What is vaginism? Why vaginism develops in women? How to diagnose vaginism? Answers to the questions you will find in the article.
- Reflexor convulsive cuts of the muscles of the vagina, usually
caused by fear before penetration into the vagina. Can combine
with painful sexual intercourse and in severe cases makes sexual
Impossible intercourse. Vaginism is found in women of all ages and
All layers of society. Forecast favorable if a woman is good
Motivated and she has no physical abnormalities.

muscle spasm can be called and physical and psychological
reasons. They may occur involuntarily as a protective reflex in
Waiting for pain, and may have an organic cause. It may
to be rigid (dense) virgin pole, injury obtained during childbirth,
Genital herpes, vaginitis (Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina).
Psychological reasons may be as follows:
- Assigned B
childhood and adolescence attitude to sex as a rough violence
or as a criminal one;
- Fear that appeared in
a result of the preceding negative experience (for example, after violence);
- injured
gynecological study at an early age;
fear of becoming pregnant,
infect venereal disease or cancer.
Women suffering from vaginism usually happens a convulsive cut
muscles when trying to introduce into the vagina of any subject - a tampon or vaginal mirror. In some cases
interest in sex disappears in others.
It is established on the basis of anamnesis (patient's disease) and gynecological inspection,
necessary in order to exclude the physical cause of vaginism.
The doctor asks the woman about early childhood, about the attitude of sex in
family preceding sexual experience and how is it
Sexy life at the moment. In addition, he clarifies what
The woman uses the method of contraception, whether it plans to give birth, what
feelings are experiencing to a sexual partner, what kind of pain is worried
Its with the introduction of any subject in the vagina.
The gynecological research committed confirms the diagnosis,
Receiving involuntary muscle contraction surrounding the outside
aims to eliminate the pathological contraction of the muscles. For solutions
problems are used by extends of different sizes that a woman
Introduces into the vagina, training stretching and muscle relaxation. Woman
controls the time that the expander remains in the vagina and its
Move. Together with the sexual partner, it performs special
Exercises, learns focusing on sensations and talks with
psychotherapist to learn to understand the partner and interact
with him. During psychotherapy, communication skills are allowed
Deep conflicts.