How to lose weight teenager

If a teenager has an overweight, then it is 98% of the wine of parents who have not taught him to eat right. It is they who have to show attention and care to help her child to lose weight. To force it to comply with a hard diet is inappropriate and even harmful to health. You need to teach it rationally eat, work out healthy food habits.

If a teenager has an overweight, then it is 98% of the wine of parents who have not taught him to eat right. It is they who have to show attention and care to help her child to lose weight.

The body of the teenager grows and develops, it needs a large and variety of nutrients. To force it to comply with a hard diet is inappropriate and even harmful to health. You need to teach it rationally eat, work out healthy food habits. In addition to this, add any, but daily motor activity - sports, charging, hiking, other.

Our site will help teenagers to lose weight without harm to health, just follow our recommendations. Separately, I note, if the completeness of the child is associated with any disease, then first it is necessary to consult a doctor for advice. But under any circumstances, the rules of a healthy lifestyle are relevant to all.

Meals and again

How to lose weight teenager
The main factor of excess weight in adolescents is the wrong food. We will talk about day mode, and now - about food.

Balanced by nutrients diet (these are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins) is of great importance for the mental and physical development of the child. What should be refused if the teenager is worth the task of Lose weight. Fats are better to use vegetable (sunflower, corn, olive oil), they are easier to digest. But the animal fat in the form of oily meat, the sludge is better to completely exclude. It is not recommended fried, smoked meat and fish - calorie and «hard» Processed by the body. Meat and fish it is better to choose lean varieties, preferably bake or cook. Be sure to exclude from the diet of gravy, spices (mustard, mayonnaise), very salted dishes - they excite the appetite.

Fast food. Establishments where such foods need to be bypass the tenth road - there is nothing useful in it. Overly to talk about the inadmissibility of drinking alcoholic beverages. Under the ban also sweet carbonated water and various energy drinks. In addition, we advise you to exclude tea and coffee. All this actively acts not only on appetite, but also on the nervous system as a whole, and besides, it contains a large amount of unnecessary calories for losing weight. Replace these drinks with plates, compats, juices (frosses), milk and milk drinks.

Sweets - That's what adults and children adore. Unfortunately, this is the main source of excess weight. You need to minimize the use of sweets, cookies, cakes (especially with fat cream), drift and limit the use of pure sugar. Partially replace all this can be jelly, berry, dairy, cottage cheese desserts.

Try to give a teenager to school fruits and dried fruits instead of sweets and cookies, and chips need to be replaced by whole grainbreads from wheat or rye flour with additives in the form of various kinds of seeds.

Of course, you can control the quality of a significant part of food that your child eats. But he himself must understand the importance of excess weight. To do this, make up with a teenager «List of prohibited products» and gradually complement it, explaining a child along the way, why do you put them there. Believe me, you yourself will find out about the products a lot of new. Do not prohibit something in categorical form, explain why it is impossible to do it and inexpedient.

It is very difficult to eat right all week, so reward a teenager on weekends with a small dessert from a prohibited list, and then, so that he is not postponed on the sides, offer him to walk, ride a bike or skating.

Day mode and power mode

How to lose weight teenager
Very important for thin teenager day mode and properly organized food. It will not only help to lose weight and maintain weight within, but also will save from various kinds of diseases. Develop a day with a child, covering all its activities from lifting to sleep. Turn on the mandatory meal time there, the so-called power mode, for its execution you will need certain efforts.

The teenager must observe the multiplicity of food intake, the intervals between them, and you - correctly compile the daily need of a growing organism not only in calories, but also in the proportional distribution of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Given the age-related needs of the body, for adolescents, this ratio will be 1: 1: 4. Perekos in the direction of increasing fat or carbohydrates contributes to the impact of metabolism and leads to excess weight. Food of adolescents should be at least a four-time, with this approximately distribution of volume during the day: breakfast - 30%, lunch - 40%, afternooner - 10%, dinner - 20%. Breakfast and dinner teenager usually goes home and you can control what he eats. The last meal must be no later than one and a half hours before sleep.

How to organize food teen outside the house? Well, if a full-fledged dinner is provided in the school, and if not, it will have to redistribute food volumes between lunch and afternooner and maximize full nutrition. For example, to eat 20% of food instead of 40%, and the remaining volume in the amount of 20% divide: 15% transfer to afternoon, and 5% on the snack between the lessons.

Be sure to include sports sports day - Daily 15 minute charging or classes in any section 3 times a week. This is the same significant slimming factor, like meals.

Purpose and personal example

How to lose weight teenager
Put a teen target, for example, drop a month of 0.5 kg and not to recruit them again. Praise it for his achievements, award how your fantasy tells, but not buns, of course.

No matter how much you prohibit the child to eat a lot, no matter how you forced him to play sports, all this will not be effective enough until you become a teenager to follow the teenager. Think whether the child will have a useful porridge if you yourself get a cake? Taking a teenager to the rules of rational nutrition and physical education, follow them together. Divide the difficulties with the child with whom it will face when weigher and the award will be a healthy slim child and good relationship with it.

Categorical no!

In free access, there are now various biographic supplies and means for weight loss, in no case offer this teenager - remember: its body is only formed, it is better to avoid the action of such drugs, because their effects on human health are not studied.

Our site wishes parents and children to forever break up with overweight and be healthy.

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