Cirrhosis of the liver


Cirrhosis of the liverLiver diseases are rarely found, but they can create a lot of problems to a person. Liver — One of the vital organs that is responsible for its plot «Work» Human organism. Cirrhosis of the liver — Very serious pathology of chronic and constantly progressive nature. The whole structure of the liver is affected — From cells to the shell, which changes the organ beyond recognition: it increases or decreases in size, shrinks, compacted, becomes a bug, rough and reddish.

How cirrhosis is formed: causes and diagnostics

The mechanism of occurrence of the disease is not relieved. The reason that caused cirrhosis leads to necrosis or dying of hepatic cells. When the liver cells begin to die, a certain type of leukocytes is gradually accumulated near them, which stimulate specific cells on the production of collagen and the formation of fibrous tissue. The liver parenchyma begins to form slices of hepatic fabric, not containing veins, which leads to tissue atrophy. The cirrhosis of the liver leads to an increase in the number of connective fibrous tissue in the organ, which is raging, disrupts the entire structure of the liver, causing insufficiency.

The gravity stages are determined by a special scale, based on the results of analyzes and inspection:

  • class A — compensated;
  • class in and with — decompensated.

Everyone has a stereotype of the time of the USSR, when alcoholism was considered the main culprit of the cirrhosis. However, this is not the only reason leading to such serious liver pathology. The causes of the liver cirrhosis, which determine various forms of the disease, can perform:

  • infectious diseases (often viral hepatitis);
  • various intoxication, including alcohol and narcotic;
  • lack of protein;
  • genetic factors;
  • Problems with blood circulation inside the organ;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • chronic diseases of biliary tract;
  • Autoimmune reasons.

Unambiguously call a clear reason that causes disruption of the liver due to the morphological changes of the entire organ, until it can be. Cirrhosis of unclear origin is observed in 35% of patients.

Liver cirrhosis is diagnosed based on explicit symptoms, as well as using scanning, tomography, ultrasound, liver vessel angiography. Functively conduct diagnostic laparoscopy with a mandatory biopsy of the fabric, and during ascites, the contents of the abdominal cavity. Confirm the diagnosis of laboratory tests of blood, urine, liver samples. The disease at the initial stage is very difficult to identify, since the current is usually asymptomatic.

Liver cirrhosis: symptoms and complications

Clinical liver cirrhosis symptoms — Pretty bright and clear, they depend on the stage and form of the disease. The most common belongs:

  • weakness;
  • The temperature is either moderate or unchanged;
  • weight loss;
  • bitter taste;
  • pain in the abdomen, epigastrics, right hypochondrium;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • flatulence — flatulence;
  • an increase in the size of the liver and spleen;
  • jaundice;
  • itching;
  • ascites — accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity;
  • Redness of the language, palms — erythema;
  • hormonal shifts, sex dysfunction;
  • vascular «asterisk» on the skin, hemorrhage;
  • Bleeding of mucous membranes;
  • The end phalanges of the fingers of the hands become similar to the drum sticks, and nails on watchcases;
  • on the skin belly venous drawing — «Head of Medusa»;
  • Changes in psycho-emotional state, in heavy stages — Encephalopathy.

Complications of liver cirrhosis: hepatic coma, venous bleeding of the esophagus, stomach and intestines, hepatocellular carcinoma, thrombosis in the region of the portal vein, pneumonia, peritonitis, sepsis.

Liver cirrhosis: treatment and forecast

Liver cirrhosis: treatment and forecastIt is impossible to get rid of death completely. In case of cirrhosis, the treatment is aimed at stabilizing the existing state and the offensive of the resistance under the condition of timely treatment. Patients require discipline and attention to themselves: a strict diet, exclude physical and emotional loads, serious medical therapy in the hospital, transplantation is possible.

Prevention measures are aimed at avoiding the causes of cirrhosis or to be treated in a timely manner.

Zirrosis forecast is more or less favorable. To the question of how many liver cirrhosis live, you can answer that when diagnosis in the compensated stage, half of the patients lives more than seven years. If the cirrhosis of the liver is decompensated, then after three years, the number of survivors ranges from 11 to 45%. When the disease amazes the central nervous system, the fatal outcome occurs within twelve months.

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