In case of violation of the storage conditions of products in them, pathogenic microorganisms that allocate toxins are actively multiplied, which, when entering the child's body, cause the development of poisoning. The causes of food toxicoinfections in children often lick in the mistakes of parents and employees of children's educational institutions, which violate sanitary standards for food storage.
As a result of the use of the child spoiled sausage, cheese or
Other dishes arise intestinal infections, many of which are life-threatening.
Toxins contained in such food are able to hit many organs and systems,
Causes digestive disorders, toxic shock, dysbacteriosis, dehydration.
Most often pathogenic microorganisms multiply in meat, fish,
dairy products, salads, cream cakes, on the surface of vegetables and fruits.
Children have an imperfect immune system and are sensitive to many toxins,
allocated infectious pathogens (Staphilococcus, Klebsiella,
Enterococcus, Schigellash, E.). But prevention
food toxicoinfections in children should be held both at home and in
schools and kindergartens.
Regular control over the observance of sanitary standards will allow
Reduce the risk of cases of acute food poisoning. At
Flashing of food toxicoinfections in children find out
Causes and sources of the disease are carried out
Investigation of sanitary-epidemiological services.
Symptoms of toxicoinfection
The child has:
- Nausea, multiple vomiting;
- Diarrhea;
- Increasing body temperature;
- Lubrication in body, headache, weakness;
- Pallor, dry skin.
Symptoms of food
toxicoinfections in children can differ slightly from each other, but in
whole pathological signs similar. The incubation period rarely reaches
day, most often food toxicoinfection
children (regardless of cause)
develop a few hours after the use of infected products
Nutrition. And parents should react as quickly as possible to deterioration
The state of the child, contacting the children's infectious background or pediatrician.
Food Prevention
Toxicoinfection in children
Food toxicoinfection U
Children — This is the result of the use of low-quality food products.
The disease develops sharp and requires timely assistance. Peak poisoning
falls on the summer when the maximum favorable conditions are created
For reproduction of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.
But parents should strive to prevent food toxicoin intake in children, their prevention
simple and easy to do:

- Always well delight meat, fish;
Before buying cheese, dairy products, sausages and meat
products always check the shelf life; -
Store perishable products in the refrigerator and use
1-2 days; - Rinse fruits and vegetables thoroughly before use;
- Fresh cow's milk always boil before giving children.
If a child visits a kindergarten or school, pay attention to
Quality of his nutrition there. This should follow the appropriate organizations,
But parents have the right to know what products they feed their children and in what
Food conditions are stored.