Stop cold


  • Recipe number 1: Children's antiviral agent
  • Recipe number 2: Mineral additives containing zinc
  • Recipe number 3: Vitamin C
  • What can not be done if the child is sick

  • Recipe number 1: Children's antiviral agent

    Stop coldIn the list of recipes from a cold antiviral tool must stand in the first place – This is an important drug for the treatment of viral diseases and eliminate their symptoms. Unlike symptomatic tools that eliminate throat pain or nasal congestion, the antiviral remedy immediately affects the cause of the disease – on virus.

    Anaferon Children has not only antiviral, but also immunomodulatory action – It gives immunity a signal that the body needs enhanced protection. Due to this, various protective proteins and cells, which destroy viruses and toxins begin to be produced.

    The natural protection mechanism starts and without a drug, but it takes the time for which the child has time to get sick. Anaferon Baby acts as a natural assistant for immunity. At the same time, the drug does not cause immunity exhaustion, so the medicine is used not only for the treatment of viral diseases, but also for their prevention.

    For the prevention of a single tablet Anaferon Children's pill per day. The duration of the course on average is 2-3 weeks, but if necessary, prevention can last three months. Thus, moms will be able to protect children for almost the entire epidemiological period.

    Treatment must be started as early as possible in the first hours of the disease. The sooner you begin to give the child Anaferon Children, the higher the likelihood that the child will quickly recover or transfers the cold in a slight form. Start receiving anatorhone children's recommended even if the child is already sick – This will speed up recovery and reduce the risk of complications (bronchitis, lung inflammation, otitis, sinusitis).

    Recipe number 2: Mineral additives containing zinc

    Zinc – A trace element that affects the set of processes occurring in our body. For example, it is necessary for work almost 300-ta enzymes! This element besides which contributes to the healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences, even enhances the immune response (which is a good condition for combating viral infection).

    The source of zinc for a child can be vitamin and mineral complexes and certain foods. For example, seeds and legumes (beans, lentils, soy).

    Recipe number 3: Vitamin C

    The benefits of vitamin C is known, probably to all. This vitamin is able to reduce inflammation and influence immune processes, increasing macrophage generation – cells that destroy substances harmful to the body (viruses, toxins, destroyed cells).

    Vitamin C also affects the production of special protective proteins that increase the body resistance to infections.

    High doses of vitamin C can help stop the development of colds (however, much depends on the state of the child's immunity). You can prepare for the diseased baby Vitamined drinks with lemon or cranberry, give a syrup of rosehip and fresh fruits.

    You can also apply children's effervescent vitamins, which include vitamin C: Drink does not scratch irritated throat, unlike pill.

    What can not be done if the child is sick:

    • Hurry to shoot down the body temperature if it does not exceed 38°C and the child transfers it without complications. Increase body temperature – Protective response of the body in response to the invasion of viruses.. Against the background of elevated temperatures, breeding viruses – For them, this unfavorable conditions. To facilitate the condition of the child, expand it, remove the warm clothes and wipe the body with a sponge dipped in water temperature – Evaporation of fluid from the skin will cool it.
    • Giving a child antibiotics, especially without appointing a doctor. Almost half of Russians are confident that he needs to be treated with antibiotics, however, it is incorrect. Antibiotics do not act on viruses, they are intended only for the treatment of infections caused by bacteria. The doctor can assign an antibiotic if he suspects the attachment of the so-called secondary infection – When bacteria also join the viruses (and it is, they most often become perpetrators of complications). Unreasonable intake of antibiotics is able to break the intestinal microflora, which can not only cause a long-term disorder of the chair (diarrhea), but also weakened the immune system, which will require additional long-term treatment.
    • Do not make the child attend school or kindergarten if the viral disease occurs with normal body temperature. With a cold, it is better to spend several days at home. This will reduce the risk of supercooling and deterioration of a cold child, not to mention the possibility of infecting other children.

    There are contraindications! Read the instructions carefully before applying.

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