Counterfeiting methods

It would seem that contraception and birth of a child - Questions are opposite and incompatible. But this is only at first glance. The birth of a healthy desired child occurs only when a woman followed his health and, using contraceptive methods, avoided artificial pregnancy interrupt.

Counterfeiting methods
It would seem that contraception and birth of a child - Questions are opposite and incompatible. But this is only at first glance. The birth of a healthy desired child occurs only when a woman followed his health and, using contraceptive methods, avoided artificial pregnancy interrupt.

In order to avoid unwanted pregnancy, you do not need to be a big specialist in this matter. It is enough to ask the necessary questions to the doctor in the female consultation and choose from the proposed methods of contraception those that are fully suitable for you.

And, while you did not get to the gynecologist in a female consultation, our site will tell you about the most used methods for protection from unwanted pregnancy and about myths that are pursued by them.

«Calendar method of contraception»

Explore the calendar contraception method from the list of use
Why this subtitle is taken in quotes? Yes, because there is no such method of contraception. How there is no method «Interrupted sexual act», «Drawing after sexual intercourse», Using lemon and similar delusion. Every woman should know what however it would not be «Dangerous» and «Safe» days that simply do not exist. After all, after sexual intercourse, the spermatozoa falls into the sexy ways of a woman and feel great from five to eight days, so that if at least once a week you had sex, then not a single day in a month can be safe. Even if you have a regular menstrual cycle, you are not insured against any accident and ovulation can occur ahead of time for a few days. And this is 100% unwanted pregnancy. So strike the so-called «Biological method» From the list of use.

Contraception method «Drying and lemon»

Know the speed of movement of spermatozoa in the fallopian tubes? After a minute and a half after entering the neck Matties, spermatozoa turn out to be in the fallopian tubes. A woman is simply physically able to jump with a lodge bed and rush to the bathroom.

And the use of such methods as laying into the vagina of the lemon slices and the use of different acids - is generally barbaric methods that cause burn mucous and which, by the way, do not completely act on spermatozoa.

Interruption of sexual intercourse

Interrupting sexual intercourse - not always an effective method of contraception
You think this is enough to stop sexual intercourse during seeds, and conception It becomes impossible? Let you disappoint. After all, sperm is contained in that lubricant that stands out during intercourse. So it is not necessary for conception at all. And waiting for the highest peak, tension with an approaching orgasm, thoughts about what you need to miss and have time, undermine the nervous system of both partners. So, cute women, if you want to save both your health and the health of your beloved man, forget about this method of contraception. It simply does not exist! Statistics know the great set of cases when during such «Protections» Children or woman were born on an abortion ..

We will no longer say that the above methods are not protected from venereal diseases and various infections.

So, if you really take care of your health, if you want to receive only joy from sex, you need to know about these contraception methods. After all, there are a lot of them and you can choose a method that is fully suitable for you.

What methods knows modern medicine?

Barrier methods

The most popular method of contraception is a condom
The most popular and widely used mechanical method of contraception is a condom. This method is practically harmless and fully protects against unwanted pregnancy and from venereal diseases. Using a condom is available to anyone, both newcomer and a person experienced. The use of this method is not only elementary and not requiring special knowledge, but also indicates the culture of sexual behavior of partners, respectfully related to each other's health.

The barrier methods of contraception include diaphragms, this method is used only by women. The diaphragm is introduced into the vagina and mechanically blocks the path of spermatozoa to the uterus. The selection of the diaphragm is carried out by a gynecologist individually for each woman, since the size of the diaphragm entered on the size of the vagina.

Internal Contraception Means

Intrauterine spirals are intended only for giving birth women
So called «Spirals». Recently, these means of pregnancy protection were produced in the form of a spiral, due to which they got their name. Now it is usually small plastic figures that imitate the letter T that are covered with silver wire. They are placed in the uterus cavity, which does not cause any painful sensations, if accommodation is accommodated on certain days associated with the menstrual cycle, which is negotiated by the doctor in advance. VMS is removed simply enough, with the help of thin threads that go into the vagina.

This method of contraception is good, but not suitable for women. If there is inflammation in the uterine cavity or a woman never gave birth, it is better to use another method. Even if everything is fine and there is no contraindications to the installation of the Navy, it is impossible to assume that a woman is 100% insured against unwanted pregnancy. In the first year-a half, this contraceptive is more reliable, and after 3-4 years there is much less effect, and after five years it must be changed.

Contraception of Navy containing hormones

The method of contracepting the peace can even have a healing effect
This method of pregnancy protection is called Peace. Its application is based on the implantation of the gestagen from a special container with a hormone in the uterine cavity. This method does not give side effects and causes a gradual cessation of ovulation, which makes pregnancy impossible. After Miren is stopped using menstrual cycle restored and desired pregnancy may occur.

The method of application of peace is very good in cases where ordinary intrauterine spirals can not be used with inflammation and various pathologies, even the treatment effect may have this method of contraception.

Mirena is meant, like intrauterine spiral, only for giving birth women.

Oral contraceptives

Any hormonal contraceptives are appointed by a doctor
Mini saw tablets do not contain estrogen, the use of which give complications. These tablets can apply even nursing women. These tablets need to drink constantly, any interruption can cause conception.

Any hormonal contraceptives are prescribed by a doctor, you can not use microlith, an exclutant (tablet name) just because they really approached your girlfriend. Women's organisms are different and that is why an individual approach to choosing methods is necessary. You also need to know that if you stop the mini-dyed menstruation, you need to visit the doctor and make an ultrasound to eliminate pregnancy.

Hormonal combined contraceptives

Before applying hormonal combined contraceptives, it is necessary to undergo a survey
If you want to be 100% confident that unwanted pregnancy will not come, you can advise exactly this way of contraception. Do not bubble words «Hormones», This is not at all what should be afraid. So many myths are told about them as you will not hear about one drug existing in modern medicine. It is said that weight is added from their application that after the end of the reception it is impossible to get pregnant that the birth of sick children, what horrors do not listen! After all, combined oral contraceptives contain sex Hormones, which are closest to natural, and in order to avoid possible complications in the form Varicose and liver diseases, it is necessary to examine in advance, pass all the tests and pass the explorer at the gynecologist.

And once again, I want to remind that not a single tool, and this is especially possible to be appointed independently, all hormonal contraceptives are appointed individually.

Tablets must be taken regularly, preferably at the same time. In this case, the body sets its own mode, and the effectiveness of the means is approaching one hundred percent.

Contraceptive plaster

Contraceptive patch is used to protect against unwanted pregnancy
Contraceptive patch is used to protect against unwanted pregnancy. This is a very thin patch of about 20 cm. Its action is to highlight a certain dose of hormones into the blood, which prevent ovulation, and therefore the pregnancy becomes impossible.

This plaster use no more than a week, during which time it highlights the blood to the blood just over 100 μg of the Nuelmostrity and about 20 μg of ethinyl estradiol. After weekly, the plaster changes. There are no more than three plasters between menstruation, then the use of this contraceptive stops, which causes menstruation. The location of the plaster does not matter. Subject to all instructions that are in packing with a plaster, its effectiveness is very high and can reach 99%.

The plaster is very convenient to use and rarely gives side effects that can be avoided by providing in advance with the doctor.


It is quite difficult for sterilization - it is an irreversible method of contraception
It is impossible not to mention such a method of contraception like sterilization. It can be held both in women and men. This operation is irreversible and produced only in people who have children and consciously do not want to give birth. The sterilization method is becoming more popular, most people are quite difficult to decide on this operation, and according to the law it is done only to those who have achieved 30 years.

Our site did not intend to bring you to the erroneous opinion that contraception should exclusively worry women. So think only those men who do not value the health of their favorite. Proper contraception is the case of two, as well as the decide on the birth of a child.

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