Forewarned is forearmed! Causes and types of food poisoning


Food poisoning — This is a group of diseases combined by one cause, eustomic food, containing large numbers of microbes, their toxins or toxic substances of another nature.

What are the food poisoning?

Warned & ndash; So armed! Causes and types of food poisoningDepending on the factor that caused food poisoning, the classification includes the following types of food poisoning.

  1. Microbial poisoning make up 95% of all cases of poisoning and are caused by eating products contaminated with a large number of bacteria and toxic products of their livelihoods. Poisoning differ from food infections by the fact that they cannot be transmitted from a sick person healthy, as it happens during salmonellosis and dysentery.
  2. Multical poisonings are much less common and caused by the ingress of a man of the toxic substances of vegetable, animal origin or chemical impurities in the stomach.

Types of food poisoning of microbial nature

Food toxicoinfection — Acute poisonings caused by eating products containing a huge number of conditionally pathogenic bacteria, that is, microorganisms that can be found everywhere in small quantities, do not harm health. Most often, the cause of toxicoinfection becomes the seeding of food with intestinal wand and other microorganisms similar to it. Pathogenic properties can show enterococci, protea, clostridium, vibriums, which in the process of their livelihoods and during destruction are distinguished toxins.

Toxicoinfection Always distinguishes a sudden beginning, massiness and limited to one circle of people. Flashes of toxicoinfection can occur in kindergartens, in schools, in one neighborhood or city. As a rule, they have a connection with one product and end as soon as this product will be removed from use.

Toxicosis — These are food poisoning that develops microbes toxins in the human body. A classic version of toxicosis is botulism, but as «factories» Toxins can also be the usual enterotoxygenic staphylococci and mushrooms, such as dispatch, Aspergillas, Fuzaria.

«Non-library» Causes of food poisoning

Warned & ndash; So armed! Causes and types of food poisoningIn addition to microbes and their toxins, poisoning can cause vegetable and animal products that are poisonous in nature, most often these mushrooms, less often weed cereals and wild plants. Sometimes the cause of intoxication becomes milk and caviar of such fish such as Marinka, Negreach and Usach.

Not all products that cause poisoning, initially had toxic properties. For example, compote from plums or apricots with a bone, washed by a caring grandmother's hand, and for a couple of years forgotten in the cabinet on the shelf, it may well be the cause of serious poisoning. The fact is that during the storage of this product from the bone of fruits, Amigdalin — The substance that in the intestine of a person turns into the blue poison — Sinyl acid.

Potentially poisonous substances contains bitter almonds, green potatoes, raw beans.

Chemical impurities poisoning

Among such pathology as food poisoning, the classification involves the allocation of a group of poisoning by chemical impurities. The use of chemicals in agriculture, food and light industry today takes a threatening scale. Safe regulations of the content of chemical impurities in food products are clearly spelled out by sanitary services, product quality control is carried out constantly, but, unfortunately, violations are quite common.

From food poisoning with chemicals, poisoning with nitrates and nitritis, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides are most often found. For example, nitrates and nitrites are widely used in the meat processing industry, with their pink color sausage and sausages are obliged to precisely these substances. In agriculture, nitrates are used to rapid watermelon cultivation, the berry is obtained on fame, smooth, large, but inside barely pink and sour taste. Pesticides — Reliable protection of cultivated plants from weeds, however, they accumulate in the soil, and in the human body and the human body can cause poisoning.

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