Staphilococcus - a microorganism, which in the life of the baby is found in one of the first, makes a number of problems in its development, teaches the baby durability, requires it hardening and strengthening immunity. What is a staphylococcus infection in infants? Causes of the occurrence and mechanism of dissemination of bacteria are discussed in the article.
Staphylococcal infection in infants is transmitted by contact and air-droplet, it is observed by a purulent process at the site of the penetration of the microorganism and is found quite often. So schematically, you can state the essence of infection that lies the baby from the first minutes of his entry into this world. Bacteria, inhabiting colonies, is quite lasting in the environment, surrounds at temperatures up + 60c, lives on the skin and mucous babies. Golden Staphylococcus causes numerous locomotive processes, furunculese, carbunculosis. «Feats» Staphylococcal bacteria do not end on it, the abscesses are followed, osteomyelitis, enemmalitis of newborns. Tonsillitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, endocarditis, sophisticated inflammation, sepsis — All this work Staphylococcus.
Maternity hospital — Danger number 1
Contacting a baby with infected medical personnel, Mother's hands, Contaminated toys, Helping items, Use of infected milk or milk mixtures — Here is an incomplete list of threats that, unfortunately, very often listened to the newborn in the maternity hospital. According to medical statistics, about 5% of the population, without being suspected, have constant carriage of golden staphylococcus, one of the most dangerous and common representatives of this family of microbes. The presence of bacteria in the body may not manifest themselves for years, but to be destructive for a weakened or newborn child who has no sufficient immune defense.
Typically, the maternity hospital, where the newborn is located a few days, is the perfect place to infection, because there is a clustle of people, including bacteria carriers. Microbes quickly and easily delivered to the Baby's body, usually contact path through Mother's milk, which can be mastitis or a packer crack, and start their destructive work, highlighting special toxins that depressing and without even very weak protective forces and unprepared immunity. Microorganisms attack the skin of the baby, provoking the occurrence of the set of guns, with the damage to the mucous membranes, angina, stomatitis, conjunctivitis appears. Diseases of internal organs provoked by staphylococcus — This is pneumonia, gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, osteomyelitis, purulent meningitis.
Options for staphylococcal infection in infants:
The localized form more often has a lighter flow without intoxication, while there are no bright visible inflammatory foci, there is a slight increase in body temperature and change in blood. Breasts react with poor appetite, a negative increase in weight, in the creation of blood can be allocated staphylococcus. In the clinical picture, the erased and asymptomatic course of the disease is noted, which is sometimes not diagnosed, but the baby is infected. Frequent localization of Staphilococcus — This is the skin and subcutaneous fiber, with this form, the inflammatory hearth is developing rapidly, followed by the suppuration and response of regional lymph nodes in the form of lymphadenitis and lymphangitis, newborns often «marked» bubble, exfoliative dermatitis. The lesion of the mucous membrane in infants is manifested by a clinical picture of purulent conjunctivitis and angina. Staphylococcal laryngitis and laryngotraths in babies occur against the background of sharp respiratory viral infections and are characterized by high temperature, stenosis of the larynx, accompanied by obstructive bronchitis and pneumonia.
- Newborn has a tendency to a generalized process with the defeat of the respiratory tract and internal organs. The pulmonary form of staphylococcal infection is dangerous with the lightning appearance of the lesion and destruction of the tissue of the lungs in the kid, especially in the first month of life. Specialists neonatologists and pediatricians should be extremely attentive and careful in diagnosing and studying the symptoms of the infant disease. A large role in the prevention of infection belongs to observance of sanitary and hygienic regime, both mother and the medical staff of the hospital with mandatory cosmetic repair and closing for preventive cleaning at least 2 times a year.