Prevention of obesity

The problem of excess weight is currently bothering us more and more. A person consumes more calories than spending his body and the result of improper nutrition - overweight, and then obesity. How to avoid accumulation of excess fat deposits and what to do? Let's try to figure it out in this matter.

Currently, people have no opportunity to eat correctly, life dictates their rules and instead of cooking a light salad for dinner, we will be a pair of sandwiches or hamburgers. The body does not have time to digest such heavy food. So appears excess weight. Obesity leads to serious problems. It is believed that if the weight of a person exceeds 20% weight in the norm (it is possible to obtain this figure by calculating the weight according to the table, taking into account the age, the type of physique, growth and gender), then this means that a person suffers from Obesity. Another example: when the volume of the waist reaches 90 cm and more, it's time to beat the alarm. And in order to prevent such a state, the prevention of obesity is necessary.

How to recognize the problem

overweight, treatment of obesity, overweight, obesity

That nutritionists imply under the diagnosis «obesity»? This is an increase in body weight due to fat deposits. Problem areas are hips, buttocks, front abdominal wall, dairy glands.

Obesity is divided into several degrees and types: 1, 2, 3 and 4 (ascending). The amount of fat deposits directly indicates the degree of obesity. Easy degree is noted in the figure 1, when the weight of the woman exceeds the norm by 29%, the second stage - the weight exceeds the norm by 40%, and the last, the most severe stage of obesity, when human weight exceeds the norm 2 times.

The first two degrees of obesity no concerns to a person are delivered, and rarely who pays attention to the change in weight. Most likely, such people are shy of their forms, but do not perceive it as a problem and illness. You can fix everything yourself, observing a diet and playing sports.

The 3rd and 4th stage of the disease make themselves knowing the pressure surges, failures in the work of the internal organs, worries dyspnea, heart pain appear Varicose Lower extremities. Attempts to improve the condition do not give a positive result, as it is very difficult to engage in physical education, the person quickly gets tired and surrendered.

A nutritionist will help to find out the degree of obesity in each particular case, it is guided by special tables, calculating the body mass index, measuring the ratio of fat and muscle mass (three-dimensional scanning).

Types of obesity:

  • primary when a person eats more norms, but does not spend extra calories;
  • Secondary - Serious failures in the work of the body (thyroid disease, hormonal failure).

How not to eat extra kilograms

overweight, treatment of obesity, overweight, obesity

Preventive measures to combat obesity - this is the right approach to nutrition and moderate physical exertion. If you have a tendency to overweight, you need to limit yourself in many ways - there are no sweets, baking, oily and fried food, as well as abandon Fast Foods. We will have to try and revise not only the daily diet, but also to force yourself to move more so that the body loses energy.

Obesity Prevention:

  1. Food. Pay attention to what you eat. If it is only «Fast» Food consisting of incorrect carbohydrates, forget about delicious donkeys, cakes, cakes and candies. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the amount of salt eaten. Salted food enhances appetite and literally «Forces» eat even a piece. For the same reason, it is necessary to limit the use of sauces, mayonnaise and mustard so as not to cause appetite. Salt also also delays the fluid in the body, gradually increasing the mass. If an excess water is delayed in the body, it will contribute to the formation of fat cells. Therefore, it is necessary forever to abandon salty food and harmful snacks: to completely eliminate the use of sweet cookies, bars, chocolate candies, carbonated sweet drinks and coffee. Uncontrollable snacks «on the run» lead to sad consequences, you yourself will not notice how excess fat will appear on the hips and waist. Based on the foregoing, our site recommends thinking and calculate your own consumption and calorie parish per day. So, if in a week you eat more than a couple of percent, what happens for the month or year? Imagine how old calories eaten will be deposited on the sides?
  2. Physical exercise. For people suffering from overweight, it is necessary to make the right approach to the choice of physical exertion and the duration of the workout. So, only after 5 minutes, the muscles will begin to warm up, after 10 minutes, carbohydrates will be the source of the energy spent energy, and only after 25-30 minutes of workout will begin «melt» fat. Therefore, the load duration is of great importance, as well as their intensity. Normally, the pulse frequency to get rid of fat deposits should be up to 140 shots per minute. What exercises will help in the prevention of obesity: this run, swimming, skiing and walking. Control the load need constantly to not injure muscles and tendons. Attention: if your weight exceeds the norm by 15 and more kilograms, then the run will have to refuse and better start training from walking. You need to regulate the load gradually, increasing the duration of the workout for 10 minutes. Do systematically, at least twice a week, and best - every other day. Swimming will help stop the accumulation of fatty deposits. Intensively flounded in water at all, not necessarily, swimming, aquaaerobics will help lose a lot of energy. By the way, much more than when classes in the gym. If you have overweight, then start fighting fatty deposits is better with the study in the pool. In winter, you can spend weekend in the fresh air: walking on skis will help not only fight obesity, but also strengthens the immune system, and this is very important!
  3. Healthy lifestyle. This question for many causes bewilderment, is it really not proper nutrition and moderate physical exertion? Of course, our site recommends refuse to eat strong alcoholic beverages, forget about beer and quit smoking. Many girls in pursuit of slimness are afraid to get rid of tobacco dependence. They believe that cigarettes help keep weight and as soon as they are a bad habit, the arrow on the scales will crawl up. In part, this is true, since the tobacco helps fatty acids to be released, but on the other hand - excessive elimination of fats stimulates the body for enhanced work, so not only carbohydrates, but also proteins will be transformed into fat.

Whether diet is useful?

overweight, treatment of obesity, overweight, obesity

As soon as we notice that excess fat appeared on the tummy and hips, right there «Sadimsya» on a diet. Several days of nutrition restrictions and can be rejected by first successes - minus 1-2, and even 3-4 kg. They achieved and return to the usual way of life. Again in nutrition, sweets predominate (ice cream, pastries, bars), imperceptibly lost kilograms come back, and with them «clings» Still a couple. Why is this happening? It turns out that any diet has not only advantages, but also disadvantages. The body should receive everything necessary, limitations lead to sad consequences. Consider the principle of work. Restricted by protein food, we are focused only on one product, as a result, the body is experiencing severe stress, adapting to a new diet of nutrition. Fat cells for a period of diet remain in place, they are only compressed, and they begin to break it six months later! Imagine how long you need to limit yourself to see the result. That's why all short diets, including monodi, are ineffective.

If you decide «Sit» on a diet, you need to be patient and be sure to play sports. If this is not done, then the skin together with the lost fat loses elasticity and wrinkles.

Prevention of obesity is a serious work on yourself. There is still no such magic pill, which would help all the problems solved MiG. So only perseverance and purposefulness will help you gain harmony. Good luck!

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