

  • Flatfoot
  • Treatment of flatopy
  • Diagnosis of flatfoot
  • Prevention flatfoot
  • Exercises

  • Special statistics on this score is not, therefore, speaking about how
    often occurs in people with flatfoot, doctors are expressed unlikely -
    «Quickly go near». Some people stop losing their depreciation
    Functions over the years - to blame and irregular selection of shoes,
    and low-lived lifestyle. But most of the children's legacy
    years old. So about the legs actually need to take care of the earliest
    Age. And in how it is better to do it, you will help to figure out the main
    Children's traumatologist-orthopedist Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Head of the Children's Clinic
    orthopedics GUN CITO them. N. N. Priorov Professor Oleg Alekseevich Malakhov and Head of the Department of Rehabilitation of the same Institute
    Medical Sciences Mikhail Borisovich Zykunov.


    Flatfoot can be congenital, as a result of muscle underdevelopment,
    Absence of small-terror bones, other malformations of development. Meet
    Not often (approximately 11% of all congenital foot deformations). But in general
    hereditary factor plays a big role. If father or mother suffer
    flatfoot, you need to prepare in advance that the same «history» Will be

    Promote foot deformations can rickets. With severe
    hypovitaminosis D bone becomes soft, weaken bone-muscular
    Apparatus. Flatfoot in this case is often combined with other
    bone changes characteristic of rickets.

    Poliomyelitis thanks to vaccination has become a rare culprit
    Flatcase - Stop deforms more often as a result of paralysis
    Tolebra muscles.

    At an older age of flatfoot
    may be caused by injuries - fracture of bones of the front stop,
    But most often there is a result of incorrectly intersecting fractures of ankle.

    The most common type of flatfoot - static,
    he arises in children, because their muscles are still weak and sometimes
    Do not stand load. Main force supporting the arch
    On normal height, - Supinators muscles. They start from bones
    Shin, their tendons go back from the inner ankle. If these
    Muscles do not work well, the foot of the foot is lowered, the bones of the foot
    And shins are shifted. As a result, the foot is lengthened and expands
    In the middle part, and the heel deviates outward.

    Treatment of flatopy

    Treat it with sight a simple disease is quite difficult. Besides,
    It is unlikely that the moment comes when a person will be able to sigh lightweight:
    Well, I cured! Flatfoot is given once and for life.
    With the help of special events, you can only tighten the disease,
    do not give her significantly affect everyday weekdays.

    With congenital flatfoot, massage is needed, in difficult cases
    The feet of the child is fixed in the right position with special plaster
    bandages. In preschool age, the main treatment must be
    in strengthening the stopper of the stop with massage and gymnastics, and the use
    Shell-supinators are appointed at this age.

    Schoolchildren, on the contrary, is of particular importance to the selection
    good orthopedic shoes with the layout of the arch and raising internal
    edges of the heel. There is an important point here: the baby's foot is growing rapidly,
    so shoes need to be able to change. Little Error in Design
    The shoe may not help, but, on the contrary, to lead to pathology.

    In adolescents in severe
    Flat races accompanied by sharp pains, treatment begins
    with blending gypsum bandages. After the disappearance of pain
    Appointed orthopedic shoes, massage, gymnastics. And only if all
    This has not led to anything, operation is possible.

    Gymnastics. Should become everyday and familiar occupation for
    Patient with flatfoot. Do it better more than once, and 2-3 times a day.

    Massage. Has a good auxiliary effect, improves
    blood supply and tones the muscles tightening the arch. Masite
    Shin - on the back of the inside of the bones to the foot - and herself
    Stop - from the heel to the bones of the fingers. Takes - stroking,
    Rubbing, kneading. Self-massage needs to be stroked
    the base of the palm of the elevation of the first finger, the arch of the foot, the rear
    and the inner surface of the shin.

    With pronounced flatfoot, the teenager will need to think
    On the choice of a profession, not associated with a long walking, standing. And here
    As for the army, according to the latest orders of the Ministry of Defense,
    Contraindication for the call is only a 3rd degree flatfoot
    with arthrosis of the joints of the foot.

    Diagnosis of flatfoot

    It should be borne in mind that up to 4 years to put the child diagnosis
    «flatfoot» Just frivolously. Kids on legs have
    physiological fat pillow, and if you make a footprint
    (Plantography), then you can see the formation that
    flatfoot is not really. Another reason why
    mistakenly diagnose - x-shaped legs. Stop in this case seems
    flat, but if the leg put strictly vertically, then the imprint
    It turns out normal. That is why if the diagnosis does not put orthopedist, but,
    Say, surgeon or physical physical education doctor, the disease may be
    detected where there is no.

    But since the years since 5-6, parents themselves
    Completely can notice any misunderstanding.
    Conference, deflection of stops outside or inward when walking or standing
    may indicate flatfoot. Survey the baby's boots -
    Do they wear out on the inside of the sole and heel. In more
    older aged child will express his complaints by which you can
    suspect the flatfoot, - when walking, legs are quickly tired,
    The pain in the calf muscles appears, on the sole in the field of the foot of the foot.
    Sometimes the pain spreads out of the sole through the ankle to the hip, creating
    Picture of Ishias. With pronounced flatfoot stops his form,
    What has already been mentioned above.

    Flatfoot means the complete loss of all stem functions
    feet. You can compare it with a two-wheel drive: with good
    versators and worn. In the first bump on the road «come back» only
    easy swaying, and in the second any hollow - already decent
    Shake. Here is such a shake when walking the flatfoot gives the leg,
    Tazobed joint. All this can lead to a deplorable outcome -

    Prevention flatfoot

    But, of course, the best struggle with the flatfoot - its prevention. It is in strengthening muscles supporting the arch.

    The front stop of the foot is almost impossible to strengthen the massage
    or gymnastics, only the right selection of shoes will help - with a wide
    weeke, hard back and heel that does not overload the fingers. At
    initial degrees flatfoot children better not to wear sandals
    with open heels, soft slippers, boots. Better boots are better
    with solid soles, small heel and lacing.

    Be sure to follow the mass of the child's body so that it is not higher
    Norma. Weakened children's muscles together with high weight give a big
    the likelihood that the arch will be omitted.

    Natural body strengthening helps strengthen the foot.
    It is useful to swim to the child - better than a crawl, but you can just flounder
    At the edge of the pool - it is important that the beats. Useful to walk
    barefoot - in the sand (not hot) or pebbles (not acute). Run
    on the hilly and hillocks, walk on the log.

    Physical education classes are definitely useful and children with flatfoot.
    Recommendations for restrictions here are very relative. For example,
    ski skiing, running skates or weightlifting give excessive
    Load on the Stop Arch. On the other hand, they are not contraindicated if
    No severe clinical manifestations of disease - pains, edema. So, almost
    All skaters in time are formed flatfoot, which does not interfere
    they seek high sports results. At the famous jumper
    In the height of Vladimir Yashchenko, there was a pronounced flatfoot. However, its own
    Lack he drew in a plus - at the time the jump corrected
    The deformed muscles of the foot, which raised his jumping. Physical
    Load In any case, develops the muscles of the legs and strengthens the arch of the foot.


    In the initial position sitting with straightened legs:

    • Knees and heels are connected, the right stop is greatly dispersed;
      Take the front department of the left foot under the sole right, then repeat
      Exercise by changing the legs.
    • Stroke the inner edge and the plantar surface right foot left shin, repeat, changing the legs.

    Status sitting on a chair:

    • Bend thumbs.
    • Bringing stop inside.
    • Circling feet inside.
    • Both feet to capture and raise the ball (volleyball or printed).
    • Fingers capturing and raising a pencil.
    • Fingers capturing and raising a sponge.
    • Fingers stop tightening thin rug.

    And all his life

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