There is no high-speed medicine from cold and flu, so we have only prevention.
Wash your hands
Most medium and flu viruses are transmitted by direct contact between people. The sick man sneezed on his hand, and then took the handset, scored the text on the keyboard, got out of a glass in the kitchen. Infection pathogens live on various surfaces for several hours, and in some cases a few weeks, and easily can be removed from there with a healthy person. So wash your hands with soap. If there is no soap, hold your hands under water for a few minutes and carefully spend one about another. The same effect as the washing washed with soap, you can achieve using an antibacterial hand gel (sold in most supermarkets and pharmacy) and antibacterial wipes.
During sneezing and cough, do not cover your hands
Since microorganisms cling to bare hands, sneeze and cough «in Kulak» It is categorically not recommended, as it is a direct way to convey the infection to other people. Feeling spasm approach, use the paper handkerchief and throw it immediately. In case, at hand, I did not turn out, sneeze and cough into the fold of your elbow.
Smaller touch the face
Cold and flu viruses penetrate the body through the eyes, nose and mouth. Thus, it is often touching her face - children are infected faster than adults and share the disease with all households.
Drink more fluid
Water cleans your body, Washing poisons. Middle adult need not less than eight glasses of fluid per day. How to check whether you get liquid? Look at the color of the urine: if it is close to transparent, you drink enough. If the color is clearly yellow, you need to drink more.
Go to the bath
Scientists have not yet explained why the bath and sauna helps perfectly as the prevention of colds, but the German study of 1989 has shown that people visiting the Parilla twice a week twice as much as the infection halved than those who did not go to such establishments. It is assumed that at a temperature of about 80 degrees, no virus survives.
Regularly engage in aerobics
Systematic physical exertion make the heart of pumping more blood. Breathing accelerates - oxygen faster comes from the lungs in blood. You sweat. All this helps the body produce more cells opposing viruses.
Eat food containing phytochimicals
«Phyto» means «plants». Natural components contained in fresh vegetables, fruits and greens supply the body all the necessary substances. Get rid of tablets with chemical analogues of natural vitamins and trace elements and eat as much as possible dark green leaf greenery, red and yellow vegetables and fruits.
Eat yogurts
Some studies argue that, daily eating a cup of low-calorie yogurt, you increase the resistance of the body to infections by 25%. Scientists believe that yoghurt bacteria stimulate the immune system to combat the disease.
Throw smoking
Statistics argue that avid smokers often pick up the cold and more sick longer.
Cigarette smoke, inhaled even with passive smoking, badly hits immunity. Smoke dries the nasal sinuses and paralyzes cilia, growing in the nose, which, thanks to their wave-like movements, pushed viruses from nasophary. Experts calculated that one repurchased cigarette paralyzes cilia for 30-40 minutes.
Reduce alcohol use
Alcohol abuse suppresses the work of immunity. Lovers drink more susceptible to various infectious diseases and more often get complications. Also alcohol dehydrates the body, which contributes to the development of diseases.
If you learn to relax, you will help the immune system to resist infections. It is proved that during periods of relaxation in the blood increases the level of interleukins, molecules, better than other opposing cold viruses and influenza. Learn to represent an image or picture that you like and soothes you. Try to arrange such sessions every day for thirty minutes. Remember that relaxing can be learned, but it is not just what. People trying to relax, but desperately bored at this time, no change is observed in the blood composition.