

What is lepra

Lrapra - one of the oldest
diseases known to humanity. Mention of this disease -
up to specific medical and legal prescriptions - meet
In written monuments of humanity, starting from the XVs. to N.NS.
(Indian Vedas, Laws Manu, Ancient Chinese Medical Treaties,
Ancient Egyptian papyrus, Old Testament Bible). And since
In those times, leprosy was among the diseases of incurable,
then this disease was depicted in extremely frightening, stunning
Imagination of the reader, and the behavior of surrounding healthy people
I came down to the desire by any means to avoid a meeting
with «Lesson».

Gradually in society there are sustainable
Prejudice for this disease, caused
of real leprofobia and discriminatory attitude towards patients.
The maintenance of lepurophobia on the household level contributed to the existing
Practically in all countries of the world official restrictions for patients
Leprai in case of certain types of labor, obtaining education,
Service in the army, use of public transport, organized
Recreation and T.D.

According to WHO, in the early 1980s. in the world
There have been 12-14 million. Patients leproy. In the future, thanks
the successes of combined therapy, it was decided to take off from accounting
patients who received full-fledged treatment (course duration
from 6 to 24 months depending on the type of disease). therefore
Currently, on official accounting as patients with leprosy, in need
in treatment, consists of less than 0.8 million. Human.

At the same time, if
In 1990-1995. In the world annually registered on average 500-600
thousand new patients, in recent years this figure rose to 700-800
Thousands of patients. For many leprosy countries continues to be quite
Serious Public Health Problem (India, Indonesia,
Bangladesh, Brazil, many Central African countries, etc.), and in a number
countries marked incidence. Currently in the Russian
Federation consists of accounting for about 700 patients with leprosy, whose number
annually decreases due to natural decrease. It should be noted that,
For example, in the US, where such a program was not accepted, in the last
Decades are annually registered from 120 to 170 new cases
Leprai diseases, though there are significant part of them «Imported»
from other endemic on lepring regions of the world.

Lepra (disease
Hansen, Hansenosis, Hanseniaz, Outdated Names - Pump,
Elephantiasis Gracorum, Lepra Arabum, Lepra Orientalis, Phoenician
disease, Satyriasis, sorrowful disease, Crimea, lazy death, illness
Saint Lazarus and others.) - Chronic infectious disease,
Cased leprosy leprosy, characterized by granulomatous
lesions of the skin, mucous upper respiratory tract and peripheral
nervous system, and when untimely diagnostics - involvement
in the process of the musculoskeletal apparatus, organ of vision and internal

Ways of infection and symptoms leprosy

The main transmission of leprine infection is considered
Air-drip, but admits the possibility of infection and through the skin
(with impaired integrity). Lepra is significantly less
Contantagious disease than, for example, tuberculosis.
Usually for infection requires a long family cohabitation
(«Disease of family help») if there is an increased immunogenetic

Cases of diseases among staff
Anti-collector institutions over the past 40 years in Russia. For
Lepras are characterized by a long one (on average from 3 to 7 years, and sometimes -
up to 20 years or more) asymptomatic incubation period, not less
Long latent period, nonspecific and optional
Promotional signs (malaise, weakness, drowsiness, paresthesia,
feeling of zyability). Therefore, the diagnosis of this disease at an early stage
It seems almost unreal.

Early clinical
The manifestations of the lepros are extremely diverse: from changing the color of the skin
Intercession to Symptoms of Peripheral Vegetative Insufficiency
and reflex-vascular disorders (skin marble, cyanosis,
Pastosity of brushes and stop, power disorders). Because of
This manifold disease is often called «Great imitator»,
Differential which is necessary with a wide range of dermatosis.
Checkout leprosy manifests itself in the fact that the existing skin
manifestations, even massive and existing existing, do not create
A person has a subjective feeling of illness (do not hurt, do not bope,
no temperature). Difficulties in setting the right diagnosis
and, as a result, later the beginning of treatment was given, as a rule,
to the inevitable disability of patients who developed heavy
Neuritis, paralysis, severe lesions of nasopharmaceous mucous membranes
(right up to perforation of the nasal partition and solid sky), eye
and internal organs.

Treatment and forecasts lepros

Nowadays lepring as an infectious
The disease is quite healing. Moreover, life expectancy
treated patients are significantly higher compared to common
Indicators. Nevertheless, a person can remain disabled if
Specific treatment was started too late.

For treatment
Leprurs are used, for the most part, preparations from a group of sulfones,
Thanks to which this disease has ceased to be considered fatal.
The main anti-precise drug is Dapson (Dapsone), which
Appointed in combination with rifampicin and lamplated. This therapy
allowed widespread outpatient methods of treatment of patients with leprosy.

Medikov for leprosy has long been very optimistic. but
The world community in the last 20 years got a good «lesson», how
reckoning «defeated» Chronic infectious
diseases and was forced to join the third millennium
accompanied by the increase in the incidence of tuberculosis, syphilis, malaria.
And it is impossible to exclude that this will not happen with Leproi.

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