April Theses of Allergic


  • Country of Birch Sitza
  • Pharmacy Adutant
  • Spring ku-ku
  • Houses and walls threaten
  • It's zhu-zhu - not

  • Country of Birch Sitza

    It is April, and not May and not June delivers the main problems
    Allergies. First bloom alder and hazel bloom, a little later begins «dust» Birch - Beach of Russian Megacols. The exact date «air
    Anxiety» It is impossible to call: if March was warm, as the current, first
    Grains Pollen appear already at its end.

    Allergologists will still argue for a long time, what concentration of pollen count
    Dangerous, - 50-60 pieces per cubic meter or less. But in one can
    Do not doubt: in mid-April in every cubic meter of urban
    air has no less than 5 thousand grains. And dozens of crying and
    frowning man in line for an allergist.

    Even the summer peak of the flowering of cereal and weed grasses is less problematic. IN
    Many holiday season have the opportunity to leave thousands of kilometers from
    epitisApril Theses of AllergicEntra blossom. And who will let go of an employee from the city in the middle
    Spring? So have to take a fight.

    If you live in the north, no chance for the pre-season
    Intensive course of specific injection therapy. Within 2
    Allergy's weeks introduce drugs that guarantee that if
    Polling and arise, it will be much easier. Required condition:
    You need to go through such a course at least a week or two before the start of dusting.

    Pharmacy Adutant

    If the time for an intensive injection rate is missing, one remains
    Path - Nonspecific therapy. Speaking easier, shoot symptoms
    medicines. And here, as on the epic crossroads, Allergy has three
    Ways: Antihistamine vasoconstrictions, Cramons and
    Hormonal agents. What to choose or in what sequence?

    Antihistamine vasocarbing

    This is a combination of anti-allergic and vesseloring
    drugs. Cost cheaply, act quickly, and some besides
    pretty long. But in the end, people "Sit down» on them and in days
    ten acquire allergic drug rhinitis, which at the end
    ends leads to operating. And it does not matter what form
    These funds: sprays, drops or nasal gels.

    Kramons - This
    Substances-stabilizers of fat cells. It is these cells when hitting
    Allergens are thrown into the blood histamine, causing edema, tear and
    Copolis. The main acting substance of drugs of this class -
    Cromoglikat sodium. Cromons can be taken for quite a long time without fears:
    The course of treatment under the control of the doctor may last to six months. Side
    Effects are practically no, but also the effectiveness is small. Besides
    will have to take tablets 3-4 times a day.

    Hormonal preparations of local applications
    Effective, act quickly and long. But also stand quite expensive.
    However, many doctors are wary due to the price: not to
    The end has been studied the risk that hormones from the nose mucosa will penetrate into the blood. BUT
    it would be fraught with unpleasant consequences.

    Doctors recommend starting treatment with Kramonov. Antihistamine I
    Summarizers are good for removing acute attacks. Hormones are better
    Get as heavy artillery.

    Spring ku-ku

    You can still have a series of washing sinuses of nasal nasal
    drugs - famous to many «cuckoo». First from the sinuses
    sucking the mucus, then washed with a drug. However,
    Many otolaryngologists «cuckoo» don't like it believed that she can
    Injury mucosa. In any case, do not need to abuse. BUT B
    Overall, the method is very effective and 7-10 procedures are enough for,
    To boldly meet a dangerous period.

    In Russia, so far «cuckoo» can be done only in the office from a specialist.
    But the Americans have already launched a set of pear and bag with
    saline mixture: dissolve the mixture and injected fluid in nostrils.
    Perhaps soon the novelty will appear with us.

    Houses and walls threaten

    Unfortunately, not one pollen suffers in April allergy. Is there some more
    Mold fungi. It is right now when the sun is harnessed, and humidity
    The air is high, they are thrown into the air of the myriad dispute. Dangerous old
    Buildings with raw walls and overlaps.

    If you have allergies to fungi, the danger now represent
    Unbrained lawns, parks and squares. Last year's foliage - perfect
    Mushroom breeding medium. They feel well in Russian
    Ban. But in the sauna, where the air is dry and hot, you can feel
    in safety. Allergologists even recommend the sauna in spring as therapeutic
    By the way, due to dampness in houses, home dust pliers are activated -
    Also strong allergens. But the fight against them is the topic of a separate conversation in
    Any time of the year.

    It's zhu-zhu - not

    At the end of April, one more attack is waiting: stinging refamps.
    Simply put, bees, wasps, bumblebees... From them sprays and drops not
    Save them, Meanwhile, the risk can be literally fatal.

    In any case, the deterioration will necessarily be significant. And very
    quick - so much that you can and do not have time. Output one: have
    at hand anti-shock set. You can collect it in the nearest

    Put in the aid kit ampoula with adrenaline, a few ampoules with
    Dexamethasone and Syringe. If you were stung, right there at this place
    adrenaline - the faster, the better that the poison is not absorbed by others
    Tabs. After that, intramuscularly enter dexamethasone at the rate of one
    Cube for 1 kg of weight. And rather to the doctor - when it comes to life and
    death, save time on professional counseling silly.

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