Required vitamins for pregnant women

Pregnancy - Wonderful time: The more the future mother rests, the better. However, this does not mean that «Interesting» position can be sitting, folded! Woman should do everything possible to for 9 months the baby growing inside it got the necessary vitamins for life and health.

Gynecologists practitioners note that the overwhelming number of their patients are not aware of which important role is played by natural vitamins and useful substances in the emergence of a new life. Let's look at our site, what food should systematically appear on a plate at the future mom to her «Puzzite» Good grew and developed correctly.

Vitamin B9 (Folate, Folic Acid)

Pregnancy, Vitamins, Iron, Useful Products, Polyvitamins

The substance is relevant for the future mother, when she also does not suspect that a new life originated inside it. What is his feature? B9 is directly involved in the formation of a healthy spine at the kid, and also lays a solid foundation for the development of high intelligence and resistant to life troubles of the psyche.

Vitamin will help and then when all the forces of the female organism are aimed at combating postpartum stress - it significantly reduces the sensitivity of the woman in labor and controls the timely milk allocation.

Contain this «utility» Vegetables with dark green leaves: Salad of all kinds, spinach, asparagus. It is possible to get the required amount of substance, if you periodically get on avocado, carrots, apricots, melon, pumpkin and beetroot. Do not exclude yolk eggs from your menu and beans - these products are also rich in folate.

Do you know that whole grain bread and bakery products from rye flour of a dark color - a real bedset B9? A pair of fresh bread slices with ease fill the need for the body in this vitamin.

The future mother needs to be particularly carefully taken to ensure that these products can appear as often as possible in its diet until the 12th week «Interesting» Regulations. If toxicosis and nausea, In particular, they became an obstacle for full nutrition, special vitamins containing B9 will help. Daily dose of such a drug - 400 mg per day.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Pregnancy, Vitamins, Iron, Useful Products, Polyvitamins

With the arrival of the second trimester of pregnancy, most of the mummy exhausted toxicosis come to life: nausea, weakness and dizziness go, well-being and mood improve. From a small bunch of cells at this point, a tiny little man has already been formed, and now the time to protect it from possible Rachita in future. Help in this future mother Vitamin D (calciferol).

A certain amount of vitamin is produced in the layers of our skin under the influence of sunlight, but in the autumn-winter period the deficit of calciferol needs to be filled, taking a daily 10 mg of this substance in the form of a vitamin complex.

Not to experience a shortage of vitamin D, woman «pregnant» Must give preference to Sardinam, Tuna, herring, salmon. Do not also forget about milk, other dairy products, egg yolk.

Omega-3 fat complex

For the body, the substance is truly invalid - omega-3 gives long years of life. The presence of this complex in the body of a pregnant woman is called a prerequisite for the proper formation of the brain and the bodies of the child. In addition, Omega-3 prevents the appearance of blood clots on the walls of the vessels in the future mother. You can find a substance in fish - it is trout, mackerel, halibut, cod. In addition, a pregnant woman with fatty acids are saturated with linseed oil and leafy green plants.


Pregnancy, Vitamins, Iron, Useful Products, Polyvitamins

When the age of a small little man has 17 weeks already, it begins to move more, it is during this period its bone tissue grows intensively. This is a signal for his mom: to the vitamin D it's time to connect calcium! This useful substance will help and pregnant - preserves the strength of her teeth and bones. In addition, calcium «fears» hypertension. The woman who waiting for the baby regularly eats foods rich in calcium, very rarely faces the problem of increased blood pressure.

What you need to eat not to face a calcium deficiency? The valuable element contains milk and other «Moor», Cheeses, natural yogurts. Broccoli, spinach, walnuts, apricots, sesame, dried fruit, fish (stauddes, bream, herring, not flow) are also a source of valuable «Building Material».


Pregnancy, Vitamins, Iron, Useful Products, Polyvitamins

This element is essential for the development of a new life: participates in the blood formation process. In order not to take iron in the form of a pharmacy preparation, the future mother needs every day there are natural products that contain it: red meat, poultry meat, eggs. From vegetable food you can remember the beans, apples, dried fruits, oatmeal, wholegrain bread.

When natural food for one reason or another does not satisfy the needs of Mom and her who has not born a child in vitamins, the doctor advises a woman to take Polyvitamin preparations, Wide range of which can be found in any pharmacy. However, the future mom always needs to be remembered that the key to good health and the outstanding mental abilities of the kid can only be the right nutrition - a full and varied.

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