China radically comes to the treatment of Internet addiction


  • Sad statistics
  • You need to look for way out
  • Radical treatment
  • Wrestling

  • Sad statistics

    China radically comes to the treatment of Internet addictionInternet addiction becomes a new science of Chinese society. Representatives of this nation are distinguished by tremendous and hardworking, which leads to catastrophic consequences in the event of any psychological dependence (probably, for this reason, gambling in China is strictly prohibited, whereas in the UK, for example, they receive state support). Many Chinese are simply unable to break away from online games and pay for it life - die from exhaustion in a few days of intensive game. Literally the other day there was another sad case. 26-year-old Chinese Xu Yan, a resident of Jinzhou (Liaoning Province), died right during the Internet game. According to his parents, he spent almost all the time (that is, seven days - so much the holidays related to the local New Year) at the computer.

    According to Chinese doctors, about 13% of Chinese Internet teenagers, i.e., about 2.6 million people, have a predisposition to Internet addiction. Psychiatrists say that one of the causes of this disease is a boring life. Many people simply have nothing to do, and they are spending a day in virtual worlds.

    You need to look for way out

    To deal with a common ailment, the Chinese government several months ago opened eight specialized dispensaries for the treatment of Internet dependence.

    China radically comes to the treatment of Internet addictionSeventeen-year-old schoolboy Sun Jitin was placed in such a clinic at the request of parents. They were concerned that the child spends the week for a computer for 15 hours a day, noticing only a change of day and night. The treatment was required immediately. Around the month he spent in the ward for a metal grille, without the possibility of communicating with friends, and his only interlocutors were psychiatrists, nurses and other patients.

    Specialized clinics are opening throughout the country as part of the National Anti-Dependence Program. The importance of this problem does not cease to strict the Communist Government of China and Local Komsomol. Simultaneously with the advent of specialized dispensaries, the Chinese government restricts the access of its citizens to «malicious» Foreign sites (pornography, gambling, anti-communist propaganda).

    Radical treatment

    The largest and oldest clinic for the treatment of Internet-dependent is at the military base in Dasin, the suburbs of Beijing, and in normal days gives 60 patients, but in critical periods, their number increases to 280. Patient age: from 12 to 24 years. Only very few of them came here at a good wax. Almost everyone was brought by parents who pay for treatment in the amount of $ 1300 per month (in China with an average salary $ 130 is very big money).

    China radically comes to the treatment of Internet addictionThe dispensary was originally created for the treatment of heroin addiction, but later it was converted in accordance with new realities. Treatment of Internet drug addicts - a more relevant problem today. However, psychotropic drugs, antidepressants, hypnosis and weak electric shocks remain in the arsenal of local doctors, as well as military discipline and strict insulation of patients.

    In the dispensary ten large individual chambers. The whole clinic is painted gray-blue cold colors, and only in these walls walls with warm color, with lots of solar color to increase serotonin levels in patient brains. Morning begins at 6 h. 30 minutes when the habitual soldier's cry was broadcast on the chambers of the chamber: «It's for your own good!».

    On the third floor there are chambers for the most severe patients who are considered chronic Internet drug addicts, with experience in five or more. These unfortunate after a few days of treatment fall into strong depression and refuse to meet a doctor. Chambers on the third floor are observed 24 hours a day.


    China is not the first country where Internet addiction is discussed at the state level. In the past few months, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam also took steps to protect the teen from unnecessary virtual reality. As part of these measures, children's admission to Internet clubs and systems are implemented «Parental control», which automatically stop the communication session every five hours online. In Finland K «Internet members» Come softer: Internet addiction may even lead to a delay from calling to the army. In Russian clinics are also treated from this addiction. Patients often have to take psychotropic substances and sometimes lie under the drip. But no country has gone along the way to combat Internet addiction so far as China.

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