How to treat dysentery in children


How to treat dysentery in children
often refer to child infectiousons when the child appears signs
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The main question: «Than treat?» Dysentery in children sometimes begins very sharply, its incubation period in particularly severe cases
does not exceed 12-24 hours. There is a temperature rise to 39?C and higher, pain in
muscles and joints, chills and headache. On the 2-3rd day appear
Catching abdominal pains, usually in the left half, noticeably the participation of the chair,
Cal at the same time it becomes liquid and meager, with blood and mucus. The number of defecates is increasing
and approaches 10-20 times a day, vomiting is noted, convulsions when
Dehydration. The child's language is covered, the belly of the smeared, painful, fever
sometimes lasts up to 2-5 days. Experts reveal tachycardia, down
blood pressure and leukocytosis in the blood. After treatment
The patient's condition is significantly improved, which is first noted
decreasing abdominal pain, stool becomes less often without blood impurities in feces.
Recovery comes to 8-15 days, but the complete recovery of the mucous membrane is noted
Only after 2-3 months, subject to strict compliance with the recommendations

The role of antibiotics
Dysentery in children

The main thing in the therapy of dysentery — don't miss time, do not wait for the state
Child in some miracle will recover. Self-medication will not bring any results,
In addition to the development of serious complications. Therefore, when the first signs of illness appear
should urgently consult a doctor who will conduct the necessary examination and
decide whether it is possible to organize the treatment of a child at home, or it is necessary to leave it
in the hospital under the control of the doctor. Before the arrival of the patient's pediatrician follows
isolate, allocate it with separate dishes and individual accessories,
It is advisable to refrain from meals, but at the same time provide abundant warm
drink. When treating the house should not forget about compliance
Sanitary and hygienic measures to prevent contamination of others, as well as rules
for infectious patient care. Bed regime should be observed
strict. Treatment is appointed by a doctor strictly individually depending on
from the age and state of the patient. Modern medicine has effective
drugs against dysentery aimed at the destruction of bacteria and
Neutralization of the toxin allocated.

Antibiotic therapy increases significantly at the average and severe form of illness.
Usually apply antibacterial drugs from a group of penicillins in
appropriate doses, with a course duration up to 5-7 days. Besides,
Antibiotics are applied in preventive purposes or in the case of joining

Diet with dysentery

How to treat dysentery in children
Diesency — This is not only drug therapy, it is strict adherence
diet that plays an important role in recovery. Purpose diet conducts
The doctor and the task of the parents subjugate the lifestyle of the child for the time
treatment and over the next 2-3 months. After the disappearance of symptoms of the disease
Having lost the child shows a specialized meal at which exclude
Frozening products and increased gas formation. In this group on
The initial stage includes: whole milk and dairy products, vegetables and fruits,
spices, smoked, oily, roasted and salty food. Diet with dysentery in children can only be expanded on the recommendation
Doctor. From the diet for the first two weeks, meat should be eliminated and
Sugar, increase the volume of the drinking liquid: sweet tea, fruit juices,
Morsa, Robber Buck. Food must be easy and good to digest. It can
Be soups, risers from rice and oatmeal, boiled fish, steam cutlets.
Baked apples and stored raisins are recommended for recovery
Potassium. Food should be well crossed and have a comfortable temperature at
Feed. Useful saline solutions, they can be purchased at the pharmacy or cook
Alone, Vitamin Natural Fruit Juices.

Diseases is to eliminate the source of infection and proper care for
Patients with regular washing of hands and observance of personal hygiene rules.

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