
Methods of combating headache for each. Some people are saved with citrate tablet, others - warm relaxing bathroom with essential oils. And what to do if the head hurts at the future mother, because many familiar ways to overcome this trouble with pregnant women are contraindicated?

Pregnancy, Headache, Hemp Brain, Pressure, Migraine

80% of the ladies know that such a headache does not appear, and women in the position suffer from this ailment several times more often than before pregnancy. This may be due to the following factors:

  1. Changing the concentration of hormones in the body. Increased content «Pregnant women» progesterone and estrogen - strongly affects the change in the tone of the vessels, which causes pain in the head.
  2. The work of the central nervous system, hearts and vessels in several other, more intense mode.
  3. Cardinal power transformation. For example, headache The body of the future mother can react to the lack of a familiar cup of coffee in the morning.
  4. Headaches during the period of the third trimester - the result of the wrong posture, which is somehow a pregnant woman changing because of the tremendous load on the back.
  5. The big sensitivity of the future mother on the slightest changes.
  6. The reduced blood pressure of the first trimester and the increased blood pressure, which is often observed in the last trimension of pregnancy. Hypertension is also accompanied edema and the presence of protein in the urine.
  7. Hunger. The future mom can not be allowed a lot of breaks between meals - you need to eat gradually every 4 hours.
  8. Overweight.
  9. Allergy.
  10. Liquid deficiency in the body.
  11. Long-term concentration of visual and auditory attention, staying in an uncomfortable posture for a long time.
  12. External irritating factors - sharp smell, strong noise, bright light.
  13. Stress, overvoltage.
  14. Non-sleeping.
  15. Incompatible with good self-sensitive microclimate in the house (cold, too dry air, smoke from indoor cigarettes).
  16. Weekend Headache (for example, after a long day sleep).

Types of headache during pregnancy

Pregnancy, Headache, Hemp Brain, Pressure, Migraine

  1. Adjust your day mode so that it has enough space for full sleep and unhurried outdoor walks.
  2. Pight enough. Toxicosis «steals» Liquid from the body, and from dehydration to headaches - one step. However, it is important not to overdo the fluid that the edema does not appear. Discuss this issue with your gynecologist.
  3. Pight regularly.
  4. Stay away from coffee, chocolate, canned food, sausages, alcohol, nuts, cheese. This food can cause headache.
  5. Try to worry less and worry on trifles. Emotional loads, even positive, are also undesirable. Relax more in a relaxed atmosphere.
  6. If the source of pain is the cervical spine, more often massaging neck.
  7. Avoid stuffy and punched rooms, regularly ventilate your home.
  8. If you have a sitting job, take 15-minute breaks every two hours to «Decorate bones»: slowly walk, massage the neck, make circular movements with your hands, take the eyes in different directions.

We defeat the headache without drugs!

Pregnancy, Headache, Hemp Brain, Pressure, Migraine

During pregnancy, the headache becomes a serious opponent, because many pain relief means are categorically contraindicated by future mothers! For example, popular Ibuprofen and aspirin with an unsuccessful coincidence of circumstances can provoke internal hemorrhages and various malformations of the fetus. Therefore, let's leave the pills, and think about how you can cope with the headache yourself, without causing harm or your future kid.

Here are very simple measures with which you can deal with pain immediately after its appearance:

  1. Mass the area of ​​the shoulder belt and neck.
  2. Prepare yourself not very strong tea with lemon and mint.
  3. 20-30 minutes lie in the dark room in silence, trying to relax as much as possible and, if it turns out, to rise.
  4. Take a warm bath (if your gynecologist does not prohibit it) or wait under cool relaxing shower jets.
  5. Within a few seconds, massaging the point located between the big and index fingers on the other hand.
  6. Hold the ice on the back of 15 - 20 minutes.

In the fight against the headache, aromatherapy helps: fill a few droplets of diluted water of essential oil in an aroma lamp, put a burning candle and all - the medicine is ready!

Before using essential oils, arterial pressure must be measured. Under reduced pressure, it is recommended to breathe citrus or verbena oil aroma, the increased pressure will be returned to the norm of lavender oil, Ilang-Ilanga.

Do not forget that among the essential oils there are those that are contraindicated to future mothers. This is a basil, Mirra, Mint Bolotnaya and Laptop, Sage, Thyme, Major, Jasmine, Oilsman, Juniper, Cedar, Fennel, Wormwood, Thuja.

Pregnancy, Headache, Hemp Brain, Pressure, Migraine

The centuries-old experience of traditional medicine will come to the revenue:

  1. Lemon slices put on the area of ​​the temples, and tighten the head pre-moistened in hot water with a towel. This method will relieve you from migraine.
  2. When you defeated severe pain, it is hourly a few minutes to massag the head in the field of the forehead area to the occipital zone. To do this, you can use a wooden massage brush.
  3. During the next pain attack, hold the face over the mixture for some time, which includes camphor and ammonia alcohol. Couples of this means have an anesthetic effect. If the pain attacked one part of the head, in the ear with «sick» Parties can be put a cotton tourand impregnated with camphor alcohol.
  4. Absolutely safe tool for pregnant woman is an eucalyptus oil: 3-5 drops of means dissolve in 1 liter of water. Moisten the nasal scarves in this fluid, then put them for 15 minutes on the forehead and whiskey. Pain will retreat.
  5. Take care of needlework to meet the ailment of unauthorized: Sew a small pillow and fill it with dry leaves of Cherry, Lavra, Mirra. Medicine Saccue Place in the headboard. When you feel that the head is about to smallers, lie on this pad, clinging to it that side of the head, where it hurts more.
  6. Folk medicine assures that migraine can «Drink» Small slices of herring. Eat it need on an empty stomach.
  7. This recipe for those who do not like the herring. Weld a healing drink: 1 cup of vigilant berries per 1 liter of water. Drink it during the day. The means adjusts the tone of the vessels, so not only saves from the headache, but also is a wonderful preventive tool warning its appearance.
  8. From the attack of migraine can be saved by attaching to the temples of the leaves of lilac.
  9. If the headache, to your misfortune, has acquired a systematic character, within 4-5 days in the morning and in the evening Drink one quarter spoons of fresh potatoes juice.

Pregnancy is not a simple condition that requires a huge self-dedication from the future mother. Even the treatment of ordinary headaches - a whole science. However, always remember what kind of remuneration is waiting for you at the end of this thorny path, and all diseases will certainly retrete! be healthy!

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