Acute food poisoning. Toxicoinfection


Acute food poisoning. ToxicoinfectionAcute food poisoning, developing in food eating products containing a large number of bacteria and their toxins, is called toxicoinfection. Causes of food poisoning, their symptoms — in the article.

Acute food poisoning. Toxicoinfection

Acute food poisoning of microbial nature, developing in food eating products containing a large number of bacteria and their toxins, are called toxicoinfection. In contrast to the intestinal infection, the cause of toxicoinfection is conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, in the norm living on the skin, mucous membranes, in the intestine of humans and animals, inhabiting the environment, in conventional conditions do not cause any diseases. This is, first of all, microorganisms from the intestinal stick group living in the intestine, proteins inhabiting the soil, Ceres, which can be found in the digestive tract of any painline animal, golden staphylococcus, which is the closest neighbor of man. All these microbes in the process of their livelihoods are able to produce toxins, and when they become too much, they cause acute food poisoning.

General features of toxicoinfection

A common feature of all toxicoinfection, regardless of the cause of food poisoning, is their «explosive» character. As a rule, several people or a whole team are ill simultaneous, which combines the use of the same product.

The path of propagation of toxicoinfection — Alimentary. The disease is not transmitted from a sick person healthy, but always connected with the admission of poor-quality food. Among the factors of the transfer, meat and fish products are most often performed, stuffing products, canned goods. Dishes containing eggs, milk and other dairy products, confectionery with protein and cream cream, soups, compotes, kisins, cocktails — All this is a magnificent nourishing medium for microbes. Globally, the causes of food poisoning lies in violation of the rules of processing, storage and transportation of food.

Susceptibility to toxicoinfection among people ranges from 90 to 100%, that is, if all ate in the team «poisonous» canned, then poisoning in one form or another will develop almost every.

Cases of toxicoinfections are registered throughout the year, however, the leader in incidence is considered summer season. Hot weather conducive to reproduction of microbes, during this period, violations of storage rules, product transportation are most often noted, «flourish» Antisanitary and eating in unidentified places.

How food poisoning proceeds — Symptoms of toxicoinfection

Acute food poisoning. ToxicoinfectionBecause the «poisonous» The product already contains a huge number of bacteria and toxins, the body responds to its receipt instantly. With such a disease, like food poisoning, the symptoms appear literally immediately, in a few hours, and the maximum incubation period is a little more than half of the day.

The first signs of poisoning become vomiting and diarrhea, and vomiting indicates the defeat of the upper departments of the digestive tract, in particular the stomach, and diarrhea occurs when enteritis and colitis develops. Vomiting with toxicoinfection brings relief, not wise, because together with the lots of masses the body gets rid of a huge number of microbes and poisons. Diarrhea with toxicoinfection is usually watery, without impurities of mucus, often accompanied by snatch-like pains in the stomach.

Since the patient loses a large amount of liquid with the patient with dumping masses and liquid chair, signs of dehydration gradually appear: dry mouth, thirst, dry skin and mucousness, eye. If you do not take action, the heart work is disturbed, heartbeat appears, the pulse becomes frequent and weak, blood pressure decreases.

The lack of fluid affects the work of the kidneys, the amount of urine isolated is reduced, the abilities of the body are reduced to resist intoxication. In severe cases, convulsions are developing.

Food toxicoinfection may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature up to 38-39 0C, Ozkhovobami. As manifestations of general intoxication, weakness arise, increased fatigue, drowsiness, inhibition. As a rule, these symptoms are pronounced in children, in adult toxicoin intakes proceed relatively easy.

Food toxicoinfection in children develop quickly, proceed with sharply, quickly lead to dehydration, so the appearance of food poisoning signs is always a reason for calling a doctor or brigade «Ambulance».

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