Photodermatitis: what to do with allergies in the sun?


Allergy to the Sun or Photodermatitis
Probably the summer is given to us in order to enjoy
sunny days, get out of nature, admire her paints,
Travel and, of course, to warm up under the rays of a gentle sun.
Some use their summer vacation in order to visit the southern
countries swim in the sea, sow on the beach and tan. But at home and in
One danger to tide us — Allergy in the Sun. Why she
arises? As manifest? And what to do if your skin is after staying on
The sun suddenly covered with red spots and merciless itchy?

Such photodermatitis?

Allergy to the Sun has little in common with real allergies.
The disease is due to increased skin sensitivity to the sun rays, but
as such an allergen, that is, a foreign substance, directly
causing the development of a true allergic reaction does not exist. Exactly
Therefore, the processes occurring in the skin during photodermatite are called

And yet, there are some common moments from true allergies and
Photodermatitis. Substances provoking the appearance of skin rashes after
solar baths still exist, however, they do not come from outside, as
true allergies, and are formed in the skin itself under the influence of ultraviolet and
become an irritant for human immune system.

Cosmetics may be the cause of allergies in the sun

Depending on the mechanism of occurrence of photodermatitis divide
on exogenous and endogenous.

With exogenous photodermatite as a starting point
Speakers are substances that are on the surface of the skin. Together with ultraviolet
radiation they cause education in the skin of allergens and the appearance of symptoms

As «provocateur» can perform:

  • Sunscreen creams, especially if they are
    a para-aminobenzoic acid includes;
  • cosmetics and perfumes;
  • Essential oils, such as Bergamota,
    Hypericum, Roses, Sandal;
  • dill and parsley juice;
  • Boric and salicylic acids, phenol, mercury
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids in vegetable

Collecting cosmetics at sea, you should carefully take
selection of funds and eliminate those that can provoke allergies in the sun.

Another example of exogenous photodermatitis is
meadow allergy. Its reason are Fourocumary in pollen of meadow colors and
Herbs making on the skin of man.

When the reasons for photodermatitis lies inside

Endogenous photodermatites develop with joint action
Sunny rays and substances accumulating in human skin.

Their cause can be:

  • chronic liver diseases;
  • disease metabolic diseases inheritance and
    acquired nature;
  • Diseases of adrenal and kidneys.

Foldermatite gets more chances of young children,
When the internal skin protection mechanisms are not yet formed, as well as people with
Light skin.

Increased sensitivity to the sun rays cause
Many drugs: tetracycline, doxycycline, amiodoron, trashcore, ibuprofen,
Aspirin, oral contraceptives, cytostatics and even some
Antiallergic means.

The probability of developing allergies in the sun sharply increases
After cosmetic procedures, such as cleaning, peeling, mesotherapy, contour
plastics, as well as tattoo.

How not to confuse allergies in the sun with solar burns?

Allergy to the Sun or Photodermatitis
Most often, photodermatitis manifestations arise with the first
Spring rays and exacerbate after sunbathing throughout
Total summer.

Usually from the moment of exposure to sunlight before the appearance
Allergy symptoms take place from a few hours to two days. Rash
preceded the itchy of the skin, it may arise during the adoption of solar
Bath. Then approximately one day, on the exposed areas
skin appears rash. Most often it has the kind of urticaria, that is, small
Budrocks merging into blisters are less likely to form bubbles, after the opening of which,
The skin remains erosion, healing in 2-5 days with the formation of crusts, and
leaving persistent pigmentation. If we take into account the fact that the whole picture
Photodermatitis unfolds against the background of overall skin redness, confused allergies
In the sun with ordinary sunny burns is quite simple. Treatment of these
states are different, so in case of doubt, it is better to immediately turn to the dermatologist.

There is a chronic allergy form in the sun, in its own way
flow resembling ancase accompanied by a strong itch. This kind
The intolerance of the Sun is more often found in men of middle and older.

And this is forever?

Allergy treatment in the Sun implies an exception
Ultraviolet exposure. In the case of solar urticaria, antihistamines help
Means exist special drugs that seal the skin and reduce it
Sensitivity to sunlight. Treatment in this case
lies in gradual skin teaching to the sun on the background of taking medication.

To remove the aggravation of photodermatitis prescribe local
Treatment in the form of ointments, sometimes hormonal, and internal treatment: vitamins
groups B, E, C, nicotinic acid, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and
Antihistamines. Typically, the course of treatment continues for several
Days or weeks. At this time, it is recommended to be less likely to appear in the sun, wearing
Wideworm Hat, Clothes with Sleeves and Sunglasses.

If you do not treat allergies in the sun, the repetition of its episodes
will lead to the development of photodermatosis. When did you manage to stop the attack
Allergies, carefully taking care of skin protection, eliminate provoking factors
and clearly observing sunbathing mode, it is possible to warm up under
affectionate rays. Allergies in the sun can be monitored and warning, children
and can grow up this disease.

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