Mastopathy? Treatment is


  • How does mastopathy arise?
  • Diagnosis of mastopathy
  • Treatment of mastopathy
  • Prevention of mastopathy

  • About this disease and will be discussed in the article prepared by me
    Especially for mymedinform. I would like to tell what represents
    Mastopathy and, of course, touch her treatment.

    How does mastopathy arise?

    Mastopathy? Treatment is
    For mastopathy development
    need a push that will start the disease. It can be long
    Stress, infectious diseases, abortions, smoking, alcohol, lack
    Breastfeeding and, so fashionable now, Safety topless.
    Heredity is of great importance. If your mom and grandmother
    there was mastopathy, you need to visit mammologists at least twice a year.

    In addition to these factors, mandatory for the development of mastopathy is
    Hormonal imbalance – This is due to changes in the level of progesterone in
    Blood women. The level of this hormone varies depending on the phase
    menstrual cycle and emotional state of women.

    None of us is insured against random breast injuries:
    pushed in the crowd, pressed in the rapid metro... And please chest
    becomes painful, seals appear... These seals
    formed by fibrous changes in tissues – Connecting smashes
    tissue and replaces normal breast fabrics.

    Diagnosis of mastopathy

    was mentioned above, when mastopathy, breasts becomes painful when
    touch, it is very preventing women. In addition, in dairy
    iron appear uneven seals – if you feel the chest,
    It turns out that under the skin are like lumps and cones. Them
    The emergence is associated with the change in the tissue of the gland. In addition to pain in the chest
    Woman can disturb the selection of nipples. In this case, you need
    urgently contact the doctor.

    When you notice suspicious symptoms, you can try
    Determine mastopathy yourself. To do this, you need to undress to
    Belts, get up in front of the mirror, raise one hand and carefully inspect
    Milk gland. If there are no external changes, (and you should
    Immediately alert the modified skin: more thin, thickened,
    wrinkled skin as «Lemon crust»), then you can start
    palpate. Starting from the axillary depression, carefully pass
    chest, all the shares of the breast.

    Sign of mastopathy will be
    uneven seals, balls under the skin, possibly painful when
    Palpation. After spending self-diagnosis, please contact a doctor. He will appoint
    you ultrasound examination or x-ray to establish an accurate diagnosis and
    Start treating.

    Treatment of mastopathy

    If you ask for medical
    help, you can stop the course of the disease in the early stages and not
    to allow such terrible consequences as rebirth of mastopathy into a cancer tumor, for example.

    Mastopathy? Treatment is
    If you refer to the mammologist with complaints of chest pain in front
    monthly and selection of nipples, most likely the doctor will appoint you
    immunomodulating, plant antioxidant drugs
    origin rich in iodine and vitamins A, E, with. These drugs
    able to stop mastopathy and return the breast normal condition.

    But no matter how sad it is forced to recognize the fact that the Russians
    People tend to endure until the latter, hoping that the disease will pass
    «itself». So many women turn to mammologists much later,
    What is needed for easy and rapid cure. In such cases, doctors
    prescribe either combined drugs that include
    Vegetable and hormonal components, or some hormones.

    regulation of the menstrual cycle and reduce chest pain doctors often
    Prescribed hormonal contraceptives. Hormones contained in them,
    help reduce fibrous foci and slow down the development
    Mastopathy. If the pain in the chest is very strong, doctors allow
    Use of anesthetic and diuretic. Diuretic
    It is necessary to remove excess fluid and reduce edema of dairy
    glands. But what drugs can only be taken by a doctor!
    Self-medication during mastopathy can end up very crying.

    In the most neglected cases, cysts are developing in mastopathy
    glands (formation filled with liquid). Previously removed them
    completely, together with the breast, but now the surgeon removes only
    affected area, chest remains in place. About the operation will be
    remind only a subtle scar that is completely not noticeable under the clothes.
    However, it does not insure a woman from mastopathy development on the remaining breast.

    With the breast cysts, the doctor may assign a puncture of cysts (inside
    Enter the needle and suck her content). Before conducting puncture
    Complete comprehensive examination: Palpation, ultrasound – for women up to 40
    years, mammography – For women older age. No one will become
    Make you puncture «just» – If the doctor appoints this procedure,
    it means that he has reason to believe that on modified mastopathy
    Milk gland fabrics may occur cancer tumor. However, there is
    different forms of mastopathy, and far from each of them can be reborn in

    If after the cyst puncture is formed again, then the procedure
    Appointed re-either decide on the operational
    intervention. Pumping fluid (puncture) is carried out not only with
    The purpose of removing cysts, after also a biopsy is held. Biopsy – This
    Microscopic examination of tissues, allowing to determine if there is
    Malignant changes in the breast. As the most extreme method of treating mastopathy in the most severe cases, resort to the complete removal of the mammary glands, replacing them with implants.

    The key to the success of the treatment of mastopathy is the cure of the disease or a state that caused mastopathy.
    So, to identify the disease that has become a impetus for the development of mastopathy
    Associate an endocrinologist consultation, a comprehensive examination is carried out

    Prevention of mastopathy

    A good preventive tool for preventing mastopathy is pregnancy, childbirth and long-term breastfeeding.
    These natural processes have a beneficial effect on the fabric of the breast and
    Prevent mastopathy development. It has great importance
    Balanced diet, including products with high
    iodine content. MyMedinform recommends that you develop a useful
    habit of protecting breasts from random injuries. It can be done just
    hand or bag. In addition to all this, no excess weight will help
    your body hold hormonal background in normal and minimize
    Risk of mastopathy and other diseases.

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