There are different opinions about whether women have the right to artificial abortion, but also supporters, and opponents converge in one: thousands of women are experiencing a huge psycho-emotional stress both before and for many years after abortion.
- After the charge syndrome: what it is?
What happens after abortion: the symptoms of post-charge syndrome
After the charge syndrome: what it is?
After the charge syndrome (PAS) — A complex of emotional experiences and mental disorders arising from a woman after an abortion.
In our society ignore painful experiences of a woman after an artificial interruption of pregnancy by her choice. At best, aware-minded surrounding leaves her suffering, at worst — Woman pumped on the wall of misunderstanding and condemnation. At the same time, unwanted pregnancy and the more abortion creates a lot of difficult emotions in a woman: insult, fear, anxiety, feeling of guilt and even feeling grief. If she is trying to suppress these experiences, emotionally does not recycle traumatic experience, in the future you can expect delayed negative reactions. And their significance and severity will be more than injury.
To emotional pain, accompanying an abortion, did not cause serious psychological problems, the woman's brain produces a set of protective mechanisms.
- Rationalization. Search for objective reasons why it is necessary to interrupt pregnancy. A woman believes that abortion is necessary because of her health, living conditions, or because the current financial situation does not allow to give birth to a child. Such women are trying to believe what they are doing, interrupting unwanted pregnancy, and the confidence is that there was no other way out, helps them to experience mental injury.
- Negation. Woman denies abortion related problems. Emotional failures arising from abortion from other women, it considers the result of household difficulties or health problems.
- Suppression. Part of women find strength to suppress experiences related to the decision to go to the abortion. They hide their emotions from others and do not allow others «delve» In personal feelings.
- Compensation. When a new pregnancy comes soon after abortion, many women believe that they are subconsciously trying to reaplish their guilt in front of an unborn baby.
What happens after abortion: the symptoms of post-charge syndrome
- Guilt — One of the most frequent psychological reactions to abortion. The feeling of guilt appears in a woman after it realizes that the abortion was a mistake and what she was responsible for it. According to statistics, 70% of women who interrupted pregnancy, in general, do not approve abortions, but first see themselves as an exception to the rules. Later, when the child is no longer returning, they begin to blame themselves. Sooner or later, self-vaccination can cause a breakdown.
- Anger. Women in general are characteristic of the expression of weakness and guilt through anger, and after an abortion it happens much more often than in ordinary life. Anger on yourself, at the doctor, on loved ones who did not stop her at the time of decision making, — All this destroys the psyche of a woman. According to statistics, 91% of children exposed to violence were born as a result of planned pregnancy. Research suggests that the mother is more prone to violence, who in the past did an abortion.
Anxiety. This is a state of unpleasant emotional and physical tension. A woman is unable to relax, she becomes irritable, fusive, her bother dizziness, headaches, attacks of strong heartbeat, problems with stomach and insomnia. In the formation of alarming disorder, the conflict between the moral principles and the fact of the abortion of pregnancy plays. Anxiety can cover a woman at the moments of communicating with children, and it makes it avoid everything that is connected with them.
- A break up. Often an abortion is the reason for the breaking of relationships with the failed father. Most often it happens if the woman begins to blame the spouse in interruption of pregnancy, but sometimes she sees the culprit himself, falls into depression and, not wanting to darken the life of his beloved, breaks the connection.
- Feeling of loss and depression. Dilution of forces and bad mood in the first couple of months after abortion — Normal reaction of the body on an aborted hormonal failure and psychological injury. If the symptoms are preserved longer, we can talk about the development of depression — severe mental disorder requiring immediate treatment. Depression — This is a combination of guilt, hopelessness and sorrow. She paralyzes the emotions of a woman, deprives her ability to experience joy and isolates from family and society. Some because of the pain that personal experiences cause, unable without tears to look at frolickers, on happy pregnant women and mothers with babies.
- Psychological numbness. People who survived a heavy loss very often become emotionally insensitive. This is a protective reaction of their body, helping to avoid subsequent psychological injuries and sincere pain. In this case, a woman with a head goes to work or in homemade troubles, does not show extra emotions at the moments of joy and grief. Emotional «stupidity» Spouses often becomes the reason for the family, because communication should be filled with different experiences.
- Suicidal sentiment and suicide. Most often, their cause becomes precipitated depression. According to statistics, women who have suffered an abortion, ten times more often endorse the life of suicide than the representatives of the weak floor, who did not make rid of the unborn child.
- Other psychological problems. They can not arise immediately, but after months and even years after abortion. Sometimes women begin to abuse alcohol or drugs, lead an immoral lifestyle. In some cases, neurotic condition and psychosis are developing, but most often — Sleep and Asthenium Disorders.
In conclusion I would like to note that adolescents consider the most vulnerable to the development of post-charge syndrome. Hormonal restructuring associated with the interruption of pregnancy, and mental trauma about the killing of the child aggravate the psychological and physiological problems of the transition period. In addition, the decision on abortion most often takes parents, depriving a teenager initiatives, cultivating infantilism in it and for a long time, beat up the hunt for their responsibility for their actions.