Herpes varieties


  • Herpes Simple
  • Genital herpes
  • Herpes ishing

  • Herpes Simple

    Herpes varieties It begins acutely, with itching and tingling, sometimes pain. On the skin, a red echo spot is formed, on which groups of bubbles filled with transparent serous content appear. Through 3—4 days bubbles dried with the formation of serous-purulent crusts or slightly wet erosions.

    Ordinary places of the location of a simple herpes — Wings of the Nose, Corners of the Mouth and Red Bimb. The virus is transmitted mainly when contacting the body fluids of the patient (blood, saliva, sperm, the secret of the mucous membranes) with skin and mucous membranes of another person.

    Therefore, you can get infected with a kiss, use of a common kitchenware or toothbrush. According to the assumption of doctors, strongly weakened people can get infection and airborne droplets.

    Sometimes herpes can be localized in completely atypical places for it — on the fingers, palms, elbows, chest, back. Simple herpes virus can affect the field of genital organs preferably as a result of oral-genital sex contacts.

    The disease is accompanied by weakness, a decrease in appetite, a breakdown, headache, an increase in body temperature, brushes in muscles, irritability and bad sleep. Duration 1—2 weeks.

    In case of infection to the cornea of ​​the eye, herpetic keratitis (ophthalmokerpes) occurs, which is characterized by severe pain and burning in the eye, clouding of the cornea and impaired view. If the disease is not treated, blindness may come. Infection is possible, if you grant your eyes with a hand, which before that touched the herpetic bubble, as well as through a towel, handkerchief, cosmetics.

    Genital herpes

    Localizes, as a rule, in the field of genital organs, but in some cases it occurs on the face. On the mucous membranes and adjacent areas of the skin appear grouped bubbles around which there is redness. Through 2—4 days they burst, forming wet erosion, less often — Yazvki. Patients are bothering itching, burning, pain in the field of lesion, sometimes there is an increase in body temperature to 38 degrees, a painful increase in inguinal lymph nodes. The duration of the sharp period can reach 3—5 weeks.

    Frequent relapses are able to cause neurasthenia and depression. In pregnancy, the primary genital herpes infection is especially dangerous — This may cause non-injury to pregnancy and infect the fetus during childbirth.

    The newborn herpes instantly acquires a systemic nature, hitting the central nervous system and internal organs (eyes, liver, bronchi, light, brain) and often ends with a fatal outcome in the first 2 weeks of the disease. In children who have undergone primary herpes, neuropsychiatric complications are observed. Therefore, if herpetic rashes appear at the end of pregnancy, doctors resort to Cesarean cross section.

    Primary genital herpes often proceeds asymptomatic, which makes it difficult to diagnose, and also contributes to its widespread. According to foreign data, women are sick of herpes 6 times more often than men.

    Herpes ishing

    Proceeds sharper than the first two types of disease. It begins with an increase in temperature and neuralgic pain. Overall weakness, headache, nausea, vomiting. Bubbles with serous contents may occur on any part of the body. Following the first group of rash, new, foci merge into a solid tape and, as it were, the torso. The course of the disease is long, sometimes up to 4—5 weeks. It should be borne in mind that since the drying of bubbles and the formation of crusts, patients are not inflas. After the disappearance of rashes on the skin can remain persistent post-agery neuralgia, which is difficult to treat.

    In adults, this type of disease is manifested as a sliming, in children – Like a chickenpiece. Therefore, an adult can infected with a shelling deprived of a child with a windmill and vice versa. The virus, as a rule, falls into the body in childhood with the windmill and no longer leaves him. True, the intensification of infection occurs only with a very strong weakening of immunity as a result of aging, radiation and chemotherapy, organ transplantation.

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