Women's Health: Sport matters


  • How to return the lost tone of the muscles of the uterus and vagina
  • Exercise to strengthen intimate muscles

  • How to return the lost tone of the muscles of the uterus and vagina

    Women's Health: Sport mattersFrequently often in women occurs the wrong location of the genitals. With medical examinations, the main attention is paid to the state of the uterus and a slightly smaller - vagina. And problems can be both in the first and second case.

    Outstanding and falling out of the walls of the vagina more often found in giving birth women. The causes are insufficient physical development, as well as the weakness of the muscles of the pelvic bottom. The vagina is closely connected with the cervix, which pulls down when omitting. Therefore, the omission of the vagina in the absence of proper treatment is usually entails omit, and sometimes the fallout of the uterus.

    Special exercises you can strengthen the muscles of the pelvic bottom. Especially high, the effectiveness of gymnastics at the initial stage of the disease, when the omission of the vagina is not accompanied by the omission of internal organs (in particular, the uterus).

    Specially selected exercises not only restore the normal physiological position, but also have a fascination effect on the body, especially if all the working day you spend in the chair (blood supply to the small pelvis organs is reduced).

    What is interesting is that in the process of training vaginal muscles, the muscles of the thighs, buttocks, and belly, T.E. All muscles ensuring the grace of our body. In addition to the aesthetic value of the press muscle, they are directly related to a bunch that supports the uterus apparatus, T.To. Some bunds of the uterus are inserted into the muscles of the abdomen and at the tension of the press - tighten with them, tightening the uterus and the vagina behind them, which is the prevention of omitting and falling out it. Meanwhile belly muscles, which are included in the work together with the voltage of the vagina muscles. In no case does not mean that if «to pump» Press - you can avoid omitting the vagina.

    To sports loads, it is necessary to approach very carefully, t.To. Alone prescribed physical training can only be aggravated by the tensile bundles of the uterus. And the reason for the omission and loss of the vagina is very simple. With weak ligaments and muscles of vagina, each lifting weight, physical exertion, a sharp weight loss or vice versa, leads to the relaxation of the tone of these already fragile muscles. T.E. Weak ligaments do not hold the uterus from above, and the weak muscles of the vagina - from the bottom. The omission of the vagina - the Beach of large mothers, women working hard physical labor, fat or sharply losing weight, avoiding sports.

    Exercise to strengthen intimate muscles

    Take the starting position while sitting on the edge of the chair. Hand hold on to the edges not to lose balance. Press and back muscles are tense. Back straight, but without a big deflection in the lower back, the chin is parallel.

    Take a breath, and in exhale, take off the buttocks from the chair and lift the pelvis to one straight line with the legs and the case. At the top point, try to maximize the buttocks as if you want to keep a piece of paper squeezed between them. Then return to its original position.

    Exercise is performed at an average pace. Try to work only with buttocks, not shifting the load on the arms and the case.

    Common errors:

    • insufficient lifting pelvis;
    • bent legs in the knee joints;
    • Displacement pelvis forward to the footsteps.

    Try to make 2-3 approaches 15-20 times. At the end of all the repetitions you should feel fatigue in the buttock muscles. It will mean that you all did right. And if you feel tension or pain in the lower back, then you must first strengthen your back muscles. And the last! It is possible that your hands «refuse» earlier than the main «purpose» training, it means that you need to work on them. As a rule, the smokers are enough for all parts of the body.

    Good luck!

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