What is diverticulose


  • Diverticulose
  • Manifestations of diverticulosis
  • Treatment of diverticulosis

  • Diverticulose

    Diverticulus - these are blindly ending bags of limited part of the hollow organ, in particular, colon. Diverticulus means the presence of multiple diverticulus.

    The diverticulus of colon develops mainly in residents of economically developed countries, where the incidence comes up to 30% of the entire population. Main role
    In such a wide distribution of this disease plays a dietary diet
    Rough fiber and vegetable fibers, which leads to the development of constipation - the most important risk factor of the diverticular disease. Second circumstance -
    Increased life expectancy in developed countries. Diverticulose
    The colon is often found in the elderly and old people. Most often
    Diverticuls are localized in a sigmoid and downward intestine, significantly
    less often in the right sections of the colon.

    The most common theory of the occurrence of diverticular disease -
    Mechanical or pulsion. You can call a number of risk factors that
    Condure the basic elements of the pathogenesis of diverticulosis - reduction
    in the diet of thumbs, constipation, obesity, elderly age,
    Inflammatory processes in the colon. All these factors lead
    to an increase in intra-palpal pressure in the colon due to
    Dyskinesia intestines. In the pathogenesis of diverticular disease significant
    The role belongs to the weaknesses of the intestinal wall. Tonus Musculature Tolstoy
    guts with age gradually decreased, circular and longitudinal layers
    Muscular shell becomes thinner supporting connecting
    The fabric is less organized, with signs of wear, elastin in it

    Manifestations of diverticulosis

    Three forms of diverticular diseases of the colon are distinguished: asymptomatic diverticulus (random finds during irrigoscopy or colonoscopy); Uncomplicated diverticular disease when there are clinical manifestations and a diverticular disease with complications.

    Characteristic symptoms of uncomplicated diverticulosis
    No, patients have signs characteristic of lesion syndrome
    Colon - stomach pain without clear localization,
    Chair disorders, most often constipation or unstable stools (change of constipation
    and diarrhea), signs of intestinal dyspepsia (rumbling, bloating).

    What is diverticulose
    The most frequent complication of the diverticulosis is the inflammation of the diverticulus - diverticulitis.
    Contribute to this violation of the evacuation of the contents from the diverticulus,
    Intestinal dysbiosis. Often, the diverticulitis acquires chronic
    Recurrent replacement of phases of remission and exacerbation, sometimes
    in the form of pain abdominal crises.

    Symptoms of a developed diverticulite are fever, strengthening pain in the stomach, diarrhea, appearance in the chair of mucus and blood,
    Resistant meteorism, rather pronounced pain in palpation
    Belly in the projection of inflamed diverticulov usually in the left flank,
    Sometimes the signs of the defeat of the peritoness. When a diverticular disease
    manifests diverticulitis, which happens often, patients
    hospitalized in surgical departments with suspicion of those or
    Other forms «acute» Belly. Intestinal bleeding -
    Serious complication of diverticular disease. The probability of it
    occurrence increases with age. Manifests itself most often among
    full well-being in the form of discharge in the feces of blood or clots;
    can stop as suddenly as it started. Development of Stricture
    guts due to recurrence of diverticulitis, squeezing with inflammatory
    infiltrate with peridiveculite, spikes leads to intestinal
    obstruction. Perforation of the diverticulus is complicated by the development of distinguished
    peritonitis. Among other complications of the diverticular disease describe
    Interchepted abscesses, fistula, pylephlebit, twist the diverticula.

    For diverticulitis characteristic «Inflammatory»
    changes of hemograms - leukocytosis, acceleration. Coprological
    Changes are nonspecific, natural, especially when diverticulite,
    Dysbacteriosis is detected. Decisive methods of diagnosis of diverticulosis
    Colon is irrigoscopy and colonoscopy.
    When irrigoscopy, the diverticulus are found in the form of intestinal protrusion
    the walls of the rounded shape with a more or less pronounced neck, which
    clearly detected along the outer or internal intestine contour, especially
    well they are visible with double contrast. In patients
    with uncomplicated diverticulitis diverticulus empty well.
    Contrast delay - Sign of diverticulitis. Colonoscopy more
    informative to recognize diverticulitis. Ordinary diverticulus themselves
    not visible, their mouths are determined by round or oval shape
    with unchanged mucosa around. About the presence of inflammation judge if the mouths
    Deformed, mucous around them Even, hyperemic.
    Colonoscopy when bleeding allows you to set its level.

    Treatment of diverticulosis

    The main task when identifying uncomplicated
    Tolstone Diverticulous - Stool Regulation. This allows
    To some extent to warn the education of new diverticulus
    and prevent complications, for example, diverticulitis. To this end
    A diet is assigned rich in vegetable fiber. If this
    It turns out insufficient, it is recommended to receive wheat bran.
    An important property is the ability to absorb liquid
    in an amount exceeding 4 times their own mass. Thereby
    Increases the amount of carte masses, which leads to normalization of time
    transit on intestines, reduction in intra-palpal pressure. Purpose
    Bran leads in patients with diverticulosis to reducing pain,
    meteorism, normalization of chair. Wheat bran, now they
    manufactured by the food industry under different names, for example
    «Fibromed», Before use, they hide with boiling water. They can be applied
    in the form of a bolt to receive inside, as well as add to compote, kislie,
    Soups, Kashi. The first 2-3 days of bran are prescribed 1 teaspoon 2 times
    a day, then every 2-3 days the dose increases by 1 teaspoon
    a day before the emergence of a normal chair; Then the number of bran
    Slowly decreases until a dose that guarantees a normal rhythm
    intestinal emptying (1 time per day or in 2 days). Bran can be
    Apply for long. In the first days of cutting, cuts may appear or
    intensify abdominal pain, they will be stopped by the reception of barallin or nos, pain
    weaken and then stop.

    When developing diverticulitis, it is necessary to appoint
    antibacterial agents (broad spectrum antibiotics, bad
    Suction sulfamides, 8-oxychinoline derivatives) for 7-10 days,
    antispasmodic drugs (barallgyne, spasmod, trigan); after
    Acute phenomena to appoint bacterial treatment course
    preparations - colibacterin, bifidobacterin, bificol (3-5 doses 2
    times a day before meals). In patients with frequent recurrences, diverticulite can
    Achieve a good effect, assigning preparations such as sulfasalazine -
    Sulfasalazine, Salazopyridazin, Salazodimetoxin. Well combine them with
    Polyefermen drugs.

    With other complications of diverticular disease or
    Ineffective conservative therapy shows various types
    Surgical interventions.

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