Briefly about hemigipephy


  • Manifestations of hemigipephy
  • Hemigipephy treatment

  • Hemigipephy is a one-sided increase in the size of the limbs, body and (or). The disease is rare. Most often, it is congenital in nature due to the defects of the development of blood and lymphatic vessels, and may also be one of the manifestations of Klippel syndrome - a trenon, sometimes occurs with congenital giantism, acromegaly, hypothyroidism, systemic sclerodermia. The mechanism of occurrence is finally not set.

    Manifestations of hemigipephy

    Briefly about hemigipephyIn hemigipephy, there is one-sided, more often an uneven increase in the size of one half of the body. The process occurs in soft tissues (leather, subcutaneous tissue, muscle), sometimes bone tissue is involved. In the event of a void development of the vascular system, marble and skin formation, single or multiple extensions and vessel tumors. Then there are nutrition disorders and blood supply to the skin and nearby fabrics.

    Local hemigipephy can develop during elephantia, due to the disturbance of the outflow of Lymph. More often is localized in the bottom, less often in the upper limb, in the face of the face. This occurs swelling of the skin, subcutaneous fiber. At the place of lesion, the skin can be smooth or wrinkled. Subsequently, hanging folds, dense bumps (in the form of «Pillows»).

    Local Hemigipephy Faces happens when Stern-Weber Syndrome. Local one-sided moderately progressive leg muscle hypertrophy. The reasons for its occurrence and development mechanism are unknown.

    Hemigipephy treatment

    If it is in violating the work of blood and lymphatic vessels, in the initial stage, restriction of physical exertion on the affected limb, the imposition of an elastic bandage in the afternoon and the elevated position of the limb at night. Digestion and coogenic agents, physiotherapeutic procedures can be used from medication. In progression of the process, surgical treatment (removal of incorrectly operating vessels, ensuring luminary outflow in veins, removal of altered tissues). Local irradiation of X-rays is also shown.

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