

  • Manifestations of Bartolynita
  • Diagnosis of Bartolinita
  • Treatment of Bartolinitis

  • Bartolinitis is the inflammation of the bartolinium gland or other words of a large vaginal anticipation gland. Inflammation is caused more often by combination of microorganisms. This is staphylococci, streptococci, and intestinal wand, and less common, protein. But bartrolinite can occur with gonor and trichomoniasis. The defeat happens more often on the one hand, but sometimes two-way bartolinite is also observed.

    Manifestations of Bartolynita

    As a rule, the Bartholinium Breast's withdrawn. His mucosa swells and it leads, first to difficulty, and then to the termination of the outflow of the edge of the gland. At the same time, the cells that generate the secret continue to function in the same mode. The secret accumulates and it causes an increase in the gland. False (uninfected) abscess bartolinium gland. With the further spread of infection and the penetration of its inside and involve in the inflammatory process of tissue gland, there is a true abscess with a purulent melting of gland and surrounding tissues. In the absence of treatment, inflammation can capture and nearby vulva tissues. In this case, the disease acquires the most.

    What should alert you and get to consult a doctor?

    BartolinitisAt the stage, when only the bontolinium gland dumping is inflamed and a false abscess is formed, the general state does not particularly change. Sometimes the temperature is increased to 37 - 37.40, there is a slight indisposition. Already at this stage of the disease can be disturbed by a feeling of cutting, and sometimes tangible pains in the field of external genital organs, increasing when driving, pain during sexual life.

    By independently inspected ourselves, you can see redness and swelling of the mucous expense of the vagina at the venue of the bartolynial gland duct. On the border of the middle and lower third of a large sexual lip, outside, or, less often, inside, visible swelling, painful when tackling. The skin over the swelling zone is hot, reddened, sometimes even with a blue tint.

    At the later stage of bartolinite, that is, when infected with the gland itself and the formation of this abscess, the picture of the disease becomes severe. The general condition of the woman changes significantly, which is expressed in increasing body temperature to high numbers, the appearance of chills, weakness, lethargy. In general, signs of general intoxication of the body appear. Pain in the field of external genital organs are intense, limiting the mobility of a woman.
    The swelling in the area of ​​the sick gland is increased, the skin covers become bright red, stretched to shine, with synushia signs. When pressed at the gland, there is a sharp insistant pain.

    If you do not treat bartrolinite at this stage, the affection can be opened independently. The purulent contents of the abscess begins to stand out through the resulting hole and tissue voltage falls. At the same time, there is a significant improvement in well-being: the temperature decreases, the pain decreases and it seems that the disease retreats. However, this is unfortunately not. In the absence of proper treatment, after a short period of well-being, the disease returns. Bartolinitis goes into a chronic form. Manifestations of disease become lowraged, but permanent. In exacerbation, more pronounced. Chronic bartolinite treated much more difficult. Wang great efforts from the doctor and a good stock of women's patience.

    With a long existence of a chronic inflammatory process, a bartolynaya cyst is formed. It no longer has inflammatory manifestations and is expressed in the presence of only tumors in the field of large sexual lips. Bartoliniye gland cyst can be applied.

    So, you have noticed the signs of inflammation of the big gland in the anticipation of the vagina and turned to the gynecologist.

    Diagnosis of Bartolinita

    What surveys will hold you?

    First of all, the usual inspection of external and internal genital organs. When examining the area of ​​the defeat, the doctor will see a complete picture of the inflammation of the bartholinium gland. Estimated from the duct, when pressed on the Pump Iron, will be taken to a microbiological study. The results of sowing released will tell about the microorganism or the combination of microorganisms that caused inflammation. Vaginal smears can be taken. When opening the abscess on the study, its contents are taken.

    The results of blood test results will exclude such dangerous diseases as syphilis and HIV.

    Other special survey methods are usually not required. To set the correct diagnosis and selection of the methods of treatment of bartolinite, the doctor is sufficiently described above the research methods.

    Treatment of Bartolinitis

    Treatment of bartolynitis is phased and depends on the stage of the disease.

    In the acute stage of the disease are:

    • Bed regime, abstinence from sex life.
    • Cold on the region of inflamed bartolinium gland.
    • General antibacterial therapy, taking into account the sensitivity of the highlighted microflora to antibiotics, will be assigned to you by a doctor.
    • The use of anti-inflammatory and painkillers, both in tablets and rectal candles.
    • Local anti-inflammatory therapy (warm seats with manganese, row with furacilin, oxyt appliqués, liniment in Vishnevsky).

    Physiotherapy is used in the poetry of the process.

    With a worsening of a woman's condition – Increase body temperature up to 38 – 39 degrees, sharp pain in the field of bartolinium gland, strong weakness, ailment, suspicion of the formation of an ulcer – The doctor will send you to the gynecological hospital.

    In the event of an abscess (jet), surgical treatment will be conducted. During the operation, an opening of an amphibian will be carried out, the removal of the pus, the drainage of the cavity and washing it with disinfecting solutions. At the same time prescribe antibacterial therapy.

    If there is a woman's cyst of the barotolinium gland, it is subject to removal. The operation is usually carried out outside the exacerbation. With frequent inflammation, gynecologists also recommend removing bartolinium gland.

    With a gonane or trichomonaceous origin of the Bartolinite, along with the above treatment, special treatment of infection has a woman and her sexual partner.

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