Causes of the development and degree of danger of the cyst of the cervix. Methods of diagnosis and treatment of cervical cervical. What types of cysts are. Treatment of purulent cysts.

The cervical cervical cyst is formed when impaired functions,
producing mucus to protect the inner surface of the uterus. She represents
like a bag in which the mucus accumulates, not outwardly.
The disease is diagnosed in 10-20% of women. NEWS is not considered dangerous, in
malignant tumor goes extremely rarely.
Cervical cervical cyst is an education that is
Extended closed glands in which the secret accumulates. As a rule, he
preceded by an inflammatory process progressing in the cervical channel either
in the vaginal part. Its consequence becomes inflammation of output ducts
Iron Naota. Dukes, in normal condition producing mucus,
clocked, and iron is filled with mucus, increasing in volume. Pathology
detected with colposcopy or ultrasound of a small pelvis, sometimes it can be detected when
Visual inspection.
Types of cyst
Cysts in the cervix can be solid and multiple. Often
Used term «Natives of cysts» belongs to the multiple
An option that is usually the result of spontaneous cure
Ectopia cervix. The consequence of this often blocking output
ducts glands and the formation of a thin capsule inside which begins to be collected
thick mucous secret.
Cyst may manifest itself in endometrioid form, with characteristic bluish
Tint and bleeding zones. The size of such pathological sites
Increases menstruation. Such formations are developing after
Displacement of endometrial tissues on the injured surface. Within them
There is hemorrhagic content.
Symptoms and diagnostics
Pathological education does not have pronounced specific
Symptoms. Often there are no disorders of a monthly cycle or bleeding.
Allocations between menstruation usually begin when the cyst has already reached
Large sizes. Possible pain in the lower abdomen.
The problem is detected during gynecological examination for
Diagnosis confirmation requires additional colposcopy or
Ultrasound. When detecting pathology, a further examination is carried out for
infections in the vagina, as well as in the neck and cervical cervical channel. Next, if
It is necessary, a bacterioscopic study of the smear of the vagina is carried out.
Treatment of cyst
Little cyst is dangerous
In most cases, the cyst hazard to health women is not
presents. Some experts believe that if the neoplasm is not
gives no anxiety, then treatment may not be held.
But most doctors believe that this pathology is still not
harmless because there is a danger of the development of purulent infiltrate in it.
When forming cysts, it is recommended to regularly observe the gynecologist for
Implementation of control over the growth of neoplasm growth. In some cases
Operational intervention for cyst removal is recommended.
Treatment of purulent cysts
In the treatment of purulent cyst, puncturing is pre-carried out -
The procedure in the process of which purulent-inflammatory is completely removed
content. After which antibiotics are determined to be sensitive
The causative agent of infection, and is appointed their course at mandatory. Procedure
Opening a cyst can be held on any day of the menstrual cycle, excluding
directly days of menstruation and three days before her. Such restrictions were introduced in
goals of reducing the risk of developing endometriosis of the uterus in the future. Usually,
The event is carried out in the first two weeks of the cycle.
For the treatment of cysts, the following methods can be used:
- surgical intervention;
- radio wave method;
- Laser therapy.
Cysts treatment in most cases is carried out outpatient. After
Procedures are possible painful sensations at the bottom of the abdomen of a cutting nature during
several days. After 10 days, candles are prescribed (usually de Pantol),
Activating healing process. A month after surgery
We need to inspect the doctor.
To prevent the occurrence of pathology, it is necessary regularly
Come on the gynecologist and periodically - ultrasound examination.
For a more careful inspection, the doctor may be presented prophylactic
Endoscopic study of the vaginal part of the cervix. Reduces risk
The formation of a cyst is also timely treatment of inflammatory diseases of the genital