Treatment of transverse flatfoot

Different factors, in the aggregate or separately, lead to significant deformations of the foot, bringing pain and discomfort when walking. Increased bone on foot (located below thumb), permanent natopeshi and corn, bending thumb in the side of the second finger with subsequent deformation. All these are signs of transverse flatfoot.

Increased bone on foot (located below thumb), permanent natopeshi and corn, bending thumb in the side of the second finger with subsequent deformation. All these are signs of transverse flatfoot.

Causes of the development of transverse flatfoot

Cross flatfoot
Unfortunately, this problem is familiar to many. In most cases, these are women aged 35 years, which are overweight. What can conclude that completeness can cause the development of transverse flatfoot. But the fundamental factor in the development of the doctors still consider heredity. If your grandparents, grandfathers or parents suffered a similar problem, the risk of developing flatfoot and you.

Well, of course, to the reasons for the development of this deformation of the bone of the foot should include improper operation of shoes. If you wear a narrow low-quality shoes, with an irregular supinator and a block, then you are in a risk group or already suffer from this type of flatfoot. For women, one of the factors in the development of transverse flatfoot can be the everyday use of shoes on high heels.

All these factors, in the aggregate or separately, lead to essential deformations of the foot, bringing pain and discomfort when walking.

Conservative treatment

Modern orthopedics includes many means for removing or relieving the effects of transverse flatfoot. Selection of funds is carried out by a orthopedist after examination of the problem foot and studying the X-ray feet. I want to tell readers our site that the doctor's consultation is obligatory, t.To. If there is a transverse flatfoot, the use of some one tool will bring a slight effect. The competent orthopedist doctor always assigns a group of procedures and devices that suitably your foot according to the degree of deformation. Talk about some of the most effective means of Read more.

Massage Stop
Medical Physical Culture, Massage and Relaxing Foot Baths. With transverse flatfoot, therapeutic physical education is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the foot. The following exercises are performed:

  • breeding and reduction of heels, without taking socks from the floor;
  • Capturing the ball footsteps and lifting it;
  • Maximum flexion and extension of the stop;
  • compression of a rubber ball foot;
  • Capturing and lifting with fingers of various objects (pebbles, pencils, etc.);
  • sliding stops back and forth with fingers;
  • Rolling stick tracks.

These are the main exercises used to maintain the tone of the muscles of the foot. They are useful both for the prevention of transverse flatfoot, and to suspend the development process.

Stop massage with flatfoot includes:

  • stroking the sole of the back side of the brush;
  • rubbing the foot with finger pads with circular movements;
  • Foot rubbing with a fist with a slight pressure;
  • squeezing foot.

Massage improves blood circulation, thereby reducing swelling and removing foot fatigue.

Also a good relaxing effect possess special foot baths. Recommended water temperature 30-37 ° C. You can add marine salt, bath foam. Sulfia, chamomile, linden, plantain, and DR. They can be used instead of water, adding a few drops of lavender essential oil, chamomile or roses to enhance the relaxing effect from the bath.

Orthopedic tabs and insoles. Orthopedic pharmacies and shops offer a wide selection of similar products: orthopedic frame insoles and half-liners of various forms, orthopedic tunes, plides for the foot of the foot, orthopedic pelots, supinators and gel proofreaders. All this products are produced both for the male foot and for women, with a division on the size and completeness of the leg. Consultants in the pharmacy or orthopedic store will select the desired size or will be offered to make the type of product you need to order.

Orthopedic shoes. With a strong degree of transverse flatfoot, orthopedic doctors recommend special shoes that are manufactured to order. It facilitates the walking process, reducing pain and fatigue. Footwear from high-quality skin and soft soles. The form is determined individually for each person. Most orthopedic salons perform this type of service.

Mirovet readers should be remembered that all these tools will only help suspend the process of foot deformation, relieve pain and fatigue. But they will not eliminate the problem 100%. For this you need operational intervention.

Operation to eliminate transverse flatfoot

X-ray Stop
Plastic surgery clinics are not the first year to eliminate transverse flatfoot operations. Currently, more than 300 methods and their modifications are proposed for the operational treatment of a stop with a similar type of flatopy and the deviation of the thumb.

In most cases, the operation is aimed at the correction of the transverse arch of the foot and the change in the angle between the bones of the foot. It restores the correct anatomical shape of the foot, thereby eliminating pain, swelling and severe feet. And also eliminates the constant problems with the selection of shoes.

But the main advantage of surgical treatment can be called the absence of a transverse flatfoot relapse. Having done the operation, you will ever save yourself from a similar problem.

Surgical intervention or conservative way of treatment - Everyone chooses for himself. But it should always be remembered that any treatment should carry out a competent specialist, in this case, an orthopedic doctor. If you have decided to correct the problem with surgical path, then contact qualified surgeons with positive reviews of former patients.

be healthy!

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