Adenomyosis of the uterus


Adenomyosis of the uterus
The vita adenomyosis is one of the most frequent
Diseases leading to infertility in women. Can manifest in several
Forms. Treatment in each case is assigned individually, based on
Clinical picture of the disease.

Uterine adenomyosis (Other name — Internal genital endometriosis) — The pathological process for which the growth is typical
Endometrial (cells of the internal mucous membrane) into the muscular layer of the uterus.
Adenomyosis is diagnosed by almost half of women suffering from infertility.


In adenomyosis, the following are considered the following

  • discharge from the vagina of dark brown
    before menstruation and after it;
  • abundant monthly bleeding;
  • PMS average or severe;
  • Before starting menstruation, the appearance of pain in
    areas of a small pelvis;
  • Menstrual violation, most often — reduction of its duration;
  • DISSAREUTION — Pain during sexual intercourse;
  • Changing the shape and magnitude of the uterus.

Leakage of the disease

In adenomyosis, processes occur similar to cyclic
Changes endometrial, — cell proliferation, their iron transformation and
Rejection. Since the pathological process occurs in a closed
space and tightening fabric can not get out when menstruation
The time of monthly cyclic processes occurs swelling muscle tissue
the uterus layer, squeezing the nerve endings and hemorrhage in the affected
plots, which leads to the development of the inflammatory process, edema and violations
Fabric innervations.


Adenomyosis is three species:

  • Diffuse — Characterized by the presence of blind
    Pockets in endometrials that penetrate the tissue of the uterus at different depths in
    Heavy forms can lead to the formation of fistulas in the cavity of the small pelvis;
  • nodular — characterized by penetration
    epithelium into the muscular layer of the uterus and the formation of multiple nodes of different
    values ​​filled with brown liquid;
  • mixed — There are both types of pathological

The flow of the disease

Endometrial cells when entering the muscular layer starts
quickly grow. Without going out during menstruation, cause
affected by the hemorrhage and development of inflammatory processes. Accepted
distinguish between several stages of the disease:

Stage 1. The pathological process is focused under the mucous
uterine shell;

Stage 2. Distribution of the process deep into the tissue of the uterus
approximately half;

Stage 3. Pathological changes affect all the muscular
uterine layer to the outer serous layer.

Stage 4. Involvement in the pathological process of serous
Small pelvis shells and neighboring organs.


Adenomyosis of the uterus
The most common cause — fallow
and abdominal cavity of menstrual blood with endometrial particles. Second P
prevalence cause is the development of pathology from the basal layer,
which in each cycle serves to regenerate the endometrium layer. After
A thorough study of the characteristics of the clinical picture is diagnosed,
The further course of the disease is predicted, therapeutic and
Preventive procedures.

The risk group includes women:

  • Frequently located in stressful situations;
  • leading active lifestyle combining
    High loads at work and home affairs;
  • having genetic predisposition to
    disease, the nearest relatives with this disease;
  • Sunny bathtubs and solarium,
    as well as taking mud baths without consulting a doctor;
  • Introduced uterine surgical interventions,
    including abortions and scraping after miscarriage.


In the treatment of adenomyosis, therapeutic and
Surgical methods. Preparations normalizing hormonal and immune
Systems. Methods and treatment time are determined individually.

Basic treatments:

  1. Electro-generation — Removal of neoplasms S
    using electric current.
  2. Embolization — Overlapping blood vessels,
    nourishing new formation, due to which the neoplasm gradually decreases into
  3. Ablation — applied at the first stages when
    No deep penetration into muscle tissue. Essence of the procedure — destruction
    Internal membrane of the uterus.

In the initial stages of the disease, highheepings (treatment of leeches) and informous medicinal grasses for intake and


With preventive measures, you can reduce the risk
The occurrence of the disease. These include:

  • restriction of physical activity leading to chronic
    state of overwork;
  • reducing psycho-emotional loads;
  • Refusal to visiting solariums and long
    in the sun;
  • Massage and relaxation procedures contributing
    removal of stress and normalization of the general condition of the body;
  • Regular checks at the gynecologist.

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