Blood clots for menstruation


Blood clots for menstruationThe first monthly begin with girls during puberty, aged 11-15 years. If menstruation has not begun or started at a later age, after age, it is worth thinking about possible violations in the physical development of the girl. Each woman has monthly periods in different ways: intensively or not very, painfully or not. Blood can leave large clots and have a brown shade, it is not always a symptom of serious pathology. To clarify the causes of the formation of blood lumps, you need to contact the gynecologist. He will hold the necessary examination and reveal the reason that will indicate either on the pathology, or on the individual characteristics of the female organism.

During the menstrual cycle (the period from the first day of one menstruation until the first day of the next day), the inner uterine sheath is thickened, this is due to the child's childbody function. In the course of menstruation (in the absence of pregnancy), the accumulated endometrium comes out with blood. On average, blood loss during menstruation is small and quickly replenished with a female organism. The color of the blood released may vary over the menstruation — From bright red at the initial stage to a dark and brown shade at the end of the cycle. Basically, menstrual blood does not have a leaning strongly. It has a specific smell. Blood clots for menstruation may appear due to blood folding in the vagina, when the enzymes that dilute blood do not cope with the volume of selection. Abundant monthly lead to large blood loss and the possibility of anemia development. In this case, it is necessary to refer to the gynecologist and find out the reasons for such a state.

Causes of menstruation with large blood clots

The main reasons provoking the release of large blood clots during menstruation are considered:

  • Hyperplasia and endometrial polyposes (adenomyosis);
  • Minema Mioma;
  • violations of hormonal balance;
  • Outmap development anomalies (single or double uterus);
  • anemia;
  • infections;
  • Stresses and bad habits.

Causes of menstruation with large blood clotsStrong growing endometrial — hyperplasia — It is characterized by poor appetite and weakness against the background of the sewage of brown tint clots during menstruation. Development of this pathology contributes to diabetes, hypertensive disease, high weight and hormonal background failure. Benign swelling in the uterus — myoma — accompanied by a violation of the regularity of the monthly cycle, and menstruation is accompanied by pain. Polyposis is also accompanied by menstrual with rumbling blood and painful sensations. When using intrauterine spiral of blood clots during menstruation — Parts of fertilized eggs. If a woman has brown discharges, severe pain in the abdomen and an increase in body temperature, you need to contact the gynecologist. These manifestations may indicate an ectopic pregnancy representing the threat of life for the patient. Big blood clutch can mean early miscarriage.

What to do with abundant monthly with blood clots

Not always monthly with highlighted bloody clots are a serious threat to health. To the relatively harmless reason for the appearance of blood lumps during menstruation, there is an overabundance of group vitamins in. The following states are the reason for visiting the gynecologist:

  • The appearance of uncharacteristic monthly with blood clots;
  • abundant and painful periods with the release of bunches;
  • Selection of yellow-gray clots (indicative of rejection of the fetal fetus);
  • Circles having an unpleasant smell.

The gynecologist will diagnose and prescribe treatment based on the reasons for the appearance of blood clots during menstruation period.

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