Girl, girl, woman. Wonderful transformation... And it is very important that there are no obstacles on this path. Dear parents remember that the sexual development of your daughter begins right from birth and its successful completion depends largely on you.
In general, the sexual identification of the child should be included in the concept of sexual development, that is, there are more psychological issues than a gynecological nature, and the physical development of the girl, and it has the necessary hygienic skills.
The newborn girl already has a set of genital hormones - the truth, who went from mom during childbirth. Sometimes in the first days of the life of the baby, she has a real hormonal crisis, during which the dairy pieces swell and white droplets resembling milk can be released. There may be selected from the vagina of the girl: sometimes in the form of white, and sometimes even in the form of bloody droplets, surprising and frightening mamms unprepared to this situation.
However, soon maternal hormones cease to act, and the sexual development of the girl proceeds for the most part in the psychological sphere. This is a very important point in which the child's self-consciousness and self-affirmation is determined as a girl, a future woman.
For preschool age, traditional games of girls in mother's daughters and dolls are very important, the desire to be beautiful, similar to mom, association of yourself with women's fairy tales characters.
Psychologists often describe the romantic love of little girls in Pope, who at this daughter's age is given the role of an ideal man - after all, it is no secret that the relationship with men has a grazing girl will build, based on the model of his relationship with the Father.
However, in preschool age, the first love in boys arise in the preschool age, in which there is no erotic subtext, but is undoubted the overtone of sex - small women and men try to master those roles that sooner or later they will have to perform in life.

The period of puberty begins with the appearance of secondary sexual signs, and the full somatic and sexual maturity is completed. Of course, it is impossible to say that the period of puberty proceeds the same and at one age in all girls: both psychologically, and physically sexual development can be individual.
The period of sexual ripening of the girl begins, as a rule, with a sharp «Jump» Growth - up to 10 cm per year. Due to the fact that the period of puberty in girls begins earlier than that of boys, at his beginning the girl often overtakes peers in growth and development. Boys and girls «Level out», As a rule, only to the latest school classes, while the young man is still growing up, and the girl of the same age has long stopped in growth.
With a sharp increase in growth in the early period of puberty and the famous «Non-go» Girls of this age. There is nothing terrible in this incomprehension and disproportionately, and it will in no way hurt the girl by the end of the period of puberty to turn out of the garde duckling in a wonderful swan. And it is caused by the fact that different bones girls grow at different speeds, and not synchronously. The fastest the bones of the brushes and stop, the bones of the facial skull, and the last thing - the torso. Therefore, the teenage girl most often has disproportionately long arms and legs elongated «horsepower» face. Moreover, the growth of the muscles lags behind the growth of bones, which is why the girl seems awkward and angular. In turn, the development of nerve endings and blood vessels does not have time for the growth of the muscles, and this is what causes bad coordination of movements, awkwardness, clumsiness of a teenage girl.
Due to the growth of the skeleton, the skin of the girl begins to change the skin: it does not have time to grow in proportion to the growth of the bones and begins to stretch. In this case, cracks and other damage to the skin may occur, and in order to avoid them, the sebaceous glands emitting the lubricant are actively working. It makes the skin, and the hair is fatigue, acne appears on the skin, which deliver a lot of suffering to the girl.
You can deal with all these troubles with the help of hygienic procedures: wash your face not with water, but lotions or funes for washing, do not use the measure of cosmetics such as tonal creams and powder, closing skin pores. Also, carefully the girl should follow and.
Simultaneously with the Telecom, in 10-11 years old, most girls begin to develop a pubis or Pubarche. However, the first hair on the pubis may appear before 10 years, and the last stage of Pubarche is achieved only by 15-16 years. By the way the pubis of the pubis with the girl occurs, one can judge the ratio of female and men's sex hormones (estrogen and androgen) in its body.
The fact is that the female sex hormones - estrogens - restrain the spread of hair, and men's androgens - stimulate it. Therefore, as a rule, strong bodies for women are uncharacteristic.
Normally, the zone of the exhaustion on the pubis has a triangle shape of a top down. If the Pubarche zone takes the form of a rhombus, then this is a reason to consult a doctor-endocrinologist.
In addition, approximately 13 years old, the girls appear under the souses and on the legs. Mother's task - to explain my daughters on time, how to eliminate unwanted hair, and most importantly, give to understand the young girl that a slight hair growth in certain parts of the body is a normal and natural process that does not prevent the girl to be beautiful and feminine. But of course, it is mother who must first of all pay attention to excessive legs of the legs or pubis girls, on the appearance of hair on her chest, stomach, face.
In all these cases, the consultation of the gynecologist and the endocrinologist is obligatory, since it is possible that the cause of such a column is hormonal failures or just a lack of female and excess male genital hormones.
At this time, it is necessary to pay close attention to the lifestyle of the girl, her habits and addictions. It should be remembered (mainly parents) that such factors as overeating and vice versa constant malnutrition due to the following diet, insufficient physical exertion, lack of movement, a sedentary lifestyle can be negatively affected by the formation of sexual function of the girl, as provoking fat metabolism.
If you remember that it is at this age that the hormonal explosion determines a very difficult psychologically «transitional age», It becomes clear how hard it is to live a girl with such an unstable vane psyche, increased emotionality, imperitiousness, irritability in this new unusual and not arranging her body.
It is necessary to have tremendous patience and understanding the parents of the whole gravity of the position of the daughter in order to be able to help her, explain the time of this situation and consider together, and how to facilitate the manifestations of puberty period.
All the signs described above are included in the first stage of puberty, which is completed at about 12-15 years old with the appearance of the first menstruation - Menarche.
It should be remembered that the appearance of first menstruation under the age of 10 years, as well as their delay further 16 years old must be a reason for a visit to the doctor.
Of course, for an unprepared girl, the first menstruation is stress. She may experience fear, be afraid to talk about even mom's happened, just fall into panic. So for the girl is very important to learn about future menstruation even before they come. Mom must calmly explain the daughter in advance that this is the normal stage of female ripening, and then rejoice at the old girl who became an adult and, of course, to teach it to use the necessary means of hygiene and tell about how to behave during menstruation.
It must be said that the regular cycle is not installed immediately, but for about a year after Menarche. But after the emergence of the first monthly, even with an unstended irregular cycle, the girl can become pregnant in the event of a sex life, and therefore the protection is already necessary.
After the occurrence of menstruation in the development of the girl begins the so-called puberty period. It is characterized by the active development of outdoor and internal genital organs, as well as the establishment of a regular menstrual cycle.
Normally, the duration of the steady cycle - from 21 to 35 days. Recall that the cycle is considered from the first day of menstruation inclusive on the first day of the next menstruation exclusively. Menstruation normally lasts from 3 to 7 days. If the duration of the cycle is much greater or less, or menstruation lasts long and at the same time the girl loses a large amount of blood, it is necessary to refer to the gynecologist, since, most likely, this indicates any violations in the sex sphere.
It should be remembered that the recently established menstrual cycle is unstable, and it is easy to knock it off: menstruation may not start on time due to the change of climate, due to stress, overwork and for a number of other reasons. Such a delay or, on the contrary, the late start of menstruation does not yet indicate any violations of the reproductive function.
Menstruation in girls who do not live sex life may be painful due to the virgin splava, interfering with normal blood outlet. Usually after the start of sexual life, the soreness of menstruation passes. However, with severe pains during menstruation, it is better to show a gynecologist's girl who can accurately determine the cause of painful monthly. In addition to the virgin splava, the reason may be in the immaturity of the body, and in hormonal problems, and in the presence of an inflammatory infection process and even in the attack of appendicitis. Having determined the cause of the pain, the gynecologist will appoint a suitable means to relieve it.
After establishing a regular menstrual cycle, the girl should learn to conduct a monthly calendar. This habit should remain with her for life, since such a calendar is needed, for example, when contacting a gynecologist, as well as when planning pregnancy.
Such an unshakable habit of hygienic procedures during menstruation: daily washing with warm water, refusal to receive bath and bathing during menstruation. Regarding the use of hygiene products, doctors still have no one. Some believe that tampons can use even a virgin, others assure that for the girl tampons are harmful. Therefore, just in case, especially with abundant monthly, and especially in the first days of menstruation, the girl is better to use the gasket.
By 18 years, the period of puberty, as a rule, ends. Depending on the individual features of girls, some at this age are already actively living in sex, and some do not show to this area of life of increased interest. But in any case, the girl is 18 years old - no teenager, but an adult girl, the attitude to which from parents should be appropriate.
Before the period of puberty, the girl's body does not produce lactic acid bacteria that protect the vagina from infection. Therefore, the only vaginal protection is the correct care for the genital organs of the girl.
The genitals of the girls should wash up daily with clean warm water. Water can be boiled or add a chamomile chamomile to it. If there is a need to moisturize the sexual gap, an olive or sunflower oil is used in a water bath, children's cream, preheated in the palms, arc ointment.
While the girl is small, it is better to wash it with warm water after every visit to the toilet, and when it starts to use the toilet paper, teach it to do it right: in front of the back to prevent microbes from entering the vagina.
Overly to say, that when mom examines the genitals of the daughter, she itself should be purely washed hands with clean short crossed nails.
Of course, compliance with the rules of hygiene is not all. The conditions in which the girl grows is very important. Parents of the girls must follow the observance of the day of the day, alternating labor and recreation, proper nutrition, physical activity.
It should be remembered that overly intense mental and physical exertion, improper nutrition, a long-term oppressed mental state of the girl due to the inability to find its place in school, in the Society of peers, conflict situations in the family can adversely affect the development of its sexual system.
Very dangerous for the girl supercooling, especially during menstruation - this is the main way to inflammation of the appendages and the Central. No less harmful stay in wet panties or swimsuits.
Negatively affect the reproductive system of all sorts of infectious and chronic diseases, especially chronic tonsillitis, angrint, influenza.
And we must not forget that attending the girl of a children's gynecologist is not excessive precaution, but a normal prevention measure required for child health.