People's methods of treating dysentery


  • Treatment of dysentery

  • Treatment of dysentery

    Dieseneria - infectious disease characterized by defeat
    colon and general intoxication of the body. Dysentery pathogens -
    Bacteria from the intestinal family. They are saved for a long time in
    Food products (milk, oil, cheese, vegetables), some time
    survive in soil and water. Most often outbreak diseases are marked
    in summer and autumn.

    Dysentery symptoms: weakness, malaise, chills, maybe
    Increase the temperature, grasp stomach pain. Chair is steadwork
    up to 10-25 times a day, feces are becoming liquid and scarce, in them
    Blood and mucus appear.

    Traditional methods of treatment. Bed or semi-noise regime. Shattering diet with limiting fat consumption. In the dysentery of medium gravity, antibiotics are prescribed. With a preserving liquid chair after the end of the course of treatment with antibiotics, it is necessary to eliminate the developing dysbacteriosis.

    Nutrition Recommendations. Recommended mucous soups, porridge on water, potato mashed potatoes, stale
    White bread, grated Antonovsky apples. From the 4-5th day of the disease, the diet can
    Expand, turning on steam cutlets, meatballs, boiled meat, boiled
    Fish, Omelets, kefir. Since the beginning of the 2nd week, diseases of the patient translate
    for full nutrition with the exception of sharp dishes.

    Non-traditional and folk treatments:

    • Mix in equal powder powder from purified birch powder
      coal (carbollane - pharmacy drug) and powder from garlic, cook
      Of these, Tablets are 0.3-0.5 g each. Take 1-2 tablets 3 times in
      day 30 minutes before meals for dysentery, food poisoning, sharp
      intoxicating drugs, poisoning berries and
      bacterial toxins, meteorism, colic in the stomach, for
      Prevent diarrhea in patients infected with pathogenic bacteria.
    • People's methods of treating dysenteryPowder carbolen (pharmacy drug) Mix in a 1: 1 ratio
      volume with garlic juice, withstand in a warm oven until complete drying
      Juice garlic. Take 0.3 teaspoon 3 times a day for 20 - 30
      minutes before meals in the treatment of dysentery and many other gastrointestinal
    • In the treatment of dysentery, it is recommended to eat daily during the day
      For the whole head of garlic. This tool pretty quickly allows
      cure this severe disease.
    • 0.25 glasses of hot strong tea dissolve 4 teaspoons
      Sugar sand and add 0,5 cups of fresh sour (from green,
      immature fruits) grape juice. Drink all portion for 1 time. Across
      1.5-2 hours improves improvement.
    • Insist 100 g of fresh cherry berries in 750 ml of a steady
      Red Grape Wine (Kahors, Portwine). Insist on the sun or
      in warm place 7 days. Drink 1 glass tincture 2 times a day like
      Preventive remedy for the epidemic of dysentery.
    • Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tablespoon of crushed roots and
      rooting hemings, boil on small heat for 30 minutes and insist 2
      hours. Take adults 1 tablespoon 5 times a day in 30 minutes
      before meals or every 2 hours after meals; Children - 1 teaspoon with
      The same intervals. After the termination of diarrhea continue to receive more 1
      week 2-3 times a day.
    • Take 1 tablespoon of dry crushed portulatka sheet, pour
      1.5 glasses of boiling water, insist in a closed dish on a boiling water bath
      30 minutes, then add Cashitz from 1-2 cloves of garlic,
      insist, shutting, 20 minutes, strain. Take 0.5 cup 3 times
      a day 30 minutes before meals.
    • Mix 10 g of leaves and colors of the richness, 25 g of the root of Altea and brew
      there are 1 liters of boiling water, insist 1 hour and strain. Drink 1 tablespoon
      Every 2 hours.

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