Symptoms of avitaminosis in children


in children — Common problem. This condition is usually developing
Gradually: Against the background of poor appetite, chronic diseases, overwork,
intestinal disorders. Initial signs
Avitaminosis in children parents can notice immediately: kids are becoming
low-active, alarmingly sleep, can refuse meals.

Hair and nails first react to a lack of vitamins. In the corners of the mouth
cracks can appear, face and hands often flake, the hair falls out and
Sometimes. For a long time Avitaminosis in children
Symptoms may have more pronounced, depending on the type
missing vitamin and stage development.

Symptoms of vitamin A Avitaminosis in children:

Symptoms of avitaminosis in children
  • The appearance of small scraps on the skin.
  • Hair liness and nails.
  • Cross strips on nail plates.
  • Dry skin and hair liness.
  • Erosion on the mucous.
  • Tendency to blufaritis and stomatitam.
  • Flushing flies before eyes.
  • Reduced vision.

If you do not take any measures to treat the disease, then
A child can fall behind in intellectual development, gradually lose sight and
suffer from weakening immunity and infectious lesions of organs and tissues.

Signs of vitamin D Avitaminos

With a lack of vitamin D, Rahit. Processes are violated
phosphorus and calcium suction in the intestines. Symptoms
Avitaminosis D in children grow
gradually. The child becomes restless, frightened, often wakes up for
nights, bad. The skin can be hypereminated, observed excessive

Due to the enhanced work of the sweat glands, the head sweats,
What causes itching, which makes the kids rub back about the pillow. IN
The result of this can occur baldness in this area. Further
There are irreversible changes in the musculoskeletal system (curvature
posture, changing bones of chest, skull and limbs), which
persist in adulthood.

Vitamin C: Main Symptoms

When avitaminosis with children develop signs of cings and collagen production is disturbed. Arise
The following symptoms:

  • Weakness.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Nonsense, instability to loads.
  • Blooding the gums.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Violations of the formation of skeleton bones.
  • Breeding vessels, tendency to appear
    Hemorrhagic rash.
  • Loss of teeth, pain in the limbs.
  • Reducing the protective forces of the body.

Avitaminosis Vitamins B1 and B2

With a lack of riboflavin (B2) and thiamine (vitamin B1) comes
avitaminosis. This can be facilitated by exercise, pathology
intestines, excessive use of some foods, raw food. At
Insufficient arrival of these vitamins with food appear:

Symptoms of avitaminosis in children
  • Pathological changes of the cornea and conjunctiva.
  • Stomatitis.
  • Peeling and thickening of the skin on eyelids, ears, nose wings.
  • Muscular weakness.
  • Causes.
  • Changes in language (it becomes more dry and brightly painted).
  • Pains along the location of the nerves.

Task parents — in time to contact the children for medical
help when the first signs of avitaminosis appears. Kids need B
qualified examination and comprehensive medical events
(disinfecting therapy, appointment of vitamin preparations, cleansing
organism, strengthening immunity).

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