Medical abortion


One of the priority tasks of the state is to preserve
Reproductive public health, that is, the possibility of a citizen
Have healthy children. Already many young people, taking care of
the happiness of their children is planning pregnancy in advance what implies
Relevant examination and preparation.

Medical abortion
There are two possible ways
Pregnancy Interrupts: Surgery Scroll
uterine cavities and medication method. Long time surgical
The operation was the only way to interrupt pregnancy. Like any
Operation, abortion can represent a serious threat to the life of a woman. Before
The abortion is 18.5% in the structure of female mortality.

After abortion there are two types: early and late. Early developing in
Abortion time or immediately after it, and later manifest
Some time, sometimes through years after surgery. Complications after
abortion is not a rare phenomenon.

Early complications

A terrible complication of abortion - violation of the integrity of the wall of the uterus
(perforation) and its gap. Perforation may damage
large vessels, intestines, bladder and pellet inflammation
(peritonitis). Save the life of a woman in such a situation can only
Ammputation of uterus.

Most frequent complications - bleeding,
Damage to the cervix, blood clotting, embolism
(blockage of vessels). Quite often incomplete extraction
Fruit egg. In addition, after abortion, chronic
genital diseases (salpingooforitis, endometritis and t.D.).

Significantly more serious danger is a drift of infection in
Makeup during abortion (infected abortion). If bacteria penetrated into
the uterus, then the likelihood of its inflammation or inflammation of the ovaries and their
Podatkov. Most often infection is not entered by tools (they
Sterile), and penetrates the vagina after the cervical opening.

Late complications

It includes inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, hormonal
disorders, endometriosis, ovarian dysfunction, infertility complicated
Subsequent pregnancies, non-leaving pregnancy,
Increases the risk of formation of tumors of the mammary glands, cervical and body
Matties. After an abortion, the frequency of ectopic pregnancies increases sharply.

high risk of severe health effects, the choice declared on
Abortion of women, if possible, should fall on non-executive methods.
Their cost is higher, but in this situation, saving to health is unlikely

Medical abortion is the most modern way
Early pregnancy interrupts. No surgical
interventions with the whole complex of all kinds of complications - here is the main
The difference between the drug abortion from the abortion of traditional, surgical
(or mechanical).

World statistics indicate that all
more women resort to drug abortion. So, in
France 80% of pregnancy interrupts are made by this method in
China has more than 5 million medical abortion.

Advantages of medication abortion:

  • allows you to interrupt pregnancy in very early time, so hormonal stress for the body is minimal;
  • performed
    Medical abortion in terms of not more than 49 days of delay, counting from
    the first day of the last menstruation when the fruit egg is still weak
    Attached to the uterus, and there were no pronounced hormonal changes in
    organicMedical abortionC drive of a woman,
  • Does not require anesthesia and surgical intervention,
  • The risk of such complications, as infection, adhesive processes, traumatization of the uterine, the development of endometritis,
  • The risk of the development of secondary infertility is excluded,
  • There is no probability of infection with viral infections (hepatitis, HIV),
  • practically no different from abundant menstruation and is psychologically perceived as a natural process,
  • no need to go to the hospital,
  • For women at a young age, forced to interrupt unwanted pregnancy, is the most optimal way out.

Conducting medication abortion

The time of the first visit to the patient, who decided to interrupt pregnancy
using the method of drug abortion, the doctor conducts an inspection and diagnoses
Pregnancy with the help of test and ultrasound, determines its term. Detail
Small pelvis organs are examined, an ectopic pregnancy is excluded.
The patient confirms the intention to interrupt pregnancy and signs
Relevant documents.

The examination is necessary in order to
Maximum reduce the risk of possible complications. Special attention
is given to gynecological and cardiovascular diseases. If not
Contraindications for medication abortion, patient
gets the drug that it takes in the presence of a doctor. This
The drug causes the reaction of the rehabilitation of the fetal egg by the organism. IN
The course of 1-1.5 hours does a doctor watching a woman's condition. Action
The drug begins after 1-2 days. It manifests as usual

Two days later, the patient again comes to the reception.
The doctor holds advice and inspection. Patient takes again under
Observing the doctor drugs cutting the uterus. The effect of drugs
occurs within 1.5 - 2 hours or a little later, the uterus begins
shrink and miscarriage.

During the third visit
The doctor conducts inspection and ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries. The purpose of the survey:
check the absence of fragments of the fetal egg in the uterus and make sure that
The miscarriage occurred well. The efficiency of the method is 99%.

Rules of behavior after drug abortion

They comply with the rules of conduct after any type of abortion and are aimed at preserving the reproductive health of the woman

Medical abortion

  • physical exercise;
  • supercooling, sex session for two weeks after an abortion;
  • You can not take a bath, drain, swim in the pool, river (you can take a warm shower).

Be sure to comply with the following precautions:

  • Maximum reduce the likelihood of ARZ infection,
  • Check the body temperature daily,
  • Prevent constipation, follow the timely emptying of the bladder and intestines,
  • reverse
    Special attention to personal hygiene - a frequent change of Nizhny
    Linen, for intimate hygiene use a weak solution of manganese,
  • apply
    Contraceptives (condoms!) when sex contacts before the onset
    menstruation, and in the future consult with a doctor
    Individual selection of contraceptives,
  • have any
    Medicines can be only after consulting a doctor - even aspirin
    Reduces the effectiveness of the drug.
Violation of these
Rules can lead to serious complications. After an abortion of uterus
is in irritated state, and takes several weeks for
that its condition is normal. The body's immunity is low,
There is a restoration of normal functions of the system system. In that
Period should pay special attention to your health. When
increasing temperature or with strong pain and abundant blood
selection should not be delayed, consult a doctor who completed

Independent attempts to conduct a drug abortion can end with serious complications.

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