Polycystic ovarian: disease that spoils appearance


  • When «Basthet» ovarian
  • All diseases from nerves?
  • Secretive and dangerous
  • Fullness – The enemy of female health
  • Without scars and pain
  • Do not want hormones – Drink green tea

  • When «Basthet» ovarian

    Polycystic ovarian: disease that spoils appearance- Alexandra Nikolaevna, what role the ovaries play in the reproductive system of women?

    - The most important thing. After all, they are the leading authority of this system, and therefore any violations in their work become a barrier for the onset of desired pregnancy. But even if the alert appeared at the lady, burdened with a numerous family and not wanting to give birth to more, should not look at it through the fingers, since the launched ovarian polyquosity can lead to uterine bleeding and malignant tumors.

    In case of polycystic ovaries declare a strike and cease to fulfill their duties: their shell becomes so dense and thick that the egg can not overcome this barrier, and therefore ovulation does not occur, which means no pregnancy.

    All diseases from nerves?

    - What is the reason for this ailment?

    - The reason may be a failure in the work of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid gland and ovarian themselves. Many scientists believe that there may be stress, mental injuries, especially experienced at the age, preceding sex ripening. Polycystic ovarian changes also provoke chronic tonsillitis, sharp respiratory viral infections, poor environmental conditions and sharp climate shifts.

    - And when there is a so-called primary polycystic?

    - It occurs even at the stage of formation of the girl menstrual function. Secondary polycystic diseases often arise as a result of inflammatory diseases of the sexual sphere, infections and abortions.

    Secretive and dangerous

    - How to determine the symptoms of polycystic?

    Polycystic ovarian: disease that spoils appearance

    - It is enough difficult to call certain symptoms of this ailment, because depending on the root cause, which caused the violation, they can vary significantly. And therefore, for the formulation of the diagnosis, a comprehensive study is required, which in addition to inspection in the gynecologist-endocrinologist should also include ultrasound organs of a small pelvic (and, if necessary, research and other internal organs: thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc.D.). Perhaps the doctor will require a brain echogram to study the work of the hypothalamus.

    In addition, it is necessary to pass the analysis of urine and blood from veins to sex hormones (FSH, LH, Prolactin and DR.), as well as get an analysis of the vaginal smear on the flora and urogenital infections: candidiasis, mycoplasmosis, reaplasmosis, etc.

    - It is said that the most indicative symptom of the disease is a disturbance of the menstrual cycle?

    - Yes it is. More often have to face long-term delays. But sometimes it happens on the contrary: frequent bleeding through short periods of time. Painful feeling at the bottom of the abdomen at the same time there is no guests. Changing the shape and size of the ovaries also occurs far away in all cases.

    Fullness – The enemy of female health

    - Who is more inclined to polycystic – Full or slender women?

    - Unfortunately, each second woman suffering from polycysticity is overweight. And in many polycystic diseases manifests itself and very unpleasant cosmetic disadvantages in the form of reinforced hair growth on the face and body, acne rash, increased fatty hair and even alopecia (baldness). The fact is that in this disease in the body increases the number of androgens (male sex hormones).

    If you are bothering any of these symptoms, it is necessary, without postponing the case in a long box, contact the gynecologist-an endocrinologist, because the earlier treatment is started, the more successful its results will be.

    - And independently you can spend at least some observations?

    - Some, of course, you can. It is known that with polycystrosis throughout the menstrual cycle, basal temperature (in the rectum) remains approximately constant. Almost, starting from the middle of the cycle and throughout its second half, it rises to 37 degrees and above. Do not be lazy and try to regularly measure basal temperature throughout the cycle.

    Without scars and pain

    - Alexandra Nikolaevna, if not lucky, and polycystrosis we are overtaking, how to treat him?

    - Previously, this ailment was treated exclusively by operational methods. Today, surgical interference resorts only in cases where the disease is launched or conservative treatment did not bring results.

    Hormonal low-volume drugs are used for treatment, reduced androgen levels and regulatory metabolic processes. Often these drugs even excessively stimulate ovaries, as a result of which it is not alone, but two or even three eggs. And then the woman suffering from infertility immediately becomes a happy mom twins or triple. However, this drugs are completely unacceptable!

    One of the conditions for successful treatment is the reduction of the patient's weight in existing obesity. It is very important to move more and rationally eat. In addition, it is necessary to avoid stress and infectious diseases.

    - Is it true that today the operations on the ovaries are made using laparoscopy? How it looks in practice?

    - Laparoscopic method – This is when the operation is carried out through three small holes: two in groin, one in the navel. Thus, the thick membrane of the ovaries is removed, which interferes with the release of hormones and the ripening of the egg. All manipulation takes about 20 minutes. After 3-6 months, the patient restores a normal menstrual cycle. Then the control ultrasound is made and under the guidance of the gynecologist-endocrinologist is made to stimulate ovulation. After endoscopic operations, pregnancy occurs in 70-80% of cases.

    - Is there a guarantee that after surgery, the polycystic appeal will come?

    - Unfortunately, the operation on the ovaries gives only a temporary effect that lasts about about a year. Therefore, to increase chances to get pregnant after surgery, hormonal treatment is prescribed again.

    Preventive course of hormonal drugs should be carried out to all women with polycystic ovaries, starting with adolescence.

    Do not want hormones – Drink green tea

    - And some herbs can help in the treatment of this ailment?

    Polycystic ovarian: disease that spoils appearance

    - As is well known, a woman does not have the right level of hormones that provide ovulation, respectively, and the hormone progesterone is not formed. True, the number of other hormone – Testosterone, on the contrary, it is necessary to reduce.

    Not bad cope with this task of flax seeds and green tea (in a complex with drugs). Substances contained in these products help the body to bring overwear of men's hormones. You need to eat 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oils every day (it can be added to vegetable salads) and take 300-400 mg of green tea extract (containing 80% polyphenols). In addition, it is necessary to eat smaller «Animal Food» And as much as possible vegetables and fruits, fish and seafood.

    By the way, once the characteristics of castor oil used for the treatment of polycystosis. This old method well contributes to the resorption of small cysts, so in a complex with traditional therapy is successfully used and now. Castor oil should be impregnated with a cotton cloth with a size of 30 to 90 centimeters, folded it in three layers, put on the bottom of the abdomen, cover with a cellophane film and put a warm height on top. Do this compress one hour three times a week. When an improvement occurs, the compress is applied only once a week.

    And remember that not only reproductive health depends on the good work of the ovaries, but also the appearance of a woman.

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