Women's health. What could be more expensive?


  • On the notes of women

  • On the notes of women

    Female organism - a complex system in which there are certain changes throughout the life. Home From a physiological point of view Women's function is a reproduction - reproduction of offspring.

    The first menstruation appears in girls at about age 12 - 15 years. With their appearance begin to actively grow and ripen external and internal genitals under the influence of hormones isolated by endocrine glands. The main endocrine iron is the pituitary gland in the brain. At this age, the ovaries of the young girl begins to produce sex hormones - estrogens. The mucous membrane of the vagina becomes folded, the mucous membranes begin to appear in small quantities. If you change their color, consistency, smell you need to contact the gynecologist. Part of women, girls have chronic sex tract infections, which are transmitted through household items (towels, bed linen, clothing and so on). At an early stage, they are easy to heal, on chronic - quite difficult! The external and internal genitals grow, reach the size corresponding to the adult state. The difference between the functioning of the male and female genital systems after their formation consists in the nature of this process: the genital system of men is constant, women are cyclical. The duration of the menstrual cycle of women is normally from 21 to 35 days. Duration of menstruation - from 3 to 7 days. The established menstrual cycle says that the girl is ready to perform reproductive function. To start menstruation, a critical body weight is needed (about 50 kilograms) and a certain percentage of fat mass. Girls who are fond of strict diets risk their health, or rather the opportunity to have a healthy baby in the future. Menstruation usually passes painless or moderately painful. Painful sensations can be caused by the general immaturity of the body, small size of the genital organs, insufficiency of hormonal background, psychological features associated with inflammatory process, strong muscle contractions of the walls of the uterus.

    Woman's health. What could be more expensive?
    With elevated blood loss, high nervous and physical exertion, insufficient nutrition, hypovitaminosis occurs gradual loss of iron. The girl can become pale, she may have circles under the eyes, pronounced weakness and fatigue. All these are signs of anemia, periodically appearing in almost all women. In this case, it is necessary to take multivitamins with increased iron content.

    Hygienic events during menstruation do not differ from hygienic procedures on ordinary days. The routine of the day should not change. Before menstruation, some girls may appear premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a change in the psychophysical state of the girl on the eve of menstruation. As a rule, premenstrual syndrome entails a change in mood, the appearance of irritability.

    Menstruation - the main indicator of the reproductive function of a woman. For his health need to carefully monitor! The girl should lead the menstrual cycle calendar, celebrate in it features of menstruation, its duration, abundance of blood loss. This calendar subsequently helps the gynecologist to diagnose when contacting. In the event of problems with the reproductive function and the appearance of diseases, only a qualified gynecologist can help a woman!

    Attending the gynecologist every six months for preventive inspection.

    By 45 - 55 years, all women are different, Climax comes. But it can happen before. Climax is a slow attenuation of the menstrual function. For 1-2 years there is a slow cessation of menstruation. She begins to step more and less often and one day ends.

    The ability to continue the genus, have a healthy baby, rejoice in his successes and little victories - this is the most expensive that a woman could give a woman! For his health need to carefully monitor. Since ancient times, a woman who for some reason can not have offspring, not so attractive for men. Each man sooner or later wants to become a father. Many families disintegrate due to infertility. And that this trouble does not touch you, it is better to visit the doctor once again!

    Republican Center for Man and Family Planning Reproduction. Telephone in Moscow (495) 942-51-54

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