Gastrointestinal strike


  • Clinical picture of civilization
  • Sinder of irritable intestines – what it is?
  • Why arises?
  • How to treat?

  • Clinical picture of civilization

    Gastrointestinal strikeYou — Beautiful, young, successful. Eternally hurrying. Snacking on the go or in a rapid office conversation for a cup of coffee. Yes, of course, you know that Fast Food is harmful, the Soup should only have a homely, fresh vegetable salad are needed, and nothing to be nervous.

    However, oddly enough, from the knowledge of all this disease of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) in the XXI century did not become more rare — On the contrary, the number of cases of the appearance of various pathologies of the digestive system is growing in geometric progression. Only in our country, 60% of the population suffer from such ailments.

    Causes of such prevalence of gastroenterological diseases — In stock Wide spectrum of provoking factors. This is an improper nutrition, alcohol abuse, tobacoccoing, infectious diseases, passion for antibiotics, and the fact that at first glance directly with digestion is not connected, but rather to the competence of a psychotherapist: the consequences of psychological stresses, long-term emotional overloads — Chronic fatigue syndrome, concern for any occasion, depression, insomnia.

    So do not be surprised if the stomach begins to react painfully to the most common life situations — Breakfast, fees for work, upcoming date, not to mention such events, like a festive dinner, challenge to the boss, a quarrel with a close friend.

    Sinder of irritable intestines – what it is?

    What it is? If, with inflammation of the lungs, there is a plot of compaction of the pulmonary fabric, and when osteochondrosis (salts deposition) — Reducing the height of the intervertebral space, that is, in that and in another case there is a so-called source of the disease — concrete «Patient Field», which causes complaints, then there is a complaint with an irritable intestine syndrome, and «field» No.

    At least modern diagnostic studies it is not determined. And the pain can change from light to unbearable, not to have a clear localization, at different times it appears in one, then in another part of the abdomen.

    True, there is a small hook to produce the correct diagnosis by a gastroenterologist: unpleasant sensations are usually enhanced after meals and absent during sleep. This is a very illustrative point. However, if you have a dream and you woke up at night, then pains can immediately appear. In addition, with irritable intestinal syndrome, you do not leave the feeling of weakness, feeling «Tide» and dry mouth.

    Why arises?

    Gastrointestinal strikeAccording to statistics about 60% of Russians, they know about irritable intestinal syndrome not. However, in connection with a rather delicate character of complaints about the doctor only 14–66% of patients. More often the other problem is worried about urban residents aged from 30 to 40 years old, and women face it three or four times more often than men.

    Usually the disease is developing after psychotrambulating situations, such as divorce, severe loss, loss of work, or other significant incidents, significantly less — After antibiotic therapy. Hereditary predisposition is also possible (although the opinions of scientists will diverge on this account).

    The main cause of the vagaries of the stomach with all the ensuing consequences is the wrong work of the nervous system regulating the work of the gastrointestinal. Talking by a professional language, irritable bowel syndrome — This is a psychosomatic disorder resulting from the suppression of negative emotions, which, not finding an adequate exit, appear as «bodies» Symptoms — increased reaction to all that falls into the stomach, even excellent quality.

    It is no coincidentally frequent companion of the disease is a vegetary-repudent dystonia (violation of the functioning of the vegetative nervous system, the main regulator of internal equilibrium in the body). As you can see, a problem in one body, like a diesel locomotive, pulls diseases of other organs and systems. As a result, a person has a ball of unpleasant consequences.

    How to treat?

    The choice of medicinal product facilitating your fate will depend on what kind of symptom is worried most at the time of appeal to the doctor. With abdominal pains can be assigned tools that eliminate intestinal spasms (Duspatalin, Dicetell), with diarrhea — fixing drugs (immodium, smecta), during constipation — Laxatives (Forlax, Regulax), when the abdomen is bloated — Medications that reduce gas formation (Espumizan). Eva food is recommended five to six times a day and more often, in small portions.

    In case of suspected irritable bowel syndrome, it is better to exclude all products containing caffeine, lactose, fructose, vinegar, alcohol, pepper, smoked, as well as those that cause excessive gas formation (apples, white cabbage, legumes). Very important point is the correction of available pillaget violations. To non-drug treatment methods «Increased sensitivity» applies to conducting individual and group psychotherapy, to medication — Application of antidepressants (amitriptyline).

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