What is cachexia


  • Cachexia

  • Cachexia

    Cachexia - term meaning the overall exhaustion of the body under a number of severe diseases, including malignant tumors.

    Cachexia is found in almost all malignant tumors, but most often, consistently according to the degree of importance - when cancer of the stomach, pancreas, colon, prostate gland, light, breast, non-Hodgkinsky lymphomas and various sarcoma.

    What is cachexiaCancer cachexia is characterized by intense exhaustion of adipose tissue, muscle and visceral proteins, which leads to a decrease in the energy reserves of the body. This state of catabolism is accompanied by a significant decrease in body weight.

    The main causes that cause weight loss in oncological patients:

    • lack of appetite;
    • Changes in taste and olfactory sensations;
    • Reducing the digestibility of food;
    • obstruction of the tumor of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • psychological factors;
    • Violation of metabolism: proteins, fats, carbohydrates;
    • increased energy consumption;
    • change of hormonal profile;
    • Violation of the water and electrolyte balance.
    The main drugs that excite the appetite appetite, serve bitterness, usually obtained from plants in the form of galenic drugs (on­Herged grass racks, gold male and souls, leaf three­fox) or in the form of so-called appetizing fees, as well as taste (spices) that not­A noticeable side (annoying) action. Gore­Chi usually take 10-15 minutes before meals. Tastes include cumin, mint, ginger, cinnamon, carnation, va­Nile, nutmeg, various varieties of pepper, as well as mountains­Chitsi.

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