Pains for menstruation: tolerate or be treated?


  • What is Algomenorrhea?
  • Primary algomenorrhea
  • Secondary Algomenorrhea
  • Help grass
  • Fees

  • What is Algomenorrhea?

    Pains for menstruation: tolerate or treated?

    Algomenorrhea (Diemenorria, Algodismenorea) is one of the most frequent menstruation disorders. It occurs in 60-70% of women aged 14-45 years. Especially acute painful menstruation manifests itself in adolescents.

    Pain syndrome is often combined with other ailments: 84% of women, Algramorerians are accompanied by vomiting, in 79% - diarrhea, in 23% - dizziness, in 13.5% - headache, in 16% - fainting.

    Usually, pains begin 1-2 days before the start of menstruation and end on the 3rd day. Some women during this period are even losing ability to work. Algomenorea has adverse effects on the physical, emotional and mental state of a woman.

    Symptoms of algomenerai: Catching, noving, chic-like pain at the bottom of the abdomen, in the lumbar and sacrats.

    Painful menstruation, like any disease, requires treatment, but initially need to determine its appearance.
    In medicine, 2 types of algomenera are distinguished:

    • Primary,
    • secondary.

    Primary algomenorrhea

    The primary alignoores are called painful periods, caused by the disease of the nervous system or the anatomical features of the structure of the genital organs of the woman, for example, underdevelopment or improper position of the uterus - the inflection of the body of the uterus in the field of the inner zea of ​​the cervic or the kice. These reasons make it difficult to outflow from the uterus of menstrual discharge and strengthen its abbreviations.

    If the pain during menstruation is not regular, but periodic, you should pay attention to such a phenomenon as a decrease in the threshold of pain sensitivity. Increased pain sensitivity can occur due to psychological injuries, improving physical exertion, overwork and any other psychological or nervous disorder. In 40-50% of patients, the decrease in the threshold of pain sensitivity is genetic.

    Secondary Algomenorrhea

    Secondary Almagonoria is a consequence of inflammatory processes and various diseases of the urinary organs, such as: endometriosis, tumors, cysts, fibromatous nodes. Special attention should be paid to endometriosis, because one of the most characteristic signs of this disease is painful menstruation.

    When endometriosis, endometrial cells begin to settle in «unusual» For them, places – ovaries, bladder, kidneys. And in a new place they continue to function in the same mode: during menstruation, bleeding, causing severe pain.

    Another bright symptom of endometriosis is dark brown highlights before and / or after menstruation.
    Conduct endometriosis can heavy physical exertion, stress, hobby of sunbathing and solarium. Endometriosis, like «hidden» infections like chlamydia, called the epidemic of the 21st century.

    In order to correctly determine the reasons for painful menstruation, it is necessary to visit not only a gynecologist, but also an endocrinologist, and a number of surveys:

    • Make strokes on flora,
    • Analyzes on «hidden» infections (chlamydia, trichomoniasis),
    • blood chemistry,
    • Make bacteriological sowing,
    • Check hormonal background.

    In the gynecological examination, the doctor must determine the position and size of the uterus, appendages, the presence of changes in the anatomical location of the internal genitals. Maybe the ultrasound study of the organs of the small pelvis.

    Pains for menstruation: tolerate or treated? Having determined the causes of the algomenorea, you can proceed to treatment. If its reasons are some inflammatory disease, then first of all, of course, it is necessary to treat it.

    If there are no serious diseases, to get rid of the ailment will help a properly selected diet, vitamins, a healthy lifestyle, as well as a decrease in the minimum of stressful situations and increased physical exertion – After all, it has already been proven that poor sleep (including inappropriate), abundance of stress, smoking, drinking coffee increase the intensity of pain during menstruation.

    Paintaling agents (paracetamol, but-shpa, Analgin, Sedalgin, Papaverin, Baratgin, Sauzgan, Ketorol are used to remove pain syndromes. Remove spasms often helps the regular use of oral contraceptives.

    You can also refer to folk remedies:

    • Attach dry hot towels to the stomach and feet (you can replace them with hot sand bags),
    • put on the bottom of the belly hot compress.

    Help grass

    Gusina Pepper – 20 grams of grass pour 1 cup of hot water, boil on slow fire, cool, strain and drink half a cup of 4-5 times a day before meals. Pressed mass can be applied to the bottom of the abdomen in the form of warm compress.

    Owin – 2 tablespoons of grass pour 2 glasses of boiling water and insist 30 minutes. Take 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

    Horsetail – 1 tablespoon of grass pour 2 cups of steep boiling water. Can be used with strong pains 1 tablespoon every 2 hours.

    Chernobyl – 3-5 Chernobyl Kores Pour 10 glasses of boiling water. Take half a cup 2 times a day.
    Cora Kalina – 4 teaspoons of crushed bark pour 1 cup water and boil 30 minutes. Strain and add water to the initial volume. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.


    Grass dispute – 1 part, horsewa field – 1 part, gold male – 3 parts, goose laptops – 5 pieces. 1 tablespoon of mixture brew 1 cup boiling water, insist 1 hour and strain. Drink small sips during the day.

    Bark crash brittle – 3 parts, birch leaves – 3 parts, blooming branches of heather – 4 parts, daisy flowers pharmacy – 10 pieces, peppermint leaves – 10 pieces, Valerian roots – 10 pieces. 1 tablespoon of mixture pour 250 ml boiling water, insist 30 minutes. Take hot 1 cup several times a day.

    Do not forget that only timely appeal to the doctor will allow you to prevent the development of serious diseases and complications. Do not postpone your health «for later»!

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