Reception of medicines, even «The best», In some cases, it can lead to death. It's all about the individual intolerance of medical staff. This article we are talking about anaphylactic shock as an allergy form for drugs.
Previously, allergic to medicines was quite rare - whether the population was healthier, whether the ecology is better. And maybe both together. Today we came to disturbing numbers: from 7 to 15% of people can give an allergic reaction to various drugs. Statistics claims that of them until half of the percent «Collision» Certain preparation may die. These are 750 thousand deaths in the potential.

Among the most dramatic medicinal complications - death from anaphylactic shock. Pathologist diagnosis and sounds.
Anaphylactic shock - one of the extreme forms of medicinal allergies. «Anaphylaxis» Translated from Greek - «defenseless». In the first arrival, the potentially dangerous drug shock never happens, but over the next 7-12 days in the body, the state of increased sensitivity to this drug is developing, which remains for life; this is a genetically determined state. If after a while, I repeatedly introduce a small dose of medication, the negative reaction of the body can be played instantly, literally after a few minutes. Shock can not always be predicted because the patient does not always know that he has already taken dangerous drug.
With all shock «developments» develop around connective tissue vessels. On average 3-30 minutes after the administration of the drug expands the vessels, their permeability increases, which leads to a sharp drop of pressure and heart rate impaired. Consciousness turns off, convulsions appear, choking. If the shock happens at home, doctors advise immediately call «ambulance», In the meantime she goes - to make a victim artificial respiration. The first signs of allergies do not always look threatening - sneezing, tear, edema, instill, whistling breath.
Until full recovery - approximately 7-14 days - the patient will be in the hospital: it is necessary to check the function of the liver and kidneys. In the afterbow period there is a general weakness, it is often observed by ailment from cardiovascular and nervous systems.
In very rare cases, anaphylactic shock passes itself, a medical care is required in the overwhelming majority. Unless, of course, the tragedy does not end in a matter of minutes. Dying usually from violation of cardiac activity and choking.
The surviving anaphylactic shock are often panically afraid of everyone without exception. Rebel «make friends» Durable psychotherapy and trial reception of pacifiers - neutrals help medications. Fortunately, anaphylactic shock meets infrequently.
With a lot of probability, you can assume in advance the development of an allergic reaction. She is subject to people who:
- have a hereditary predisposition to such allergies;
- suffer from bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis and have allergies;
- For a long time, the same drug is used;
- A few drugs take immediately for the purpose of destination different doctors;
- engaged in self-medication, especially with the use of antibiotics;
- By the nature of your profession are forced to constantly contact with medications.
The degree of allergies depends on the method of administration of the drug. If we talk about antibiotics, then the safest those that are in tablets. Danger increases, if the same medicine to introduce in injections. And the most dangerous way - inhalation.
Statistics shows that:
- In rural areas, the intolerance between drugs is somewhat less common than in the city;
- Women allergies are almost twice as many than men;
- Most often allergy «Chooses» people aged 20-49 years.
Risk Factors of X-ray Contract Action:
- age older 50;
- Cardiovascular diseases, hypertension;
- chronic renal failure, hyper-urichemia;
- Allergic diseases, including bronchial asthma.
And ours, and foreign doctors believe that today X-ray-repeat-instrast is the most informative and reliable method of diagnosis. Refuse it do not plan. Some reduced sad statistics new drugs with the least complications. With a high probability of complications, the method is replaced with an ultrasound study (when possible).
Hereditary factor of allergies are not allowed nowhere. If allergies suffers from one parent, the child in every fourth case will repeat this fate. And if allergies are both parents, then the child has a chance to be healthy relatively small - only 60-70%.
- miscalculation of mother during pregnancy;
- recurrent ARVI;
- artificial feeding; Dysbacteriosis;
- Helmintosis;
- Allergy to vaccines;
- Endocrine violations.
If the child has allergies, get ready for what you have to often visit the allergist and consult with him about the new food, new drugs, the need to do or not make another vaccination. It is believed that allergies are a lifestyle, on the quality of which can affect indoor plants, animals, the frequency of colds. In addition, for small allergies, bee bites or wasps represent a greater danger.
Dosage Allergy - Complicated Phenomenon. In a sense, this is a lottery. Despite the fact that the groups are found «Sensitive» people don't relax the rest. By and large, surprises from the immune system are unpredictable. Around us is about 5 million. a variety of substances, and no one will say for sure how even a healthy organism will respond to a meeting with them. And as for drugs, almost anyone can cause allergies. Including the one that is intended for the treatment of allergies. So if you encountered even with light intolerance of some kind of medicine, it will be the wisdom of everything to see. Professional owns the methods of diagnosis, aware of possible complications.
Without him really can't do. You can, of course, eliminate all contacts with an allergen, but what to do if, for example, allergies cause a vital medicine? In addition, it is not always possible to determine the cause of the protest. And there may be a lot of them - and overdose, and just a side effect.
Even if it was possible to get rid of light allergies, it should still be alerted. Allergies, especially medicinal, only progress over time; each subsequent case is more pronounced than the previous one. In addition, the intolerance of drugs is often combined with food allergies. Hypoallergenic diet enters complex treatment and prevention.
And first of all, the doctor cancels all non-literal advisory drugs; The rest should be replaced by the preparations of other pharmacological groups. When the sharp period is behind, spend testing with different substances. The survey is laboratory (in the tube) and directly on the patient (provocative skin samples).
Skin tests do not do during pregnancy, breastfeeding and during the first days of menstruation.
No matter how try, and completely without drugs will not work. Benefit they bring incomparably more than harm. Of course, herbs often help in treatment, but no modern doctor will advise you to completely abandon chemical medicines: Today, humanity suffers from such complex twigs, in front of which all the Botanical Gardens of the world are exhausted, taken.
This is not a call uninterrupted to swallow pills. On the contrary, this process should be as cautious. Mina slow motion ticks silently. Any medicine - semi-finished. A full-fledged, active product, it becomes when it is connected to the organism proteins, forming antigens. Alternatively, nothing terrible will happen, but if for each occasion to swallow Analgin, paracetamol and other renovated non-receptible pills, all these multiple compounds will accumulate so many antigens that the process of hidden sensitization will widely unfold, which sooner or later provoke a terrible allergic reaction. Therefore, part of the allergists adheres to the opinion that each drug should be released strictly according to the doctor's prescription - at least due to the fact that anaphylactic shock is sometimes developing literally after a second after contact with the allergen, and 99% of the population have no idea what to do in the first turn.
To reduce the risk to a minimum, you must adhere to the rules below.
- If you are allergic to the medicine or if someone from your closest relatives suffers, report this to the doctor to whom you came to reception.
- If, after receiving any drug, you had an allergic reaction, with a reuse, it will reveal again. Therefore, without waiting for the second time, be sure to ask the doctor to tell you the name of this medicine. Write down it.
- If the medicine written to you caused allergies, apply a visit to an allergist. It will help you choose an harmless analogue, today it is real.
- If at least one day you had an anaphylactic shock, in the future it is necessary to periodically visit the allergist. His advice will be required every time before using a new drug, as well as before any operational intervention.
- If a tear begins, runny nose while in the cellar, when drinking champagne or Rochet cheese, most likely, you are allergic to mold. In this case, the preparations of penicillin rows are your potential enemies.
- People with the allergic constitution are better not to get involved in food with food additives and do not taste folk remedies. And the prescription of drugs should be carried out only by the doctor.
- Do not mix antihistamines with antibiotics. And those and others are potential allergens. In the case of a mixture, the recognition of the enemy can stretch over time, bringing a significant deterioration in state of health.
- Read annotations before taking medicines - the habit is good, but it is not in a state comprehensively insure you. So, you will not learn from annotation, that sulfadimetoxin and bispetol - from one «Family» with Novocaine. And if you conflict with one of these drugs, then the rest will also play against you. There are other related chains that do not disassemble without a doctor.
- Also happens intolerance to iodine. If this is one of your problems, warn about it before X-ray diagnostics. And, of course, do not lubricate the wound iodine, the throat and do not draw the grids. It is believed that most often «reject» iodine people with red hair and very white leather. Preparations containing iodine usually contain this word and in the title. But there are exceptions, for example, antistroin and some other prescription drugs.
- When receiving soothing drugs with a bromine content, check whether a rash appeared on the body. Anaphylactic reaction Do not be afraid, its probability here is extremely small - less than one hundred percent.
Doctors believe that the number of allergic reactions can be significantly reduced by prophylactic measures. People from the risk group need every time before «Communication» With a new drug undergo diagnostics for possible drug allergies. Check out does not interfere with those who in the past were even single cases of intolerance to the drug. And those who are written on the cover of the medical card «anaphylactic shock», Doctors and yourself will not forget to test from all sides. For these purposes, a whole complex of laboratory methods and provocative tests are used - skin, inhalation, approximate and T. D.