for life! But the girls who dream about the career of the model do it completely and nearby, feeding exclusively degreased yogurts on kefir, fruit, vegetables, or generally refusing food.

    But fat is necessary for the synthesis of genital gomon. In addition, when fasting, the body supplies with nutrients only the most important systems - brain, heart, lungs and so on. And the sexual sphere is turned off - without it you can exist. And as a result of the girl suffer from resistant hormonal disorders and infertility. Again «Taissure» The reproductive system is very difficult. It happens, and the weight has already been normalized, and all the periods do not occur, and the doctor has to be prescribed special treatment.

    Violations in the gynecological sphere are observed if the girl has lost 10 months and more percent of the initial weight, that is, for example, 6 out of 60 kg. Moms should closely monitor the nutrition of the younger daughter, not to overflow, but in no case to allow unreasonable diets and starvation. If necessary, seek help from a psychotherapist or psychiatrist, but in no case to scold and not throw a girl with its problems on the mercy of fate.

    Adult problem

    Children's gynecology from birth to maturityOften the children's gynecologist has to diagnose pregnancy. After all, it is no secret that sex life now teenagers start early. Many of the increased disturbing mothers are the only salvation from pregnancy consider the lack of intimate relations with representatives of the opposite sex. Of course, in fact, everything is not quite. Pregnancy may occur only at certain days of the cycle, and this is the saint belief of many girls and women in the so-called calendar method. However, at a young age, this method of calculation «Dangerous» and «Safe» days do not act almost never, because the cycle is still unstable and can be knocked at any time. Even after sexual contact during menstruation, pregnancy may occur if menstruation lasts long, and the cycle is short.

    It should be remembered that pregnancy in adolescence rarely ends with the birth of a child, even less often - the birth of a healthy child, and very rare cases when the birth of such a baby becomes joy for his parents. Usually, the teenage pregnancy ends with an abortion, and it is bad for several reasons. First, psychological trauma after an abortion can stay for life. Secondly, abortion never costs without consequences. In the future, he can «Aubscribe» multiple diseases of the sex or endocrine system. Justice for the sake of, you need to say that suspected pregnancy often turn out to be false, despite the fact that accompanied by a whole nearby «Faithful signs of pregnancy»: Sore chest, nausea approaches, «pulls on salty», Even grows belly - all these signs have a psychogenic origin and disappear along with the beginning of another menstruation.

    What to do in order to avoid all these horrors? The answer is simple: to be protected all the time, without sharing days on «Dangerous» and «Safe».

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