Alcohol and Son: incompatible concepts for women


Alcohol and Son: incompatible concepts for womenStill influence this «Depressive effect» On this or that floor was almost not studied. However, a group of scientists from the University of Michigan recently conducted a study in which it turned out, that women who used alcohol before bedtime slept less and wake up more often for a longer time than men rather than men, who also drank alcohol slightly. More detailed research results can be found in the Internet log «Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Studies» (Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research).

Study included surveillance in 93 healthy adults. 59 women and 34 men drank before bedtime or alcohol to the stage of intoxication, or just a non-alcoholic drink. Among the groups there were 29 research participants in which the family history includes such a hereditary disease as alcoholism. Drinks distributed research to participants from half 9 to 10 pm. After which they were watching them from 11 pm and up to 7 am.

Head of Research, Doctor of Psychiatry and Neurology of Michigan University Todd Arnedt noted:"Alcohol raised drowsiness and broke the quality of sleep more in women than in men. And the morning figures of alcohol were even worse than the indicators after the application of placebo«. He also drew attention to the fact that the quality of sleep was the same with the participants who used alcohol and those who have alcoholism in the family was a hereditary disease.

On average, women who consumed alcohol, slept 20 minutes less than those that did not drink it. It is about equivalent to a loss of 4% of sleep out of 8 hours. Armnedt explained that sexual differences affect the absorption of alcohol. Compared to men, the concentration of exhaled alcohol in women who accepted it has low indicators. He added that «The maximum indicator of alcohol concentration in our study was equal to both sexes. This means that the data obtained is not caused by higher indicators of the concentration of alcohol among women participating in the study. He also believes that the difference in indicators is not related to the experiments in drinking alcohol, which was the same with the participants».

Alcohol and Son: incompatible concepts for womenThe most recent research results are confirmed by the received data from the previous study. Namely: High dose of alcohol helps to strengthen sleep in the first hours of rest, however, has a negative effect in the form of a sleep disturbance in the following hours. Arnedt confirms that the results of a study of sexual differences «Can be useful for subsequent work in the field of studying the quality of sleep and risk of developing health disorders related to alcohol. As well as studies that assess the ratio of quality of sleep for recurrence among those who tie with alcohol».

Moderate alcohol consumption, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and eating only healthy food with men and women, promotes full sleep and maintain health.

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